Informal Poll Is Garrett a better Head Coach than Wade?

I'm undecided.

The sample sizes are too different and the success is too similar to decide.

If Garrett went something like 5-11 and 6-10 or 10-6 and 12-4; then we could probably make more of a decision. Instead, we have the highs of Wade (13-3 and 11-5) and the lows of Wade (9-7 and 1-7) versus Garrett going 8-8 and 8-8. Garrett was also left with a 1-7 team and turned it into a 5-3 with a lesser QB. But, he really hasn't capitalized upon that in his first 2 season. It hasn't been 'bad', but it hasn't been great either.

I think Garrett is far better at developing players. We are already seeing this. Hell, he took somebody like Spencer who was 'going into business for himself' in 2010 under Wade and immediately when Garrett took over that changed. And Dez is really developing now. I can't imagine him straightening up like he has if Wade was still the coach. So, not only has Garrett done a good job of developing his own draft picks, but he's gotten improvement out of Wade drafted players as well.

I think Wade is a better D-Coordinator than Garrett is an O-Coordinator. And I think Wade is better at coordinating the defense while being the HC than Garrett is at coordinating the offense while he is HC. I think Wade has less of an ego and had no problem being a 'walkaround coach' if he had the D-Coordinator for it. I think Garrett begrudgingly has allowed Callahan to take over the playcalling.

I think Garrett is far better at handling the press than Wade. It's really too bad because in most places, this wouldn't be an issue. But, Dallas is very different. I actually think Garrett handles the press far better than Parcells did. Parcells always wanted some of the spotlight and would put up with some of the media nonsense. Garrett simply shoots all that nonsense down. And I think it translates into a more focused team.

To me, I think if the Callahan things works pretty well that Garrett will likely end up being the better coach. I believe in player development and that eventually that will translate into the level of success a team will have. I think Wade wasn't good at developing players in Dallas because of his laid back attitude and how players in Dallas tend to rest on their laurels if given the chance. I think Garrett knows the ins and outs of being a Cowboys player and develops players well. With Wade, the problems with player development were going to end up in his downfall. Therefore, I feel a coach like Garrett who is doing a good job of developing players will eventually see the team become a success.

xwalker;5096026 said:
Is Garrett a better Head Coach than Wade?

By a landslide, yes.

This is like comparing Andrew Luck to Rex Grossman. Technically, Grossman has done more, but he's not your choice to take you to the promised land.
I don't think comparing records in 2010 is all that reasonable.

Clearly Wade had lost the team by that point. Any coach who loses his team in that fashion is going to probably end up fired by midseason.

It's also not reasonable because Wade from 2009 wasn't the same coach as 2010. So 2010 is the "real" Wade but the seasons where he had success are just cast aside?

That said, Jason is likely the better coach simply because he can play the role better than Wade can. I would imagine getting read the riot act from Jason is a little more impactful on a player than it would be from Wade.

Anyone remember Wade having his "talk" with Spencer?

"Well, ya know you need to be at rehab......and, know it hurts me more than it does you but I'm gonna have to fine you a whole $100".

Wade couldn't play that role. Not only because Jerry trumped him but also because Wade didn't have the personality to do it.

Even if Jason was unable to fine a player, he'd make it obviously clear that the player isn't doing his job. He has the demeanor and the vocabulary to strike at the one area where it hurts most, the ego. Fining a guy is meaningless unless you starting fining them such an amount that they notice it actually happens. You have to be able to make the player care, one way or another. I don't think Wade could do that and I think Jason can.

If both of these guys said, "I'd rather not have to do this" in terms of reprimanding the guy the actual meaning would be worlds apart.

Wade's meaning would be, "because I'm a giant wuss and don't like confrontation".

Jason's meaning would be, "because we both have better things to do and taking time to just to babysit you means that I have less time to give to the team and because of that, you are a detriment".

Jason is a better coach than Wade. Not because of 2010 but because he simply knows how to handle himself and doesn't cut his own legs out from under him by trying to be best buds while fining a guy.

Not even sure what it matters though. Wade isn't some standard of excellence in head coaching. The bar really isn't set that high. I'd wager at least 3/4ths of the league's coaches are better than Wade at coaching so it's not like being better than the guy puts any one person in sacred territory.
ABQCOWBOY;5096122 said:
No, it doesnt' mean that at all but that, again, was not the question. The question was, who hires and fires. Who's decision was it. Well, that's always Jerry and there is no middle ground on that. Jerry lets us know it's him with alarming regularity. This whole entire thing is being discussed right how, because Jerry was letting us know this.

As for what you believe, I would say believe what you want. The problem here is that one question is asked but when the answer is given, suddenly other topics are inferred. That's fine but it doesn't change the fact that the answers are given to the questions that were asked. Not the inferences that are added later.


No offense, but you're full of it, sir.

You stated how you didn't like how Jerry was basically bringing in guys to undercut his HC, Jason Garrett. I asked how do we know it was Jerry's decision to bring in these guys, when its been assumed that JG was the one who wanted to bring in Callahan to replace Houck. There's also no reason to not believe that Jason was the guy who lobbied for Kiffin and Marinelli as well, since JG is the one with connections to these guys, not Jerry.

Jerry isn't going out of his way to try and undercut the guy he calls his "premier asset". Jason is much more likely the guy trying to bring in good coaches to round out his staff. Your scenario is unrealistic at best.
Gaede;5096048 said:
Wade's record after 3 years--33-15.
Garrett (almost 3 years)--21-19

Pretty easy decision.

Obviously skewed by the last season Wade coached and the first Garrett coached, but point is, Wade was more successful than Garrett

It comes down to this in my opnion, too, although I'm hoping the better drafts under Garrett will produce more enduring success. I think this year will be an extremely important one for RHJ.
So far, Wade is better because his tenure has been concluded. We shall see how it plays out until He's fired, or wins something important.
xwalker;5096026 said:
Is Garrett a better Head Coach than Wade?

Wade...........2 division titles and a playoff victory

Garrett.........500 head coach that has never finished higher than 3rd in East.

The scoreboard doesn't lie, so far Garrett has not come close to the results Wade gave us. I don't care about RKG and standing in a straight line for the national anthem, the NFL comes down to one measuring stick...........WINS.
CowboysFaninDC;5096070 said:
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes yes, yes and a 1000 times yes. not even close

Yea, the .500 coach is 1000 times better than the guy who won a playoff game.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Matts4313;5096087 said:
Exactly. This isnt even debatable. If you dont realize RED>>WADE than you have your head stuck in the sand somewhere.

Some fans value actually winning games more than rah-rah speeches.
17yearsandcounting;5096123 said:
Why dont we compare Garrett to Campo or Gailey?

Gailey made the playoffs............Red cant finish higher than 3rd in the East.

Campo and Garrett are the only coaches in the history of this franchise to never take their team to the playoffs. Much more of a better comparison than to Wade at this point.
Beast_from_East;5096547 said:
Wade...........2 division titles and a playoff victory

Garrett.........500 head coach that has never finished higher than 3rd in East.

The scoreboard doesn't lie, so far Garrett has not come close to the results Wade gave us. I don't care about RKG and standing in a straight line for the national anthem, the NFL comes down to one measuring stick...........WINS.

So you'd rather have Wade Phillips as coach over Garrett?
AmberBeer;5096552 said:
So you'd rather have Wade Phillips as coach over Garrett?

With Wade we won the division, made the playoffs, even had our first playoff win since the ice age.

With Garrett we have .500 seasons, no playoffs, and critical coaching blunders that cost the team the game (see icing your own kicker).

Based on actual results, not intangibles, Wade was far better of a head coach. I don't remember Wade being the reason we lost 3-4 games. So yea, at this point in time, I would take Wade over Garrett and his blunders.

Maybe my opinion would change if Red could somehow manage to break .500 this year.
Beast_from_East;5096554 said:
With Wade we won the division, made the playoffs, even had our first playoff win since the ice age.

With Garrett we have .500 seasons, no playoffs, and critical coaching blunders that cost the team the game (see icing your own kicker).

Based on actual results, not intangibles, Wade was far better of a head coach. I don't remember Wade being the reason we lost 3-4 games. So yea, at this point in time, I would take Wade over Garrett and his blunders.

Maybe my opinion would change if Red could somehow manage to break .500 this year.

That's funny. Wanting Wade as your head coach over Garrett.
AmberBeer;5096560 said:
That's funny. Wanting Wade as your head coach over Garrett.

Some of us prefer actual wins over rah-rah speeches.

But maybe that's just me.
AmberBeer;5096560 said:
That's funny. Wanting Wade as your head coach over Garrett.

Beast from the East also has a serious learning disability, as evidenced by careful analysis of his posts. Don't bother.
Since Wade’s stint as HC in Dallas was in all probability his last then you can gauge how good/bad he was from his record.

Jason’s career as a HC is just 2.5 seasons old, so when his last HC gig is done and dusted then you will be able to compare.

Until then it’s just guesswork based in no small part (especially on this board) on who you like/hate.
I think Garrett is a better "leader of men" and has much better public speaking skills, but Wade has to be considered the better coach right now.
Wade is clearly the better coordinator, neither have been good HC's. I doubt that either one of them could get a HC gig with another team at this point. JG might salvage / establish his rep if the team does well this year, but the machinations in this year's off-season might result in Kiffin / Callahan getting the credit for any improvements.
xwalker;5096026 said:
Is Garrett a better Head Coach than Wade?

yes. There was more "don't quit" in our team last year than any time during wades tenure.
Beast_from_East;5096554 said:
With Wade we won the division, made the playoffs, even had our first playoff win since the ice age.

With Garrett we have .500 seasons, no playoffs, and critical coaching blunders that cost the team the game (see icing your own kicker).

Based on actual results, not intangibles, Wade was far better of a head coach. I don't remember Wade being the reason we lost 3-4 games. So yea, at this point in time, I would take Wade over Garrett and his blunders.

Maybe my opinion would change if Red could somehow manage to break .500 this year.

wade inherited a team parcells built. went 13-3 the first season, with all of parcells talent.

then proceeded to dilute the talent base and screw up the team.

garrett inherited a team of misfits, no talent and problem children and is rebuilding a team.

wade managed to royally screw up a nice thing.

oh, btw, he has the same exact track record everywhere he has been!!!

I hated the hire when it happened.

I still think that was a worse hire than campo.

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