Is football ready for Gay Player?

WV Cowboy said:
Don't start, I'm not holier than anybody, I have just been taught right and wrong, ... thanks Mom & Dad ! (notice I didn't say Mom & Mom or Dad & Dad)

dont you mean brainwashed ?

What is right and wrong, oh i know, its right if its what you want to hear or if it doesnt rock your beleif system
Mike 1967 said:
They should not be pursecuted for thier lifestyle.

But their lifestyle should not be treated as marriage.

When you ask someone to openly "normalize" something...then you are asking them to accept it.

Not treating a homosexual union as marriage is not persecution.

I never every once said that we should allow gay marriage. I am of the belief that marriage itself is between man and woman so on and so forth. They should however be able to have some sort of union in order to qualify for insurance and other benefits etc, it is descriminatory to not allow them the same rights.
lyrclcipha12 said:
hahahhaha your whole im a good person speech is one big contradiction. i will love you but i wont accept you, i will love you but i will try to change what you were born as, i will not judge you but then i will judge you because im gunna condescend every romantic and sexual feeling you're ever had in your life. im not gay but if i had a friend who was gay i sure as hell wouldn't go around trying to change dude...let it be man. homosexuality has been around before the middle ages, aint nobody named mike 1967 gunna be able to change that.

Yep, Mike 1967 is not going to change it. And it has been around a long time.

I find it funny when people say they don't "judge".

I worked with a guy that later discovered was into child pornography.

The guy was convicted for "sexually abusing" a 7 year old boy.

Should I "judge" this guy ?
How many homosexuals were born from homosexual parents ? Seem as if it were natural, that would have happened some where along the way.
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
Get them to change? How many gay guys have you met? There is no amount of counciling or therapy or whatever you would throw at a gay guy that could make him change. It is the way they are wired, you can't change that. They don't just wake up one day and start being attracted to men...

What gives us the right to tell a homosexual that what they are doing isn't right? Who are we to make that call?

Do you selectively read or did you just miss my previous post? Thousands of men have been helped. Not all homosexuality is genetic, just like not all alcoholism is genetic. Some of it is triggered by events in people's lives. Try reading up on it sometime.

You'll also find in your research that the life expectancy of gay men is up to 30 years less than heterosexual men. Some studies show that smokers have a longer life expectancy than gay men. Still want your friend to keep up the lifestyle? If you do, then you truly don't care about what's best for him.
trickblue said:
Equating an athlete coming out of the closet (not that there is anything wrong with that) to Jackie Robinson breaking the race barrier is ludicrous...

I'm with you on that one TB!
Hoov said:
dont you mean brainwashed ?

What is right and wrong, oh i know, its right if its what you want to hear or if it doesnt rock your beleif system

That is what I was attempting to say. Thank you :)
Mike 1967 said:
Yep, Mike 1967 is not going to change it. And it has been around a long time.

I find it funny when people say they don't "judge".

I worked with a guy that later discovered was into child pornography.

The guy was convicted for "sexually abusing" a 7 year old boy.

Should I "judge" this guy ?

WOWOWOWOW being gay and raping little boys against their will are two completely different things. judge that dude alllll you want. but to judge john and jim because they like each other a little more than you like the normal man is a totally different playing field. your comparing the wnba with the nfl
Double Trouble said:
When one of us calls an act a sin - when God defined it as such - that's not judging. For example, if someone commits murder, you're not judging them for denouncing what they did.

It's the person - the heart - that matters. A Christian should hate the sin but still love the person who did it. As for the topic at hand, I consider it sickening that a certain segment of society tries to force acceptance of this as a reasonable choice. But I don't wish physical or emotional ill on those who live this way....I just hope and pray that some day they won't.

God was clear on what he thought of this sin, and drew a line in the sand on it. It looks like America will eventually step across yet another line He drew.

So everyone is Christian now? Everyone has to agree with your interpretation of the Bible? And your rules? Here's a bulletin -- there are other belief systems out there -- There are even tons of Christian groups and churches that are very accepting of homosexuality. Use your rules to guide your own actions fine -- but don't impose them on others.
It's so easy to write a controversial article (or start a controversial thread) on homosexuality these days.

In fact you might describe it as.....low hanging fruit :D
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
I never every once said that we should allow gay marriage. I am of the belief that marriage itself is between man and woman so on and so forth. They should however be able to have some sort of union in order to qualify for insurance and other benefits etc, it is descriminatory to not allow them the same rights.

I don't necessarily disagree with you.

But..the very term "rights" is in and of itself discriminatory.

To say that someone has "rights" is to say that they have a priviledge that is not necessarily available to everybody.

Me and my single buddy share an apartment. We are not having sexual relations...but why should we be discriminated against simply because we do not swap spit ?

Those two guys over there get insurance benefits......why shouldn't these two straight guys who are splitting the cost of a 2 bedroom apartment get benefits.

Should I be discriminated against simply because I am not having sex with someone.
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
I understand the fact that it is still an issue. I don't understand WHY it is still an issue. I think (just opinion here folks) that it harkens back to the old thing about worrying about everyone else' business rather than taking care of your side of the street.

Let's not get in to the whole right/wrong thing, if you are one for religion, you know that saying damn is just as much of a sin as "going in the out door" or however it was so eloquently put.

I just don't friggin understand why people are so concerned about another persons sexual preference... It is just so much easier to focus on others "shortcomings" rather than addressing our own. Unfrigginbelievable.

When you get down to it, Society is rule by majority. If Society accepts ceratin views, then it becomes acceptable. If they don't, then it becomes tabo. Minding your own business is the antithicis (sp) of what Society is. Like it or not, this is the way it works. If you want to be part of Society, you must accept this as a part of being associated. If you do not wish to do this, then you lead a life outside of Societal boundries, so to speak.

I don't make the rules. They were there before I ever showed up.
lspain1 said:
It's so easy to write a controversial article (or start a controversial thread) on homosexuality these days.

In fact you might describe it as.....low hanging fruit :D

:lmao2: Thanks for the comic relief!
Mike 1967 said:
They should not be pursecuted for thier lifestyle.

But their lifestyle should not be treated as marriage.

When you ask someone to openly "normalize" something...then you are asking them to accept it.

Not treating a homosexual union as marriage is not persecution.

Thats rediculous. Oh gay people cant get married cause people living in this country who follow the bible might feel put on the spot about maintaining their allegiance to their God and their other people cant try to have a better quality of life cause then it might look like you condoned it ?
There were a lot of rumors swirling around ex-receivers Ernest Givens (Oilers) and Vance Johnson (Broncos), but who knows. Hell, even Bayless floated a "Troy is gay" rumor. It's all a colossal waste of time.
TonyS said:
Do you selectively read or did you just miss my previous post? Thousands of men have been helped. Not all homosexuality is genetic, just like not all alcoholism is genetic. Some of it is triggered by events in people's lives. Try reading up on it sometime.

You'll also find in your research that the life expectancy of gay men is up to 30 years less than heterosexual men. Some studies show that smokers have a longer life expectancy than gay men. Still want your friend to keep up the lifestyle? If you do, then you truly don't care about what's best for him.

I was not even replying to your post. As far as selectively reading, yes, I am now :) I read your post, obviously you didn't read mine.

"thousands of men have been helped" wow, sounds like you have this superiority complex that those that don't believe the way you do "need help".

Your last comment is also alarming. To insenuate that I have a friend in this situation is plain ol dumb. Also to say that I don't care about someone because I don't denounce their sexuality is just ignorance and quite insulting actually.
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
Get them to change? How many gay guys have you met? There is no amount of counciling or therapy or whatever you would throw at a gay guy that could make him change. It is the way they are wired, you can't change that. They don't just wake up one day and start being attracted to men...

What gives us the right to tell a homosexual that what they are doing isn't right? Who are we to make that call?

Your missing the point.

The difference between a man and an animal is that a man has knowledge of right and wrong.

At the end of the day...the dog will act upon it's urges. But the man will control certain urges based upon the knowledge that is within him. In this instance there is a specific name for is called conscience. Conscience means "with knowledge"

And yes... I personally know gay men who struggle with the urges but that have wifes and children and lead normal lives. They are able to control the urges.

I control urges everyday.
No football isn't ready for a gay player and I don't know that it should. Football is as much about team camraderie and working with others as it is about playing a game. Football players shower and change in front of each other regularly. If a teammate was known to be gay, it would obviously put players at very uncomfortable situation even if they were not homophobic. I think it would be too much trouble to have a player change uniforms and have a separate locker room just for him. If you did that, you would then alienate that player in some degree.

And then let's admit the obvious. Football players are not known to be the most open-minded and liberal of people. A lot of players would likely discriminate against the player because the player is a homosexual.
TonyS said:
Do you selectively read or did you just miss my previous post? Thousands of men have been helped. Not all homosexuality is genetic, just like not all alcoholism is genetic. Some of it is triggered by events in people's lives. Try reading up on it sometime.

You'll also find in your research that the life expectancy of gay men is up to 30 years less than heterosexual men. Some studies show that smokers have a longer life expectancy than gay men. Still want your friend to keep up the lifestyle? If you do, then you truly don't care about what's best for him.

the life expentancy is probably shorter because of all your dragging them behind cars and tying them to fences and beating them. but honestly, i think AIDS has a lot to do with that. but thats still not a reason to change someone. AIDS has a lot to do with death in Africa but it doesnt mean im gunna go tell people they cant be african. that said ive never heard of this so-called research you have read so im just assuming you're not lying. furthermore, i dont think its anyone's job to try and change them or "help" them. if they aren't gay and are just confused i think thats a thing they're gunna have to figure out for themselves. like everyone has been saying its a personal matter, so let them decide for themselves. no matter how many times you throw them in a strip club or pay for them to get a lap dance theyre still gunna have to do some serious thinking or whatever they need to do to figure out what they really are. ASSUMING this is a person that isn't born gay.
bbgun said:
There were a lot of rumors swirling around ex-receivers Ernest Givens (Oilers) and Vance Johnson (Broncos), but who knows. Hell, even Bayless floated a "Troy is gay" rumor. It's all a colossal waste of time.

Hmm. Do you really know Troy isn't gay -- there are a ton of gay men in this country who are married and have children. I'm not saying Troy is -- I am saying it wouldn't make any difference to me at all if he were.

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