Is football ready for Gay Player?

Portland Fanatic said:
For sake of argument...natural or NOT, why id there that need to come out publicly? Keep it to themselves...why announce...hey everyone I'm gay!

I have NEVER seen a press conference where a man or woman came out and said ...hey everyone I'm straight! Who cares???? Keep it to them selves...go to a priest or bishop, but why the need for public attention on the matter?

I agree whole heartedly, I had friends/family calling me last week asking "did you hear swoopes is gay?" to which I replied, "who cares?"

It is silly for her or anyone else to make a big production about it. I wonder if she got endorsements or something for doing it. Can't understand why you would do it other wise, i mean a press conference, to tell people you are gay? If she felt she needed to tell people, wouldn't her family and friends really be all she should tell? Does the rest of the free world have so much time on their hands that the fact Sheryl Swoopes is gay is important somehow?
Everlastingxxx said:
Yea, basically i’m saying people should be allowed to murder, rape, steal and ravage the city. Come on man. What people do inside their bedroom is nobodys business.

Then keep it in the bedroom.

But that is not the issue I was replying to.

You said "what is right and what is wrong ?" A common comment that is made by those who despise the Biblical standards as self righteous.

Because by the very nature of it....truth is rightous. And if you say something is right or wrong...then you have made a self righteous stance.

Who are you to tell me that rape is wrong ?
Everlastingxxx said:
What people do inside their bedroom is nobodys business.
Exactly, so why do we always have to hear about the homosexual lifestyle ?
Portland Fanatic said:
For sake of argument...natural or NOT, why id there that need to come out publicly? Keep it to themselves...why announce...hey everyone I'm gay!

I have NEVER seen a press conference where a man or woman came out and said ...hey everyone I'm straight! Who cares???? Keep it to them selves...go to a priest or bishop, but why the need for public attention on the matter?

it only goes half way to say "I accept it but keep it to yourself" -- full tolerance and acceptance would involve allowing people to live their lives publicly and without prejudice directed their way.

I can't imagine how difficult it would be if I couldn't walk down the street arm in arm with my wife or have to pretend she was just a friend or not bring her to social gatherings so people wouldn't suspect anything. you think about livign your life that way when you take the keep it to yourself attitude.
Everlastingxxx said:
Not everyone believes in a god.

If God exists...then that fact remains regardless of wether you believe it or not.

At the end of the Day....God either exists or God doesn't exist.

And your or my "belief" has no weight in the matter.
Mike 1967 said:
Then keep it in the bedroom.

yes, and use a different water fountain, stay in your own schools, sit at the back of the bus. see where that gets you?
WV Cowboy said:
Don't start, I'm not holier than anybody, I have just been taught right and wrong, ... thanks Mom & Dad ! (notice I didn't say Mom & Mom or Dad & Dad)

ok since you insist on being so ignorant and since you just made it so easy...your mother and father didnt happen to share the last name and live in the same house before they were married did they? as in your mother is also your aunt? think about it...i heard thats how you west virginian's got down
abersonc said:
it only goes half way to say "I accept it but keep it to yourself" -- full tolerance and acceptance would involve allowing people to live their lives publicly and without prejudice directed their way.

I can't imagine how difficult it would be if I couldn't walk down the street arm in arm with my wife or have to pretend she was just a friend or not bring her to social gatherings so people wouldn't suspect anything. you think about livign your life that way when you take the keep it to yourself attitude.
When I see two guys walking down the street together I don't necesarily think they are gay.

Any more than I would see a man and woman together and think they are married, or brother & sister, or friends.
Mike 1967 said:
That's not the way I see it.

I don't see it as an issue with someone being concerned about anothers sexual preference.

What I see is a group of people (homosexuals) trying to force others to accept thier lifestyle.

I will not accept that lifestyle. When I was not a Christian I did not accept it...and now that I am a Christian I do not accept it.

I don't think they are so much trying to get us to accept their "lifestyle" so much as they don't feel like they should have to keep it secret for fear of persicution. The statement "forcing others to accept their lifestyle" sounds alot like "he is trying to turn people gay!". It is indeed a concern with others sexual preference, that is all it is when you get to the nut cutting (pardon the pun).
Mike 1967 said:
Then keep it in the bedroom.

But that is not the issue I was replying to.

You said "what is right and what is wrong ?" A common comment that is made by those who despise the Biblical standards as self righteous.

Because by the very nature of it....truth is rightous. And if you say something is right or wrong...then you have made a self righteous stance.

Who are you to tell me that rape is wrong ?

To get into this and explain would take a very long time. Simply...people have to co-exist. To co-exist we need laws. Laws are made. We break these laws we will no longer exist. Therefore we have laws like no murder, stealing, ect ect. Has nothing to do with righteousness just survival. Now how can you compare rape with homosexuality?
abersonc said:
yes, and use a different water fountain, stay in your own schools, sit at the back of the bus. see where that gets you?

Use the bus...and the water fountain. You can even tell me your gay.

But don't tell me to accept your lifestyle.

I can still love you as a brother if you are gay. But if I love you as a brother.....then I will warn you of the lifestyle you are in and try to get you to change.

I will not judge you....because I am not perfect that I can judge.

But...I will not tell you that what you are doing is right...just as I will not tell myself that the areas that I fall are right.
WV Cowboy said:
When I see two guys walking down the street together I don't necesarily think they are gay.

Any more than I would see a man and woman together and think they are married, or brother & sister, or friends.

I said arm in arm WV - you don't see that much -- unless it is the Pres and his Saudi buddy.
lyrclcipha12 said:
ok since you insist on being so ignorant and since you just made it so easy...your mother and father didnt happen to share the last name and live in the same house before they were married did they? as in your mother is also your aunt? think about it...i heard thats how you west virginian's got down
Talk about making it easy, read the first 8 words in your post.
Everlastingxxx said:
To get into this and explain would take a very long time. Simply...people have to co-exist. To co-exist we need laws. Laws are made. We break these laws we will no longer exist. Therefore we have laws like no murder, stealing, ect ect. Has nothing to do with righteousness just survival. Now how can you compare rape with homosexuality?

Because she really likes it.

Who are you to tell me that Rape is wrong. holier than thou
Mike 1967 said:
Use the bus...and the water fountain. You can even tell me your gay.

But don't tell me to accept your lifestyle.

I can still love you as a brother if you are gay. But if I love you as a brother.....then I will warn you of the lifestyle you are in and try to get you to change.

I will not judge you....because I am not perfect that I can judge.

But...I will not tell you that what you are doing is right...just as I will not tell myself that the areas that I fall are right.

Lifetimeboyzfan said:
I don't think they are so much trying to get us to accept their "lifestyle" so much as they don't feel like they should have to keep it secret for fear of persicution. The statement "forcing others to accept their lifestyle" sounds alot like "he is trying to turn people gay!". It is indeed a concern with others sexual preference, that is all it is when you get to the nut cutting (pardon the pun).

They should not be pursecuted for thier lifestyle.

But their lifestyle should not be treated as marriage.

When you ask someone to openly "normalize" something...then you are asking them to accept it.

Not treating a homosexual union as marriage is not persecution.
Mike 1967 said:
Use the bus...and the water fountain. You can even tell me your gay.

But don't tell me to accept your lifestyle.

I can still love you as a brother if you are gay. But if I love you as a brother.....then I will warn you of the lifestyle you are in and try to get you to change.

I will not judge you....because I am not perfect that I can judge.

But...I will not tell you that what you are doing is right...just as I will not tell myself that the areas that I fall are right.

hahahhaha your whole im a good person speech is one big contradiction. i will love you but i wont accept you, i will love you but i will try to change what you were born as, i will not judge you but then i will judge you because im gunna condescend every romantic and sexual feeling you're ever had in your life. im not gay but if i had a friend who was gay i sure as hell wouldn't go around trying to change dude...let it be man. homosexuality has been around before the middle ages, aint nobody named mike 1967 gunna be able to change that.
WV Cowboy said:
Talk about making it easy, read the first 8 words in your post.

difference is i was kidding and your ignorance is actually a fundamental belief of yours...oh well just like you all will never be able to change gays, i guess i wont be able to change conservative rednecks...
Mike 1967 said:
Use the bus...and the water fountain. You can even tell me your gay.

But don't tell me to accept your lifestyle.

I can still love you as a brother if you are gay. But if I love you as a brother.....then I will warn you of the lifestyle you are in and try to get you to change.

I will not judge you....because I am not perfect that I can judge.

But...I will not tell you that what you are doing is right...just as I will not tell myself that the areas that I fall are right.

Get them to change? How many gay guys have you met? There is no amount of counciling or therapy or whatever you would throw at a gay guy that could make him change. It is the way they are wired, you can't change that. They don't just wake up one day and start being attracted to men...

What gives us the right to tell a homosexual that what they are doing isn't right? Who are we to make that call?
abersonc said:
Well, i guess it is how you define sin -- you call homosexuality a sin. Scientistics believe it is natural.
When one of us calls an act a sin - when God defined it as such - that's not judging. For example, if someone commits murder, you're not judging them for denouncing what they did.

It's the person - the heart - that matters. A Christian should hate the sin but still love the person who did it. As for the topic at hand, I consider it sickening that a certain segment of society tries to force acceptance of this as a reasonable choice. But I don't wish physical or emotional ill on those who live this way....I just hope and pray that some day they won't.

God was clear on what he thought of this sin, and drew a line in the sand on it. It looks like America will eventually step across yet another line He drew.

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