Is football ready for Gay Player?

blindzebra said:
I debated getting into this, but here goes.

First, nothing anyone says is going to change minds that are closed and made up.

Second, from reading through this, I'd say many of you would not be able to spot a homosexual if they were wearing a sign saying I'm gay. The media is depicting a stereotype. Most gay men do not act like Jack, or the Queer Eye guys. All lesbians don't wear flannel shirts or play on the LPGA tour.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the reason coming out is so celebrated is because of the lack of understanding, the closed minded intolerance, and the down right ignorance that many show.

It is too bad that many of you are taking the Christ out of christian.

Come on Z. If this thread were about Romo, you'ed be at the front of the line with Pitch and Feathers in hand.

lyrclcipha12 said:
ok since you insist on being so ignorant and since you just made it so easy...your mother and father didnt happen to share the last name and live in the same house before they were married did they? as in your mother is also your aunt? think about it...i heard thats how you west virginian's got down

Just because someone voices their opinion that doesn't go along with yours, doesn't give you the right to try make a mockery of him and his beliefs. I agree 100% percent with what he has to say.
I think this was a good thread. Regardless of what any of us will say, we all gain something from have discussions with people of different opinions regardless if we change ours. It does imrpove tolerance and make others aware that there are different viewpoints from our own. In short, I don't regret this thread.
mr.jameswoods said:
What's funny is how we are ripping on animals and assuming they don't know how to control urges. I personally think that is b.s. I have two dogs and both of them knows how to control urges. Even when they are upset at me when I mess with them, they will put their jaw around my hand to threaten me as if they will bite me but they never clamp down, even when they are upset. According to your theory, they lack conscience and will just behave according to instinct. If that were true, they would have bitten me in anger as they have no way of controlling their urges as you would put it. However, I have seen my dogs bite others in anger or self defense. To assume all animals purely on instinct without giving thought to any of their actions is rubbish.

That is because you are thier owner.

Dogs are by nature pack animals. They establish a pecking order. You are at the top of that order.

There is a reason that there are signs that say "Beware of the Dog". Because at the end of the day...if you go up to strange dog and get is you that is accountable, not the dog.

Are you saying that there is no difference between the intellect/awareness/concience between a person and an animal.
Mike 1967 said:
So if the 8 year old consents then it is ok ?

An eight year old is not mature enough to make that choice. So it is a moot point, isn't it?
mr.jameswoods said:
And what about the other aspects of the Bible especially the Old Testament that has a god who is very vindictive and isn't afraid to encourage killing others or taking wives So we just casually ignore those parables and follow the ones we choose? I attended a conservative private Christian high school in which we studied the Old Testament and New Testament in detail. There are several aspects of the Bible that conservative Christians like yourself fail to address.
The only men encouraged to take other wives were those who were supposed to take their dead brother's wife (even if he already had a wife) so she wouldn't be left childless. Solomon took hundreds of wives, to his own detriment, if you read how his life finished.

As for killing, God isn't "afraid" to do anything. He's God. And though I've read the Bible through, I don't recall a parable about killing for the sake of killing. I assume you're referring to God instructing the children of Israel to destroy the inhabitants of the promised land. He told them if they didn't, they'd adopt the canaanites way of living and worshipping false gods. The Israelites failed to annihilate the inhabitants of the promised land, and eventually became like them to the point God divorced Himself from Israel for a season. There is punishment for failing to follow God. God also says that He is a very jealous God. He wiped out virtually the entire human race in the great flood, and no doubt, little children perished at Sodom.

Do I understand it all? No. No one does. But I do know that He showed the greatest act of love mankind will ever see in Jesus.
hassell said:
Just because someone voices their opinion that doesn't go along with yours, doesn't give you the right to try make a mockery of him and his beliefs. I agree 100% percent with what he has to say.

and whose belief's would you say he is making a mockery of?
TonyS said:
When faced with facts one can't refute, one often goes to the emotional argument that their feelings were hurt.

I apologize if I hurt your feelings, I did not mean to. I believe that there is a lot of ignorance involved with this issue and if everyone looked at the facts regarding homosexuality, we'd be doing more to help people in this lifestyle. And needing help does not mean that you are less than someone else.

O my here you go again. What facts are you talking about? Your cute little 20-30 years less life expectancy? Dude, I have alot of friends that smoke, see alot of people smoking everyday, I assume you see the same. Are you the kind of awesome person that goes up to a stranger on the street to point out ever so courageously, that smoking will kill them?

"we'd be doing more to help people in this lifestyle"... dude you are the one that needs help in this regard. So arrogant it is unreal. Who are you to say they need help bro?
lyrclcipha12 said:
and whose belief's would you say he is making a mockery of?

Every time i read one of your posts I feel like I am talking to Dat.
Mike 1967 said:
Every time i read one of your posts I feel like I am talking to Dat.

i am dat, just campaining for gay rights on my off day...why am i compaining for gay rights btw...oh well it makes for good discussion...
Mike 1967 said:
That is because you are thier owner.

Dogs are by nature pack animals. They establish a pecking order. You are at the top of that order.

There is a reason that there are signs that say "Beware of the Dog". Because at the end of the day...if you go up to strange dog and get is you that is accountable, not the dog.

Are you saying that there is no difference between the intellect/awareness/concience between a person and an animal.

Then explain how dogs have attacked their owners in their past? Furthermore, you don't think it takes some level of conscience to recognize there is a pecking order? Of course there are different levels of intellect/awareness and concience among all animal species. However, I think it's rather simplistic to assume that all animals lack conscience and intelligence just because they are animals. Again, that belief is upheld by conservative Christians but many eastern religions as well Christians do believe animals have souls and levels of concience
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
O my here you go again. What facts are you talking about? Your cute little 20-30 years less life expectancy? Dude, I have alot of friends that smoke, see alot of people smoking everyday, I assume you see the same. Are you the kind of awesome person that goes up to a stranger on the street to point out ever so courageously, that smoking will kill them?

"we'd be doing more to help people in this lifestyle"... dude you are the one that needs help in this regard. So arrogant it is unreal. Who are you to say they need help bro?

Should we now go into a lengthy dissertation about how unhealthy it is to practice anal sex ?

From a stricly physical / medical could debate that the lifestyle is dangerous.

Because from a physical /medical standpoint, it is clear that a males "member" was made to go into a females "member". And it is clear that the males "member" was not made to go into a males anus. And it logically and medically follows that one "act" is much "safer" than the other.

And, with that platform as a basis, one could argue that insurance rates should be applied differently to those who openly practice that.

But some might claim that higher insurance rates are discriminatory.
Mike 1967 said:
Are you saying that there is no difference between the intellect/awareness/concience between a person and an animal.

I think you are giving humanity a bit more credit than is merited.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to say,


no matter if you're a pedophile, rapist, commie, porn addict with a habit of licking between your toes.

Just don't tell me you're a Skins fan.
I missed nothing. It is you who missed something here. You asked an open ended question and I answered it. It sounds as if you wanted to make a personal statement on how you viewed this. That is not what you did. It is you who has confused the issue.

For what it's worth, I agree with you on a person's personal business. I don't care to know about it. It does nothing for me. However, you asked the question and I answered it. I am not wrong here.

It is what it is.

Thing is you never did answer it. My point is/was that WHY does society still have an issue with this. My hypothesis is/was that it is much easier to talk smack, point out others' issues rather than dealing with our own. It is always, this guy needs help, or what they are doing is wrong, never is it: man I am a closed minded awesome person, I should try to see others' point of view.
Good discussion for the most part, but I would like to remind you all of a couple rules:

Personal attacks are not allowed on the Zone.
Political and Religious rhetoric are not allowed on the Zone.
Please refrain from using either in your discussion...

That is all... :cool:

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