Is football ready for Gay Player?

Terrell Owens is gay. He's got the gay mans head tilt and lip smack when he talks. All he's missing is the whirlwind finger snap.
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
You are missing my point. I am not ignorant. I do understand what society is, thanks for the whole break down. What I am saying, which is what you clearly missed, is that it is silly in todays day and age for us, AS A SOCIETY, to still be concerned with who is f'ing who and where. It is no one's else business how you like to get down.

I missed nothing. It is you who missed something here. You asked an open ended question and I answered it. It sounds as if you wanted to make a personal statement on how you viewed this. That is not what you did. It is you who has confused the issue.

For what it's worth, I agree with you on a person's personal business. I don't care to know about it. It does nothing for me. However, you asked the question and I answered it. I am not wrong here.

It is what it is.
Mike 1967 said:
That last line was honest truth that we all deal with.

I see a beautiful woman wearing a revealing dress and it creates lust in my heart.

If I did not have knowlege or conscience...then like my Vanilla Lab....I would run up to her and start trying to have my way.

If your going to tear the house down...then tear it down..

i understand what you were saying, im just saying in a debate over homosexuality your saying you have urges to control is kind of funny. i was just kidding however. hence the jack off icon. which is awesome btw.
Double Trouble said:
No, sadly everyone is not a Christian.

Even a child could read Romans 1, Leviticus 18, or Genesis 19 to see what the Bible says about this. I don't see how it could be interpreted any other way. And I can assure you there are no "Christian groups" that accept it. Certain groups that label themselves as such do, but not one that adheres to God's word.

A thousand years from now, I'll be happy with the choice (Jesus) I made. Regrettably, most will live forever with the regret they followed "other belief systems".

And what about the other aspects of the Bible especially the Old Testament that has a god who is very vindictive and isn't afraid to encourage killing others or taking wives So we just casually ignore those parables and follow the ones we choose? I attended a conservative private Christian high school in which we studied the Old Testament and New Testament in detail. There are several aspects of the Bible that conservative Christians like yourself fail to address.
abersonc said:
Are you seriously coming back with the "my religion is superior to yours argument?" Wow.

That is a particularly telling statement indeed.
lyrclcipha12 said:
i dont know many seven year olds that have any kind of sexual urges let alone homosexual ones and im pretty sure no where in my post it said "in homosexuality we should disregard all statutory rape laws" so again your argument to me is not sound. i wasnt in any way shape or form meaning to disregard your standard. instead i was quaffing at your example. again two adult men consenting to be with each other, in my standard is all gravy, dont really care what they do, not my business. but a seven year old wanting to be with an old man (first off its the other way around) violates statutory rape laws and i believe we both can agree seven year olds have no clue what consent is when it comes to sex. but nice try with another example.

But your back to the exact same argument.

You are saying that pedephilia is bad because the laws say so. the end of the day...if the laws change...then are you saying pedephilia is ok ?

Because if you are, then you are saying that right and wrong is simply a matter of public opinion.

If you believe that...then be glad you don't live on an island inhabited mainly by convicted sex offenders.
When the moderators move this thread, can a re-direct be left? This is really great discussion. :)
mr.jameswoods said:
And what about the other aspects of the Bible especially the Old Testament that has a god who is very vindictive and isn't afraid to encourage killing others or taking wives So we just casually ignore those parables and follow the ones we choose? I attended a conservative private Christian high school in which we studied the Old Testament and New Testament in detail. There are several aspects of the Bible that conservative Christians like yourself fail to address.

That's a very broad brush you are painting with Mr. Woods

I am a conservative Christian that reads the Bible in it's entirety.

Maybe there is something you would like to share that you think I would not want to address.
Alexander said:
When the moderators move this thread, can a re-direct be left? This is really great discussion. :)

Yes, unfortunatly, it will re-direct you to a skinz board, I'm sure.

Mike 1967 said:
But your back to the exact same argument.

You are saying that pedephilia is bad because the laws say so. the end of the day...if the laws change...then are you saying pedephilia is ok ?

Because if you are, then you are saying that right and wrong is simply a matter of public opinion.

If you believe that...then be glad you don't live on an island inhabited mainly by convicted sex offenders.

Pedophilia and homosexuality are pretty distinct.

99.9 % of child molestation is corruption of innocents and the exertion of power. You won't find much homosexual behavior that is not consensual.
lyrclcipha12 said:
i understand what you were saying, im just saying in a debate over homosexuality your saying you have urges to control is kind of funny. i was just kidding however. hence the jack off icon. which is awesome btw. was pretty appropriate given the topic...and pretty darn funny
Mike 1967 said:
Your missing the point.

The difference between a man and an animal is that a man has knowledge of right and wrong.

At the end of the day...the dog will act upon it's urges. But the man will control certain urges based upon the knowledge that is within him. In this instance there is a specific name for is called conscience. Conscience means "with knowledge"

And yes... I personally know gay men who struggle with the urges but that have wifes and children and lead normal lives. They are able to control the urges.

I control urges everyday.

All due respect I see your point. Your point is that they make a choice to be gay. I disagree with that point, I feel people are born with their sexuality (in the vast majority of cases). To equate a gay man to a dog is just scary bro.

Again though, I completely see your point of view, however that does not make it THE truth.
Alexander said:
Pedophilia and homosexuality are pretty distinct.

99.9 % of child molestation is corruption of innocents and the exertion of power. You won't find much homosexual behavior that is not consensual.

So if the 8 year old consents then it is ok ?
Lifetimeboyzfan said:
All due respect I see your point. Your point is that they make a choice to be gay. I disagree with that point, I feel people are born with their sexuality (in the vast majority of cases). To equate a gay man to a dog is just scary bro.

Again though, I completely see your point of view, however that does not make it THE truth.

No...I do not believe that all people choose to be gay. I believe that people are born that way.

I am not equating a gay man to a dog. You are missing my point if you think that :bang2:
Mike 1967 said:
So if the 8 year old consents then it is ok ?

If the law says that an 8 year old has the cognative ability to make personal decisions such as this, I guess it would be OK.

Fortunatly for all of us, that's never going to happen.

Poor example you've used here IMO.
Mike 1967 said:
That last line was honest truth that we all deal with.

I see a beautiful woman wearing a revealing dress and it creates lust in my heart.

If I did not have knowlege or conscience...then like my Vanilla Lab....I would run up to her and start trying to have my way.

If your going to tear the house down...then tear it down..

What's funny is how we are ripping on animals and assuming they don't know how to control urges. I personally think that is b.s. I have two dogs and both of them knows how to control urges. Even when they are upset at me when I mess with them, they will put their jaw around my hand to threaten me as if they will bite me but they never clamp down, even when they are upset. According to your theory, they lack conscience and will just behave according to instinct. If that were true, they would have bitten me in anger as they have no way of controlling their urges as you would put it. However, I have seen my dogs bite others in anger or self defense. To assume all animals purely on instinct without giving thought to any of their actions is rubbish.
I debated getting into this, but here goes.

First, nothing anyone says is going to change minds that are closed and made up.

Second, from reading through this, I'd say many of you would not be able to spot a homosexual if they were wearing a sign saying I'm gay. The media is depicting a stereotype. Most gay men do not act like Jack, or the Queer Eye guys. All lesbians don't wear flannel shirts or play on the LPGA tour.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the reason coming out is so celebrated is because of the lack of understanding, the closed minded intolerance, and the down right ignorance that many show.

It is too bad that many of you are taking the Christ out of christian.
Marriage is between one man and one woman.

Sex is God's gift to married couples ... ANY sex outside of marriage is wrong in God's eyes.

If you don't agree with this, take it up with God.
blindzebra said:
It is too bad that many of you are taking the Christ out of christian.

To be fair to the conservative Christians here (I'm not one of them), they have not acted in a way unbefitting of Christ. Just because some have said they don't approve of homosexuality, that doesn't mean they would mistreat them and do harm against them.
Qwickdraw said:
What's the big deal?

The Commanders have lots of gay players and no one gives them a hard time.
ROTFLMAO....that's funny.

However, there are plenty of gay players on every NFL team. I'm sure there are gay players on the think otherwise is to defy percentages. Who cares? We're not living in the stone age...surely the players wouldn't care because only an idiot would think the gay player would be watching, walking around with wood, or hitting on straight guys. The gay player would have no interest in the type of macho straight guys who inhabit most locker rooms.

I think it's all much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, percentages also say there are probably sexual deviants, women-abusers, and even guys who surf for child pornography in the NFL. As a husband and father of two children and lifelong sports enthusiast, believe me when I say that this world of ours has more seriously sick behaviors to concern itself with than whether or not there are any gay players in the locker room....what a waste of INK.

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