Lifetimeboyzfan said:
I never every once said that we should allow gay marriage. I am of the belief that marriage itself is between man and woman so on and so forth. They should however be able to have some sort of union in order to qualify for insurance and other benefits etc, it is descriminatory to not allow them the same rights.
I don't necessarily disagree with you.
But..the very term "rights" is in and of itself discriminatory.
To say that someone has "rights" is to say that they have a priviledge that is not necessarily available to everybody.
Me and my single buddy share an apartment. We are not having sexual relations...but why should we be discriminated against simply because we do not swap spit ?
Those two guys over there get insurance benefits......why shouldn't these two straight guys who are splitting the cost of a 2 bedroom apartment get benefits.
Should I be discriminated against simply because I am not having sex with someone.