I'm goin to the Cowboys/Eagles game this weekend

phillycard;1069166 said:
generally, I don't why you guys worry about wearing Cowboys gear to the Linc. Of all teams there are usually plenty of Cowboys fans there and the ones targeted will be the beligerent, loud ones that always decide to make a spectacle by spouting off. Follow the rules of fandom, and you'll be all right. Not saying you won't get a brew thrown at you, or the famous "A-Hole" chant, but it can be done. Oh, and going with a group might be a wise idea. I never had a big problem when I used to go to the Vet every year. Cheer, but do it low key, and you'll be fine.

Probably, because you're a Cards fan.

They sucked and continue to suck. So why waste our time.
Timbo2st;1069184 said:
They sucked and continue to suck. So why waste your time.

Thats exactly how every conversation I have with an Eagles fan ends ...... before they run away crying.
zrinkill;1069190 said:
Thats exactly how every conversation I have with an Eagles fan ends ...... before they run away crying.

Good one.

You're quick. Let me tell ya.
Phoenix-Talon;1069050 said:
Listen iceberg ...you sound like you have some sense, unlike 5S the homroll (that's an Internal home troll). Many of the MBs have them, they are the ones that try to garner support from their own fandom By shaking up nonsensical dirt posts that have Nothing to do with the topic. Their targets are any opponent fan with a different persepective.

Go back and look at your posts. Notice that 5S tries to sprinkle a little nonsense in your ears each time you make comments. And each time you seem to sound a little more like him.

Note: The topic Here is "I'm going to the Cowboys/Eagles game this weekend."

I'd Like to conduct a decent dialogue about this and any subject with you. But each time I try, here comes homeroll. That's why I chose to bow out of our last dialogue. Things were looking up regarding our connectivity ...but then ...

About the scenario you gave regarding the encounter with that Eagle fan. Sounds like he was a trouble maker. If someone wants to make trouble with a person, they are going to find a way that will initiate their goal. I can't break it down any further. Troublemakers come in all fandoms. Watch out for that one on your shoulder ...he's already slipped and reveaed himself several times to his own fan members here ...look around for His posts. In one post he calls his own fandom and fans ...stupid (there was No indication that he was being facetious.

Ok, it's up to you ...

Ohhhh...did homroll hurt your little feelings Phonetic-Talon? I thought you and me was buddies, huh? What happened? Did I strike a nerve in you?

Cheer up...grow a pair! I'm here on this board to read articles mostly, however, when I see a fake, I see a fake...and that would be you!

If you have noticed, I have backed off of the RedStinks trash talk, because finally the ones that have stayed here and come here are actually good fans...they don't come here with vieled posts like you do (remember the question you asked regarding "some lineman that grabbed a kickers facemask" but you don't know what team it was)? Those are the kinds of things that you come here with...and there are many more..

I'm not the only one that sees it that way, however, I might be one or two of the ones that call you on it and you don't like it that you don't fool me...

I don't like eagle fans, period! And no, RedStink fans are 100 times better then eagle "fandoms" (and that word is getting really old)...and they can take my taunts and taunt me back (in fun only) without crying out to the mods or the rest of the board saying, "5Tears is being mean to me and calling you Cowboy "fandoms" :rolleyes: stupid, waa, waa, waa..."

Grow a pair, relax and take it easy, or put me on ignore. If the mods want me to cool it, they will tell me, and they have at other times...however, I'm sure they know me by now...

I'm a Cowboy fan, you are an eagle fan, this is a Cowboy board...you figure it out!
Allright. Im gonna step in here and point something out.

Just read through most of this thread. Its pretty obvious that the reason eagles fans are so nasty is because of the constant trash talk about the city of philadelphia being a dump, and the uppity, snotty, high and mighty attitude of those from other cities that might not have as much blight as a few areas of philly because they are more modern.

So what you have is a more white collar fanbase or group of people dumping on a blue collar fan base. Not just about the team but about the entire city that they have been born and raised in. So how do you think a blue collar group is going to react........

I have always been a dallas cowboys fan and football is the only sport i really enjoy, so the dallas cowboys are the one and only professional sports team that i get excited about. But i have also always lived near or in philly, and quite frankly from reading some of the posts here about talking down the whole city of philadelphia i really dont blame philadelphians for the way they act sometimes.
Hoov;1069229 said:
Allright. Im gonna step in here and point something out.

Just read through most of this thread. Its pretty obvious that the reason eagles fans are so nasty is because of the constant trash talk about the city of philadelphia being a dump, and the uppity, snotty, high and mighty attitude of those from other cities that might not have as much blight as a few areas of philly because they are more modern.

So what you have is a more white collar fanbase or group of people dumping on a blue collar fan base. Not just about the team but about the entire city that they have been born and raised in. So how do you think a blue collar group is going to react........

I have always been a dallas cowboys fan and football is the only sport i really enjoy, so the dallas cowboys are the one and only professional sports team that i get excited about. But i have also always lived near or in philly, and quite frankly from reading some of the posts here about talking down the whole city of philadelphia i really dont blame philadelphians for the way they act sometimes.

I know you are a diehard Cowboys fan, but ...beautifully said Hoov! Your Next Hoagie is on me!:D
Hoov;1069229 said:
Allright. Im gonna step in here and point something out.

Just read through most of this thread. Its pretty obvious that the reason eagles fans are so nasty is because of the constant trash talk about the city of philadelphia being a dump, and the uppity, snotty, high and mighty attitude of those from other cities that might not have as much blight as a few areas of philly because they are more modern.

So what you have is a more white collar fanbase or group of people dumping on a blue collar fan base. Not just about the team but about the entire city that they have been born and raised in. So how do you think a blue collar group is going to react........

I have always been a dallas cowboys fan and football is the only sport i really enjoy, so the dallas cowboys are the one and only professional sports team that i get excited about. But i have also always lived near or in philly, and quite frankly from reading some of the posts here about talking down the whole city of philadelphia i really dont blame philadelphians for the way they act sometimes.

Just don't include me in your post, Hoov:


Now, as far as eagle "fandoms"...they can walk off a cliff for all I care!
Hoov;1069229 said:
Allright. Im gonna step in here and point something out.

Just read through most of this thread. Its pretty obvious that the reason eagles fans are so nasty is because of the constant trash talk about the city of philadelphia being a dump, and the uppity, snotty, high and mighty attitude of those from other cities that might not have as much blight as a few areas of philly because they are more modern.

So what you have is a more white collar fanbase or group of people dumping on a blue collar fan base. Not just about the team but about the entire city that they have been born and raised in. So how do you think a blue collar group is going to react........

I have always been a dallas cowboys fan and football is the only sport i really enjoy, so the dallas cowboys are the one and only professional sports team that i get excited about. But i have also always lived near or in philly, and quite frankly from reading some of the posts here about talking down the whole city of philadelphia i really dont blame philadelphians for the way they act sometimes.

i do.

regardless of what the world around you does, the only thing you can decide for yourself is what you will do and the choices you will make. if the philly fans choose to act like they're in jr. high defending "turf" that's their choice.

the "boogie man" had nothing to do with it.

i also - did not berate the town, just the fans i've met and how i formulated my own opinions about them along the way.

and i see PT came back when you showed but faded on me once more.

you want 5stars to be wrong, pt - quit fading till someone else shows up to chime in then pop up over their shoulder with a YEA!!!
iceberg;1069275 said:
i do.

regardless of what the world around you does, the only thing you can decide for yourself is what you will do and the choices you will make. if the philly fans choose to act like they're in jr. high defending "turf" that's their choice.

the "boogie man" had nothing to do with it.

i also - did not berate the town, just the fans i've met and how i formulated my own opinions about them along the way.

and i see PT came back when you showed but faded on me once more.

you want 5stars to be wrong, pt - quit fading till someone else shows up to chime in then pop up over their shoulder with a YEA!!!

* crickets *

chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp
Timbo2st;1069184 said:
Probably, because you're a Cards fan.

They sucked and continue to suck. So why waste our time.

Our?? I thought this was a Cowboys forum fam??
iceberg;1069275 said:
i do.

regardless of what the world around you does, the only thing you can decide for yourself is what you will do and the choices you will make. if the philly fans choose to act like they're in jr. high defending "turf" that's their choice.

the "boogie man" had nothing to do with it.

i also - did not berate the town, just the fans i've met and how i formulated my own opinions about them along the way.

and i see PT came back when you showed but faded on me once more.

you want 5stars to be wrong, pt - quit fading till someone else shows up to chime in then pop up over their shoulder with a YEA!!!

thats fine ice and i know not everyone berated the town. But im just pointing out a reality of human nature and the reasoning behind certain things. Im not condoning the stuff that goes on at eagles games either, there are always a few people that take things to the extreme and a lot of things done by a few get generalized to the whole and that isnt the reality.

This city has its share of problems but is a great city with a lot of history and anyone who is a patriot of the US and fan of american history would have to acknowledge that Philly has been a city of prominence in that regard.

Yes, a lot of philadelphians have the tough guy mentality and there are reasons for that, this is a very old city with a lot of blue collar types whose families have lived here for generations and they take an extreme amount of pride in that. And this city gets a bad rap more than it deserves because of people passing through who dont take the time to get to really know philadelphia, which in turn only makes its citizens that much more ready to rally over something. Its a cyclical thing, Not saying its right, its just a reality and the way things have gone over the years.

Again, I am not by any means saying that gives one the right to attack another or be completely disrespectful at a sporting event. I am not defending the craziness that has occurred at eagle football games in the past.
to a point i understand what you're saying, but philly isn't the only "old town" we have. boston has got a little bit of history to it and the red sox fans, the pats fans, have *all* been wonderful to me when i've had the chance to meet them. they don't "take matters into their own hands" when a FREAKING GAME doesn't go their way and they don't act like they have to kill those not them or of their mindset.

if the city is dirty, clean it up. 10 years ago, for example, i was amazed at how "dirty" seattle was downtown. this summer i was there for a week and it's a complete 180. the city did something about it and cleaned up the downtown area. the difference here is as long as you recognize granola as a food group seattle people won't care what you wear. : )

if "the people" want a different rep - then just act differently. you can't force the world to understand YOUR VIEWS ONLY and expect them to fall in line. it's not working well for "radical religions" and it's not gonna work well here either.

the citizens wanna rally - great. find something worthwhile and make a difference. beating up opposing football team fans isn't a good place to start proving what heritage we have in this part of our country.
iceberg;1069325 said:
the citizens wanna rally - great. find something worthwhile and make a difference. beating up opposing football team fans isn't a good place to start proving what heritage we have in this part of our country.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --

Since my main man brought it up in one of his posts, I thought I would insert this little tid-bit of information about "The Declaration of Independence" since what you said, Iceberg, was perfect!

Oh, and granola is for wimps, but, I've been to Seattle and, yeah, what you said...it's a cool place (no pun intended) and you're are safe to go almost anywhere in that city or their game in full Cowboy gear, and they don't say a thing...as a matter of fact, I think they enjoy having opposing fans there...it's makes for a more entertaining game...which is what football is supposed to be about...

Good post, Iceberg!
(I thought I would pull a PT on you)...
iceberg;1069325 said:
to a point i understand what you're saying, but philly isn't the only "old town" we have. boston has got a little bit of history to it and the red sox fans, the pats fans, have *all* been wonderful to me when i've had the chance to meet them. they don't "take matters into their own hands" when a FREAKING GAME doesn't go their way and they don't act like they have to kill those not them or of their mindset.

if the city is dirty, clean it up. 10 years ago, for example, i was amazed at how "dirty" seattle was downtown. this summer i was there for a week and it's a complete 180. the city did something about it and cleaned up the downtown area. the difference here is as long as you recognize granola as a food group seattle people won't care what you wear. : )

if "the people" want a different rep - then just act differently. you can't force the world to understand YOUR VIEWS ONLY and expect them to fall in line. it's not working well for "radical religions" and it's not gonna work well here either.

the citizens wanna rally - great. find something worthwhile and make a difference. beating up opposing football team fans isn't a good place to start proving what heritage we have in this part of our country.

the city is getting cleaned up. local politicians have had a lot to do with the lack of initiative for this until recently.

the people here really dont want a different rep, frankly they dont care so much what others think. Thats one thing i LOVE about philly, very liberal.

Cmon, how many philly fans really take matters into their own hands.
Hoov;1069762 said:
the city is getting cleaned up. local politicians have had a lot to do with the lack of initiative for this until recently.

the people here really dont want a different rep, frankly they dont care so much what others think. Thats one thing i LOVE about philly, very liberal.

Cmon, how many philly fans really take matters into their own hands.

dunno. never been there and going off "rep" they've earned on what i have seen. if they're willing to throw batteries and snowballs at the players on national tv and then crow around a decade plus later they were there - why is it hard to fathom they'll get violent to an average fan walking back to their car?

if philly fans truly didn't care what others thought, PT wouldn't be in here whining so much about it. it does seem like every time i respond to him he just fades cause he knows the eagles have the worst fans in the league.

if that's what makes 'em happy, great. but don't sit in denial all at the same time and act like it's not as bad as it is.
Howboutdemcowboys31;1065880 said:
anyone else going? I would wear all my dallas gear but i turn 18 this Wensday so thats not sucha good idea haha. Never been to the Link looking forward to it this will be my 5th Cowboys Eagles game and we are 4-0 thus far when i go :D

Becareful, they said some giant fans got attacked by some ignorant Eagles fans after the Giants came back to beat the Eagles. It will probably be worse since it's the Cowboys and (hopefully) a 30+ point blowout! ;) :p:
nyc;1070336 said:
Becareful, they said some giant fans got attacked by some ignorant Eagles fans after the Giants came back to beat the Eagles. It will probably be worse since it's the Cowboys and (hopefully) a 30+ point blowout! ;) :p:

NO! this can't be!!! it's just a misunderstanding or they must have been egging the poor eagles fans on!!! :)
As a visitor I want to make noise even more than at home. Some eagle fans have the reputation of wanting to use criminal acts to imtimidate visiting fans. The criticism of eagle fans comes from their criminal behavior not their social class or state of inner city Philadelphia, at least initially.

It would be interesting to get a league wide survey. Is Oakland a dangerous place to go as a visitor for example? Sometimes the fans are the problem, sometime the stadium location is.
Don't wear Dallas gear. I'm serious. If there's one game I'd avoid its that game.

Philly fans will take TO hatred to a new level.

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