I'm a homer

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Basically I think most of us here are all Homers . My definition of a Homer is anyone who continues rooting on and cheering for your team despite how much they struggle or suk.

We just aren’t all Blind Homers or optimistic. Some are more critical of different aspects . I’ve always said you don’t have to support all of the moving pieces to support the sum .

I think your problem child analogy is a good one .
My favorite analogy is being a Cowboys fan is like being in love with a cheatin' woman and you just can't quit her. Ladies of the forum feel free to apply the male counterpart to that but we know all men are cheaters and liars. We come out of the womb trying to convince others we were somewhere else.

We get these posts every year like "I am not buying any more of their BS" like it's their fault for spinning. That's what business owners do, spin like spiders on amphetamines.

What I don't agree with is anyone getting down on themselves, or worse, others criticizing them for believing what they want to believe.

This is being a fan and logic is often counter to that 100% emotional based feeling.

So you believe and were disappointed again, that's OK, this is a game and is supposed to be fun. It's nothing more than entertainment.
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I don't agree as to prejudice of his involvement. The NFL started out for Jerry Jones with him being molded by San Francisco and then the Raider owners as to team management at that time in the NFL

Let's see who did what in Dallas from Jimmy Johnson thru Chan Gailey...

Johnson 1989 - 1993
3 Seasons in the playoffs and winning 2 Super Bowls in years four and five

Barry Switzer 1994 - 1997
3 Seasons in the playofffs and won 1 Super Bowl in four years being Head Coach

Chan Gailey 1998 - 1999
2 seasons in the playoffs

The first 11 seasons GM'ing, his Cowboys made it to the playoffs 8 seasons.

Bill Parcells was Head Coach for four seasons and made it to the playoffs twice.

Wade Phillips was Head Coach for four seasons and made it to the playoffs twice.

Jason Garrett was Head Coach for nine and a half seasons and made it to the playoffs three times.

McCarthy has been Head Coach for the past three seasons. He started with a team full of injuries and the pandemic starting out his first Cowboys season. His team has consecutive 12 win seaons and playoffs in three years if being Head Coach,

Now, looking at the past 9 seasons of Cowboys play:

2022 12-5 *
2021 12-5 *
2020 6-10
2019 8-8
2018 10-6 *
2017 9-7
2016 13-3 *
2015 4-12
2014 12-4 *

(* means s plsyoff season)

That is five of nine seasons that the Cowboys were in the playoffs.

Football at the NFL has changed quite a bit...but no, Jerry has consistently taken his franchise to respectable play and records. That is despite problems and changes in rosters.
Is the SB still the gold standard? Just askin
That "hold the team accountable", how do you propose doing that? Have you seen any indication that the fans will hold management accountable?

And while many entitled fans here lament about the last two seasons, many think back-to-back 12 win seasons and the playoffs is not bad at all.

We have a tendency to place the unrest of this forum on the entire fandom and that is just not the case. Do you know what most of the fandom would think about the time grown adult people spend here doing what we do and getting timeouts because we can't keep from acting like children and arguing over a 40M a year QB.

The most telling truth is that while this 27 years of futility and frustration for some fans has been going on, this team has led the sports world in profits, coverage and value. How in the hell do the fans hold management accountable? It suspends logical thinking.

I've been accused of lowering my expectations and have laughed every time. I look at what I've seen and what I see, look at the talent but most of all look at the culture and project what I think the team will do, not what I want it to do.

Rayman, the problem with lofty expectations is that they're born out of entitlement.
accountability means we the fans need to ask questions often and loudly when its needed. Silence by the fans means we are just as much 2 blame.
entitlement? U sure its that or the fact greatness must be earned and cultivated? Thats all I am saying. That being said, its not asking much to want answers, so that we can win Big again. Thats called accountability in action. We the fans are complicit otherwise, if we are silent like sheep. The team talks the talk every year, the last 27 years and have failed 2 walk that walk. I'm simply calling this fact out. I wont be silent.
I was one of the most entitled and spoiled fans you'd ever want to meet. Hell, winning wasn't good enough for me, they had to look good doing it.

20 winning seasons in a row, a team bigger than life, the playoffs considered not just a given but a right and up against many that really didn't like my team.

I took the sport and losing too seriously and truth be told, did not watch them to see them play but to win.

There are many entitled here because of the history of the team.
I was one of the most entitled and spoiled fans you'd ever want to meet. Hell, winning wasn't good enough for me, they had to look good doing it.

20 winning seasons in a row, a team bigger than life, the playoffs considered not just a given but a right and up against many that really didn't like my team.

I took the sport and losing too seriously and truth be told, did not watch them to see them play but to win.

There are many entitled here because of the history of the team.
yeah u aint lyin but its time many wake up and start seeing things as they are and take the blinders off.
yeah u aint lyin but its time many wake up and start seeing things as they are and take the blinders off.
Depends on the person.

Not everyone places the same importance on the results of any game or season.

We are a niche group of fans and most care a hell of a lot more than the average fan who sees this as a past-time, not a full time endeavor.

But unless those people come here and experience what it's like to be a part of this community, they cannot fathom the amount of time we spend here.

Speaking for myself, I am not addicted to the Cowboys or the NFL. I am addicted to this site and the people that comprise it. Even when we're at our worst and the insults are flying, it's a better day being here than not.

But we need to be cognizant of just how weird we are and the real world that lies at the perimeter of our world just would not get us.

Quick story. One day my wife asked me about what I do on the old DC.com forum to spend that much time and what was so funny? I invited her to sit beside me and she accepted and did that for about 2 hours and she laughed quite a bit. After that amount of time, she remarked "but you didn't spend most of the time talking about the Cowboys". I just looked at her and smiled and she got it. Now, on that site I could give into my inclination to stray and open the stream of consciousness more than I can here and I was a perp not a cop.

We are not normal. We need to keep that foremost and above all, be OK with that. My past-time switched from football madness to forum madness. I know I am not normal and perfectly OK with that. Because among my brethren and sisteren here, I am normal.
You were never a homer if you let that happen to yourself. Just a pretender. It’s the definition of a band wagoner fan.
Let's get this straight. The fans who look at things realistically are pretenders. The fans who constantly pretend that nothing is wrong and everything will be all right are what then?

Do you even realize how funny/ironic what you said is, or even why it's funny/ironic?
It’s false equivalency to say the homers are the opposite of the haters. And again, for the millionth time I’ve said this, a hater is someone who almost always complains about everything, every thread, every post and every day. And a homer is not someone with blind faith. You’ve heard everyone here who is believed to be a homer, complain from time to time about the FO or a player or a coach. A homer is someone who continues to have hope. They‘re hoping that the team will catch lightening in a bottle like we’ve seen so many teams do in years past. We also are realists. We can see that when the team is playing poorly over a period of time that reaching the ultimate goal of the SB is not likely. But we still watch and hope that players will get better. We hope the FO brings in better coaches, better players. Hope is the gift of life. If you don’t have it, then you’re hopeless and to come here and constantly whine shows a lack of character, one who easily gives up when things aren’t going well. They use excuses like, “I’m a realist”, or “27 years of futility has made me this way.” They’re just lying to themselves. They’ve quit on themselves. So to equate homers to haters is just a bunch of non-sense and it’s not owning up to the real reality that there are huge differences in character between the two.
It’s false equivalency to say the homers are the opposite of the haters. And again, for the millionth time I’ve said this, a hater is someone who almost always complains about everything, every thread, every post and every day. And a homer is not someone with blind faith. You’ve heard everyone here who is believed to be a homer, complain from time to time about the FO or a player or a coach. A homer is someone who continues to have hope. They‘re hoping that the team will catch lightening in a bottle like we’ve seen so many teams do in years past. We also are realists. We can see that when the team is playing poorly over a period of time that reaching the ultimate goal of the SB is not likely. But we still watch and hope that players will get better. We hope the FO brings in better coaches, better players. Hope is the gift of life. If you don’t have it, then you’re hopeless and to come here and constantly whine shows a lack of character, one who easily gives up when things aren’t going well. They use excuses like, “I’m a realist”, or “27 years of futility has made me this way.” They’re just lying to themselves. They’ve quit on themselves. So to equate homers to haters is just a bunch of non-sense and it’s not owning up to the real reality that there are huge differences in character between the two.
Constantly whining about the haters also shows a lack of character.
Is it really whining when much of it is true? Just my 2 cents. I think we all are die hards who come here to vent. I think we have earned that right.
How have we earned that right?

The constant references to the 27 years of futility becomes whining.

If I were an outsider coming in here, I would ask "after 23 years, didn't you see a trend"?

It is also not correct because we have had some good teams and seasons during those 27 years, homefield several times.

There is no relief when the entitled are unfulfilled.
How have we earned that right?

The constant references to the 27 years of futility becomes whining.

If I were an outsider coming in here, I would ask "after 23 years, didn't you see a trend"?

It is also not correct because we have had some good teams and seasons during those 27 years, homefield several times.

There is no relief when the entitled are unfulfilled.
Well the way I see it is I been a fan since 1973, so from my perspective, I can feel the way I choose and if that's considered whining,sobeit. Roger set the standard and I refuse to accept anything less. I won't supply this organization with more excuses.
How have we earned that right?

The constant references to the 27 years of futility becomes whining.

If I were an outsider coming in here, I would ask "after 23 years, didn't you see a trend"?

It is also not correct because we have had some good teams and seasons during those 27 years, homefield several times.

There is no relief when the entitled are unfulfilled.
The constant whining about other posters, no matter in what vein, is beyond wearisome. There are several that appear to do little else aside from whining about others.
Is the SB still the gold standard? Just askin
Great question.

While it’s the ultimate goal , I’d argue it’s not a SB or Bust mentality every year. It goes back to adjusting those expectations based on recent history and trends.

We have too many fans still basing their expectations on the events of history which occurred 30-50 years ago. I’m not sure that’s a realistic outlook or perspective.
Well the way I see it is I been a fan since 1973, so from my perspective, I can feel the way I choose and if that's considered whining,sobeit. Roger set the standard and I refuse to accept anything less. I won't supply this organization with more excuses.
No doubt you are entitled to feel however you choose . I hear ya , we are all frustrated but this isn’t the same franchise many of us grew up with in Staubach’s era.

While we should keep the pressure on this dysfunctional ownership for more success , I’m not sure it’s making much of an impact.

It’s like with anyone or any situation where their actions stray from how we see it should be done at some point we need to lower expectations or simply walk away. Like a problem child or family member with a chronic habit that steers them away from more success or doing the right thing.

But if you come up with a plan to run Jethro out of town I’ll be right there with you. Until then I’m just apathetically following along expecting the worse hoping for the best complaining all the way to the bank. Lol
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