Interesting Kiper idea...

abersonc said:
with all respect TB -- you likely finished college what? 20 years ago? there have been several prominent movements since them -- most focused on providing broad finishing experiences to all students (theses, capstone courses, exit exams)

athletes (at least FB guys) are likely taking lighter loads during the season and heavier loads every spring. so the final semester of the senior year would likely be a heavier load if they wanted to finish.

yes, many do quit school -- but the league shouldn't encourage that by moving the draft up even earlier - practically forcing kids to give up that semester so that they can study the playbook.

I initially attended in the early 80's... I went back and finished in '94...

I think the league SHOULD encourage kids to finish that want to finish...

I just threw out a few things that expanded on Kiper's idea... I like his idea of the end of overanalyzing, and I like the idea of teams having more time to negotiate contracts...

Now... the NFL would need to come up with something to end the "lull" in April for my sake... :D
abersonc said:
with all respect TB -- you likely finished college what? 20 years ago? there have been several prominent movements since them -- most focused on providing broad finishing experiences to all students (theses, capstone courses, exit exams)

athletes (at least FB guys) are likely taking lighter loads during the season and heavier loads every spring. so the final semester of the senior year would likely be a heavier load if they wanted to finish.

yes, many do quit school -- but the league shouldn't encourage that by moving the draft up even earlier - practically forcing kids to give up that semester so that they can study the playbook.
How many of these top draftees already drop out to attend speed schools and stuff before the combine now?
jimmy40 said:
How many of these top draftees already drop out to attend speed schools and stuff before the combine now?

doesn't matter -- you don't want to encourage more of it. plain and simple.
abersonc said:
doesn't matter -- you don't want to encourage more of it. plain and simple.
Then the NFL should just pass a rule that you have to have a degree to play in the league and until they do that I figure they don't give a rat's *** if someone has a degree or not. No reason to act like they do.
abersonc said:
with all respect TB -- you likely finished college what? 20 years ago? there have been several prominent movements since them -- most focused on providing broad finishing experiences to all students (theses, capstone courses, exit exams)

athletes (at least FB guys) are likely taking lighter loads during the season and heavier loads every spring. so the final semester of the senior year would likely be a heavier load if they wanted to finish.

yes, many do quit school -- but the league shouldn't encourage that by moving the draft up even earlier - practically forcing kids to give up that semester so that they can study the playbook.
It has been my experience that someone who wants the degree will finish it no matter what it takes. Someone who is indifferent to it, is not going to benefit from any scenario of when the Draft is held.

Effort gets you to the end goal, not time.
Tio said:
Exactly, juner to september is long enough. February to September with nothing to talk about!!! :eek:

Well they could always hold the draft 2 months earlier but keep the results from the public. Then just show the tape of the festivities on tv in April as usual.

Kinda like um.. Survivor or something. ;)
Hey, lets start the NFL season earlier and make it longer too !
Jarv said:
Hey, lets start the NFL season earlier and make it longer too !

Excellent idea, Jarv... :D

Oh... and Happy Birthday old man... ;)
Hostile said:
It has been my experience that someone who wants the degree will finish it no matter what it takes. Someone who is indifferent to it, is not going to benefit from any scenario of when the Draft is held.

Effort gets you to the end goal, not time.

hmmmm. that's an awfully Darwinian view. What about the guys who are on the fence? I'd imagine that would be a lot of them. Kiper's plan would strongly encourage them to decide not to finish the degree
The easiest way to end the holdouts is a rookie cap. Let them earn the big pay day first.
they are adults- they can make the decisions themselves- JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HAS TO. I have no sympathy for spoiled brats and think that
holding their hands is a joke. Athletes get ENOUGH special treatment as it is.
Yeagermeister said:
The easiest way to end the holdouts is a rookie cap. Let them earn the big pay day first.

Exactly. Slotted salaries and SBs for draft picks with a cap.
abersonc said:
hmmmm. that's an awfully Darwinian view. What about the guys who are on the fence? I'd imagine that would be a lot of them. Kiper's plan would strongly encourage them to decide not to finish the degree
Again, not if they want the degree.

In a fantasy world everyone would want the degree. This is a fantasy world though. There are more kids out there who would want the riches and glory. I'm not blaming them, I'd probably be right in the thick of that lust in their place.

Emmitt Smith went back and got his degree. So have others who left as underclassmen.

Those who don't go back and finish have no one to blame but themselves. If that is Darwinian, then I plead guilty.
SkinsandTerps said:
Exactly. Slotted salaries and SBs for draft picks with a cap.
The rookie cap is one of the few things I like about the NBA salary cap. A rookie can only make x amount for 3 yrs then get the big pay day if deserved.
Yeagermeister said:
The rookie cap is one of the few things I like about the NBA salary cap. A rookie can only make x amount for 3 yrs then get the big pay day if deserved.

That and because he is a "home grown player" the team can actually pay more to keep him.

The money makes them leave. Their is only one fence: The will my stock rise or fall fence.

Any of these young men that make it into the league will be more than able to afford to go back to school if they so choose. The ones who have promised their families and meant it... do exactly that.
SkinsandTerps said:
That and because he is a "home grown player" the team can actually pay more to keep him.
Yeap the "Larry Bird Rule"....the Griz used it recently on Pau Gasol.
Without the Combine, we probably could have gotten Demarcus Ware a round or two later.:(
Originally Posted by Yeagermeister
The rookie cap is one of the few things I like about the NBA salary cap. A rookie can only make x amount for 3 yrs then get the big pay day if deserved.

That and because he is a "home grown player" the team can actually pay more to keep him.

Ummm very interest thought Gentlemen.

especially coming from a troublemaker like yeag and a skins fan.......:)

I like your proposal.....

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