Phoenix-Talon;1069050 said:
Listen iceberg sound like you have some sense, unlike 5S the homroll (that's an Internal home troll). Many of the MBs have them, they are the ones that try to garner support from their own fandom By shaking up nonsensical dirt posts that have Nothing to do with the topic. Their targets are any opponent fan with a different persepective.
Go back and look at your posts. Notice that 5S tries to sprinkle a little nonsense in your ears each time you make comments. And each time you seem to sound a little more like him.
Note: The topic Here is "I'm going to the Cowboys/Eagles game this weekend."
I'd Like to conduct a decent dialogue about this and any subject with you. But each time I try, here comes homeroll. That's why I chose to bow out of our last dialogue. Things were looking up regarding our connectivity ...but then ...
About the scenario you gave regarding the encounter with that Eagle fan. Sounds like he was a trouble maker. If someone wants to make trouble with a person, they are going to find a way that will initiate their goal. I can't break it down any further. Troublemakers come in all fandoms. Watch out for that one on your shoulder ...he's already slipped and reveaed himself several times to his own fan members here ...look around for His posts. In one post he calls his own fandom and fans ...stupid (there was No indication that he was being facetious.
Ok, it's up to you ...
hey i'm perfectly willing to listen and go by what *you* tell me and not what others around me think or say. HOWEVER - you're the one who's trying to say skins fans are worse and make up any other bit of nonsense you can to take the heat off the subject.
the topic at hand is fine and if you want to run back to it to get out of where it drifted to, great. i'll be the bunny in the cave and you can yell RUN AWAY RUN AWAY as i bounce out.
there is *no mistaking* the fact that the eagles fans are the worst in the country in almost any professional sport. i agree this guy i talk about today is merely an example of your fanbase, but he's a good one.
he was DAMN PROUD he was one throwing batteries at santa and the opposing team. he was DAMN PROUD the eagle fans have that rep.
why are you so "in denial" that your fanbase sucks? if you're a rare but good example of the decent fans out there, great. but let's not gloss over that for every 1 of you there are 20 of him out there. ya'll put a courthouse in your own stadium for pity's sake - what does that tell you? the skins fans don't have 'em. we sure don't. NO OTHER FRANCHISE HAS THIS.
this is evidence to support the fact that eagles fans are violent, beligerant troublemakers who have no idea of what fair sportsmanship is about nor do they wish to. they're "proud" of it. sounds like you're not - great. but again, you're in the vast minority.
5stars can pop in and out as he pleases but don't think that my "drifting to his side" is because i agree with him - it's more because you're being stubborn w/o facts on this and have to rush out to european soccer violence to counter the fact then rush to the title of the thread when that didn't work.
eagles fans are pathetic. till that changes, neither will my opinion of them. the other one i've told you about that happened to be very polite and curtious - at least she realizes she's in the minority.
give it a shot. self-honesty is quite exhilerating.