Is football ready for Gay Player?

theres plenty already ...


What I hate is when ppl try to equate having a mental perversion of wanting to go 'In through the out door' to being black.

WV Cowboy said:
Don't start, I'm not holier than anybody, I have just been taught right and wrong, ... thanks Mom & Dad ! (notice I didn't say Mom & Mom or Dad & Dad)

so you are without sin? 'cause you sure are casting stones.
abersonc said:
so you are without sin? 'cause you sure are casting stones.

Is he announcing his sins at a press conference or telling it to the media 20/20??? NO...he's not...his sins are his business.
Alexander said:
If it is a simple breakdown in the fabric of morality and no other factors influence it, how can our staunch conservative vice president have a gay daughter?

I would say in some instances that there is actually a physical "flaw" that predesposes a person to be is not necessarily a choice.

Where morality comes in is when the society at large changes the rules by which that society operates. So the two are tied together but are not the same thing.

You could also argue that someone is predisposed to be attracted sexually to children. Or predisposed to be attracted to dead bodies.

But just because that person has a "physical bent", does not make the action "right".

And at the end of the day we all have bents.

As a man I am obviously physically attracted to the opposite sex. I have urges that come upon me. But as a married man, I contain those urges.

At the end of the day, I do not convict the homosexual. I do not even convict the act, should he/she fall victim to the urge. But I will not sit back and condone the act as normal and right. the end of the day I will also not sit back and take a "holier than thou" position because I am not gay. Because at the end of the day I have to come to the realization that I have my own flaws that I struggle with. Some would call the flaws sin.
Portland Fanatic said:
Is he announcing his sins at a press conference or telling it to the media 20/20??? NO...he's not...his sins are his business.

Well, i guess it is how you define sin -- you call homosexuality a sin. Scientistics believe it is natural.
abersonc said:
so you are without sin? 'cause you sure are casting stones.

He is casting the stone at the sin....not the sinner.

Go back and read that verse.

In the next breath Jesus told the woman to "sin no more"
WV Cowboy said:
Don't start, I'm not holier than anybody, I have just been taught right and wrong, ... thanks Mom & Dad ! (notice I didn't say Mom & Mom or Dad & Dad)

Right and wrong according to who? If two adult guys want to have sex with each other...who are you to tell them it’s wrong? If a couple that isn’t married has a kid...who are you to look at them with your nose up? How are you better? Because you do things the way your parents taught you?

I am a believer in letting people live as they please.
abersonc said:
so you are without sin? 'cause you sure are casting stones.
So let's see, ... you are condoning homosexuality, ... and then quoting Jesus, ... that's rich.

Like I said earlier, people are so confused.
Everlastingxxx said:
Right and wrong according to who? If two adult guys want to have sex with each other...who are you to tell them it’s wrong? If a couple that isn’t married has a kid...who are you to look at them with your nose up? How are you better? Because you do things the way your parents taught you?

I am a believer in letting people live as they please.

That is a good question. Right or Wrong...according to who ?

If I see that you have a nice car and I decide to take that right or wrong ?

Are you going to let me live the way I please......really ?
Society is what it is, good or bad. The fact that this question is being asked would seem to indicate that Society is not ready to accept this. In short, the answer to your question is no.

It is still an issue with Society.

I understand the fact that it is still an issue. I don't understand WHY it is still an issue. I think (just opinion here folks) that it harkens back to the old thing about worrying about everyone else' business rather than taking care of your side of the street.

Let's not get in to the whole right/wrong thing, if you are one for religion, you know that saying damn is just as much of a sin as "going in the out door" or however it was so eloquently put.

I just don't friggin understand why people are so concerned about another persons sexual preference... It is just so much easier to focus on others "shortcomings" rather than addressing our own. Unfrigginbelievable.
TwoDeep3 said:
I hope this doesn't shake the faith in anyone here. But Dexter Clinkscale is gay.

There was a fan board a few years ago prior to the ones we see now. There was a discussion about this. One of the MODS met him once in a bar. After a while it became apparent that Dexter was hitting on the guy.

Of course I wasn't there, but this was not the only time I heard this, and not by this one source.


I would have to see an article or hear him say it himself before I would believe that. He is one of my favorite players and I have not heard anything like your above statement before.

Very intersting none the less

- Mike G.
Everlastingxxx said:
Right and wrong according to who? If two adult guys want to have sex with each other...who are you to tell them it’s wrong? If a couple that isn’t married has a kid...who are you to look at them with your nose up? How are you better? Because you do things the way your parents taught you?

I am a believer in letting people live as they please.
I am not telling anyone anything, it's not my rules, you may want to take it up with God.
abersonc said:
Well, i guess it is how you define sin -- you call homosexuality a sin. Scientistics believe it is natural.

For sake of argument...natural or NOT, why is there that need to come out publicly? Keep it to themselves...why announce...hey everyone I'm gay!

I have NEVER seen a press conference where a man or woman came out and said ...hey everyone I'm straight! Who cares???? Keep it to them selves...go to a priest or bishop, but why the need for public attention on the matter?
Mike 1967 said:
He is casting the stone at the sin....not the sinner.

Go back and read that verse.

In the next breath Jesus told the woman to "sin no more"

So i'm guessing you aren't going to agree with most religious scholar's takes on Christianity and homosexuality? Namely that prohibitions on homosexuality served the practical purpose of making more Christians.
everett gay was another in a long line of gay athletes.
WV Cowboy said:
I hope I'm dead before our society condones homosexuality, or accepts it as normal.

But it probably will happen someday.

I mean, having a child out of wedlock used to be frowned upon.
It was an embarassment to the family.
It broke fathers' hearts.

It used to be socially frowned upon to cheat on your spouse, ... now it is winked at.

People are so confused.

its a conscious decision to cheat on your spouse. its not conscious decision to be gay. people were just as gay as they are nowadays the difference is our society is more accepting of others than it was. and i still dont think cheating on your spouse is winked upon. anyways, i really tried my hardest to refrain from throwing out any west virginia stereotypes into the argument cuz i might get in trouble.
abersonc said:
That is totally false and a misrepresentation of psychological science. These therapies have been roundly blasted by the psychological community -- they represent bad science.

If a person holds strong religious beliefs and wants to pursue a lifestyle that conflicts with his or her feelings to be more in line with their beliefs, that is their choice. But don't call those therapys proven treatments -- all they are is junk science.

Really. There are thousands of people that have come out of the lifestyle and now live happier lives than they had before.

Check out:

The "psychological community" that you refer to are the liberals that want to keep God out of everything and promote a lifestyle that leaves men and women more hurt than when they started.

Its a fact that gay men, on average, live much shorter lives (by about 20-30 years) than heterosexual men. Look it up.

That fact alone should make everyone who claims to "care" about people figure out how we can help these people instead of promoting the lifestyle that leads them to an earlier death.
Mike 1967 said:
That is a good question. Right or Wrong...according to who ?

If I see that you have a nice car and I decide to take that right or wrong ?

Are you going to let me live the way I please......really ?

Yea, basically i’m saying people should be allowed to murder, rape, steal and ravage the city. Come on man. What people do inside their bedroom is nobodys business.
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
I understand the fact that it is still an issue. I don't understand WHY it is still an issue. I think (just opinion here folks) that it harkens back to the old thing about worrying about everyone else' business rather than taking care of your side of the street.

Let's not get in to the whole right/wrong thing, if you are one for religion, you know that saying damn is just as much of a sin as "going in the out door" or however it was so eloquently put.

I just don't friggin understand why people are so concerned about another persons sexual preference... It is just so much easier to focus on others "shortcomings" rather than addressing our own. Unfrigginbelievable.

That's not the way I see it.

I don't see it as an issue with someone being concerned about anothers sexual preference.

What I see is a group of people (homosexuals) trying to force others to accept thier lifestyle.

I will not accept that lifestyle. When I was not a Christian I did not accept it...and now that I am a Christian I do not accept it.

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