Is football ready for Gay Player?

When you get down to it, Society is rule by majority. If Society accepts ceratin views, then it becomes acceptable. If they don't, then it becomes tabo. Minding your own business is the antithicis (sp) of what Society is. Like it or not, this is the way it works. If you want to be part of Society, you must accept this as a part of being associated. If you do not wish to do this, then you lead a life outside of Societal boundries, so to speak.

I don't make the rules. They were there before I ever showed up.

sounds a lot like what they were saying during the civil rights era. good ole majority rules argument. just because the majority of society is ignorant on a subject does not make in morally correct. we've seen this countless times in American history.
Everlastingxxx said:
Right and wrong according to who? If two adult guys want to have sex with each other...who are you to tell them it’s wrong?

He is perfectly within his rights to tell them it is wrong.

That being said, it is just as right for them to scoff and ignore him.
Hoov said:
Thats rediculous. Oh gay people cant get married cause people living in this country who follow the bible might feel put on the spot about maintaining their allegiance to their God and their other people cant try to have a better quality of life cause then it might look like you condoned it ?

What's rediculous ?

If Gay people cannot marry it is because the law dictate it....not because of my personal preference.

In the future Gay marriage will most probably be is just a matter of time. It is not difficult to see that the moral standards are eroding continually.

But at the end of the day....even when it does eventually become legal. I will not accept it as normal. And if asked I will state my position. And it is the position that I will teach to my children.

Question is...will persecution be held in check on both sides ?
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
I was not even replying to your post. As far as selectively reading, yes, I am now :) I read your post, obviously you didn't read mine.

"thousands of men have been helped" wow, sounds like you have this superiority complex that those that don't believe the way you do "need help".

Your last comment is also alarming. To insenuate that I have a friend in this situation is plain ol dumb. Also to say that I don't care about someone because I don't denounce their sexuality is just ignorance and quite insulting actually.

When faced with facts one can't refute, one often goes to the emotional argument that their feelings were hurt.

I apologize if I hurt your feelings, I did not mean to. I believe that there is a lot of ignorance involved with this issue and if everyone looked at the facts regarding homosexuality, we'd be doing more to help people in this lifestyle. And needing help does not mean that you are less than someone else.
Mike 1967 said:
Your missing the point.

The difference between a man and an animal is that a man has knowledge of right and wrong.

At the end of the day...the dog will act upon it's urges. But the man will control certain urges based upon the knowledge that is within him. In this instance there is a specific name for is called conscience. Conscience means "with knowledge"

And yes... I personally know gay men who struggle with the urges but that have wifes and children and lead normal lives. They are able to control the urges.

I control urges everyday.

hahha that last line sounded a bit suspect:jerk:
When you get down to it, Society is rule by majority. If Society accepts ceratin views, then it becomes acceptable. If they don't, then it becomes tabo. Minding your own business is the antithicis (sp) of what Society is. Like it or not, this is the way it works. If you want to be part of Society, you must accept this as a part of being associated. If you do not wish to do this, then you lead a life outside of Societal boundries, so to speak.

I don't make the rules. They were there before I ever showed up.

You are missing my point. I am not ignorant. I do understand what society is, thanks for the whole break down. What I am saying, which is what you clearly missed, is that it is silly in todays day and age for us, AS A SOCIETY, to still be concerned with who is f'ing who and where. It is no one's else business how you like to get down.
Mike 1967 said:
What I see is a group of people (homosexuals) trying to force others to accept thier lifestyle.

Aren't heterosexual Christians doing the same thing?

I doubt you associate with many gay people and honestly most that I have ever met would rather not try to convince anyone else their lifestyle is "acceptable". Many are trying to live with it, rather than make a spectacle about it.
lyrclcipha12 said:
WOWOWOWOW being gay and raping little boys against their will are two completely different things. judge that dude alllll you want. but to judge john and jim because they like each other a little more than you like the normal man is a totally different playing field. your comparing the wnba with the nfl

So if little 7 year old Johny says that he likes having sex with the 45 year old neighbor then it would be ok ?

Yes they are different...but that does not preclude the fact that to say that there is not right or wrong cuts deep. If you are going to call someone righteous because they have a standard...and in the same breath state your own standard...then in my dictionary that is called a hypocrite.
hmm over 100 replies in about 2 hours on this board

im guessing the answer to the original post is no.
abersonc said:
So everyone is Christian now? Everyone has to agree with your interpretation of the Bible? And your rules? Here's a bulletin -- there are other belief systems out there -- There are even tons of Christian groups and churches that are very accepting of homosexuality. Use your rules to guide your own actions fine -- but don't impose them on others.
No, sadly everyone is not a Christian.

Even a child could read Romans 1, Leviticus 18, or Genesis 19 to see what the Bible says about this. I don't see how it could be interpreted any other way. And I can assure you there are no "Christian groups" that accept it. Certain groups that label themselves as such do, but not one that adheres to God's word.

A thousand years from now, I'll be happy with the choice (Jesus) I made. Regrettably, most will live forever with the regret they followed "other belief systems".
lyrclcipha12 said:
sounds a lot like what they were saying during the civil rights era. good ole majority rules argument. just because the majority of society is ignorant on a subject does not make in morally correct. we've seen this countless times in American history.

Right or wrong is not the issue here. It is for you, but it has no barring on the question you asked.

I think you will find that history often rewrites itself. It's point of view is completely dependant on what the view of the time period it is written in reflects. You say morally correct. I say, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

It is what it is. Maybe in 10 or 100 or 1000 years it will be different. Maybe not. The point is that right now, right here, Society is not ready. At the end of the day, what you have is a count of hands, so to speak. It's still not viewed as acceptable by and large.
Alexander said:
Aren't heterosexual Christians doing the same thing?

I doubt you associate with many gay people and honestly most that I have ever met would rather not try to convince anyone else their lifestyle is "acceptable". Many are trying to live with it, rather than make a spectacle about it.

I have had direct experiences with homosexuals in the past.

Some as you have stated...and some different.

My overall perception, from my experiences, has been that homosexuals want me to treat thier lifestyle as normal.

But whether I treat it as normal has no impact on thier ability to live thier lifestyle.
Mike 1967 said:
Your missing the point.

The difference between a man and an animal is that a man has knowledge of right and wrong.

At the end of the day...the dog will act upon it's urges. But the man will control certain urges based upon the knowledge that is within him. In this instance there is a specific name for is called conscience. Conscience means "with knowledge"

And yes... I personally know gay men who struggle with the urges but that have wifes and children and lead normal lives. They are able to control the urges.

I control urges everyday.

First of all, admitting that people are born with homosexual urges is a big change from even 10 years ago where conservative Christians and others didn't believe that people were born with homsexual urges. They just felt homosexuals were undergoing some type of psychosis or were influenced by the others to "turn gay."

Anyway, calling homosexuality an "urge" is an understatement. It's not the same thing as reaching into the cookie jar and grabbing a couple of Oreos. You or I have no idea what they feel or go through so it's rather presumptuous to assume it's just some petty urge. You can't compare it alcohol or drug addiction which are debilitating if consumed in extraordinary doses. Sex between people of the same gender doesn't lead to a debilitating condition assuming the partners don't have STD's (which applies to heterosexuals as well)

Second, how do you know that homosexuality is wrong? Is it because homosexuality doesn't yield to offspring? According to many scientists, homosexuality is thought to be a part of evolution as a means of population control. They have observed this trend in certain species of rodents and rabbitts.
As for someone who I think is gay. Quadry Ismail. He seemed very feminine on that Hard Knocks HBO show.

BTW, when are they going to do that show again? Thatd be sweet if they came back to the Cowboys
poke said:
hmm over 100 replies in about 2 hours on this board

im guessing the answer to the original post is no.
Better change your sig name before posting in this thread ... :D
Double Trouble said:
No, sadly everyone is not a Christian.

Even a child could read Romans 1, Leviticus 18, or Genesis 19 to see what the Bible says about this. I don't see how it could be interpreted any other way. And I can assure you there are no "Christian groups" that accept it. Certain groups that label themselves as such do, but not one that adheres to God's word.

A thousand years from now, I'll be happy with the choice (Jesus) I made. Regrettably, most will live forever with the regret they followed "other belief systems".

Are you seriously coming back with the "my religion is superior to yours argument?" Wow.
Mike 1967 said:
So if little 7 year old Johny says that he likes having sex with the 45 year old neighbor then it would be ok ?

Yes they are different...but that does not preclude the fact that to say that there is not right or wrong cuts deep. If you are going to call someone righteous because they have a standard...and in the same breath state your own standard...then in my dictionary that is called a hypocrite.

i dont know many seven year olds that have any kind of sexual urges let alone homosexual ones and im pretty sure no where in my post it said "in homosexuality we should disregard all statutory rape laws" so again your argument to me is not sound. i wasnt in any way shape or form meaning to disregard your standard. instead i was quaffing at your example. again two adult men consenting to be with each other, in my standard is all gravy, dont really care what they do, not my business. but a seven year old wanting to be with an old man (first off its the other way around) violates statutory rape laws and i believe we both can agree seven year olds have no clue what consent is when it comes to sex. but nice try with another example.
MarionBarberThe4th said:
As for someone who I think is gay. Quadry Ismail. He seemed very feminine on that Hard Knocks HBO show.

Feminine does not equal gay. Lots of straight guys are pretty feminine and lots of gay guys are pretty macho.
lyrclcipha12 said:
hahha that last line sounded a bit suspect:jerk:

That last line was honest truth that we all deal with.

I see a beautiful woman wearing a revealing dress and it creates lust in my heart.

If I did not have knowlege or conscience...then like my Vanilla Lab....I would run up to her and start trying to have my way.

If your going to tear the house down...then tear it down..

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