Is Garrett getting a pass for lack of discipline?

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@Idgit friend...don't you feel a little embarrassed by your defense of JG and not a week later another player gets in trouble? Can we find some middle ground here? Ultimately the individual is responsible for his/her actions. That being said, when you're in a profession where availability is the best ability, doesn't the HC bare some responsibility for establishing a culture where players are always considerate of the team/franchise when making decisions/actions in their personal lives?

Oh, God no. I don't consider an offseason DWI to be any sort of indictment of the head coach, whatsoever.

On the contrary, I'd honestly be pretty embarrassed to have the opinion that it is in some way a reflection on the organization. NFL players are in a segment of the population where things like DWIs or positive drug tests are going to happen to a very small percentage of the population. The facts are, they happen to NFL players a lot less often then they do to the representative age group in the population at large. Despite the availability and the means to get into trouble being several orders of magnitude higher (illegal substances, fast cars, loose women go hand in hand with professional athletes with downtime). Dallas doesn't have a disproportionately large problem with arrests. They do with suspensions, but we know why that is and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the HC's discipline.

All of this talk about discipline is just hot air for the purpose of flapping cheeks, as far as I can tell. I'm thrilled with the makeup of this club, with the direction we're going in, with the makeup of the coaching staff and the roster. I don't understand fans who aren't.

I do get the frustration that we haven't won a championship in way too long. I share it. But I think the reasons for that are pretty obvious and are unrelated to silly things like a role player getting an offseason DWI.
Fair enough. I know a lot of posters feel that way.

The Cowboys are always a circus. Even when we tamp down on the characters, we're still a circus. Jerry likes it that way, and the coverage comes with the popularity of the team. You employ a guy like Hardy, or one who goes gradually nuts like Randle did, and you're going to get your share of justified negative attention.

But the players know this is a good locker room. Just last week, we saw Zack Martin talking about the team culture on AJ Hawk's 'show.' Pretty good stuff, if you happened to have missed it:

I give stuff like this a lot more credence than I do an arrest report for an offseason DUI. Every team has it's share of DUIs. What we've got going on is a bit harder to emulate. And it's not always a byproduct of coaching, either. Sometimes you just get the right group of guys together and it works out.

That's true, the vast majority of players are fine, it's the few bad apple's that bring negativity to this team, and the cowboys are a high profile team. I'd like to see what JG can do with a legit D. The bright side is that this DUI and Irving possible suspension happened before June, this hopefully gives the team a chance to fill those voids, if need be.
If Jerry wanted Garret to have disciplinary power over players/personal he'd have
granted him that power, Garret is nothing more than a puppet, who takes his bows
before and after every game. But the guy doing all the work behind the scenes is
none other? than the guy who has ruined this organization for the last 21 years
all because he can't get over his Jimmy issue
...kind of make one second guess Garrett's constant chant about the team's "Right Kind of Guy!"...if you know what I mean!...:facepalm:
No. People are responsible for their own behavior. The coach is the coach not a parent of someone underage. Blaming people is generally unproductive. The players will pay any negative consequences assuming they are guilty.

A legitimate question may be will they be fined if guilty.
~80 of those suspensions games are Gregory and McClain. Gregory has been suspended for 2.5 seasons now. McCLain has been suspended in at least chunks for 4 straight years. Outside of that you have Hardy, DLaw, and Scandrick rounding out the total.

Then of course there is picking the arbitrary 3 year range making the starting point the Hardy, Gregory, and McClain year for maximum drama. The outrage is amusing though.
The players know this organization welcomes with open arms people with troubled pasts and allow and harbor this kind of behavior. The inmates run the prison on this team.

But I fault Garrett for being a terrible in game coach much more than this. That's his main job description, not to play babysitter 24/7.

I'd like to see the breakdown on the 100 games of suspensions. A bulk of that has to be from Gregory, Hardy and McClain and a few others, right? All guys we knew what we were getting ourselves into.
Not really it is discipline on the field, off the field these are grown men, do you get baby sited? A HC can do so much off the field that is why the league office hands down punishment. HC is responsible for the actions of his player on the field and in the locker room.

People seem to forget these are grown men who are well paid and live their own lives.

They should be held accountable for any action might hurt the team (written in contract).
Brent hasn't had another problem since getting out of the klink has he?

He's failed drug and alcohol tests.

Personally, I don't have a problem with it in principle as Jerry Brown's mother didn't want Brent's life to be ruined. I think the organization (which includes Garrett) over-did it. But, he's certainly undisciplined anyway we slice it and Garrett is a major supporter of his.

There are three players who got shoved down our throat that account for this....gregory, McClain, Greg hardy. And two of them were jerry Jones selection.......

Most of us here expressed concern over these signings when they happened.

Yep, they are all desperate reaches by Jerry Jones to fill holes on defense and take short cuts. I would even venture to say that if Garrett actually had much of a say in personnel that none of those guys would have been drafted or signed to begin with. RKG is a great theory and policy, but its clear that the people that decide who plays for Dallas dont bother listening to Garrett.

If I get hammered, get behind the wheel and get busted at 3am in the morning, my boss is not responsible. I am. I don't know what it's like in your place of business, but that's how it works in my circles.

No doubt that your boss did a background check on you and criminal search ect....ect..... So if you have had a history of emotional problems, being fired from jobs and had multiple DUI's and he hired you anyway then he has nobody to blame but himself. Very few people can be a mess in their personal life and not have that reflected in their career or workplace.
At least we have clarified that you accept the Garrett has little input into personnel/roster decisions. The myth that Garrett is "building this team" is just a load of crap

A HC with a back bone would walk in to the owners office and tell him to stop signing these idiots

A real HC would hold them accountable by not playing them

Of course then we are talking about a real HC not Garrett

I never said he had no input into selecting players and has cut players like TO who started presenting problems in the locker room. However a HC can't control players away from the field. Jimmy Johnson did not control Eric Williams nor Lett or other guys who were involved in off the field matters. Sitting there acting as if HC are controlling players away from the field is joke and only show what little you know. These are grown men and they will make their own choices.

A real HC? LOL you don't know what you are talking about. Same old crap
You might have a point if the employee had a history and was considered a risk before employment. Like Gregory was. Or Rolondo

But for guys like Demarcus Lawrence, Scandrick, Irving and Carroll, I don't see why Garrett gets the blame. These guys are adults and are responsible to behave as such. They knew the rules and broke them.

I dont see Garrett as to blame as he doesnt decide who gets drafted or who gets signed. And the truth is that many of these guys are not adults. They are overgrown babies that have been coddled and pampered with little consequences all their lives. Young people make lots of mistakes. 20-25 in the life of a world class athlete with fame and money? Most are still kids.
I never said he had no input into selecting players and has cut players like TO who started presenting problems in the locker room. However a HC can't control players away from the field. Jimmy Johnson did not control Eric Williams nor Lett or other guys who were involved in off the field matters. Sitting there acting as if HC are controlling players away from the field is joke and only show what little you know. These are grown men and they will make their own choices.

A real HC? LOL you don't know what you are talking about. Same old crap

A head coach can have control over players off the field. He can hold them accountable and put fear in them that they will get cut if they screw up. But like we have established, Garrett doesnt have those kind of controls. So in this case you cannot hold the coach accountable. But actually we can go way beyond that . Like Doomsday said, a real head coach wouldnt put up with it from the owner. Parcells would tell Jerry there to stick it and would probably even quit if he couldnt buy the groceries. Garrett no doubt is just happy to have a job.
I dont see Garrett as to blame as he doesnt decide who gets drafted or who gets signed. And the truth is that many of these guys are not adults. They are overgrown babies that have been coddled and pampered with little consequences all their lives. Young people make lots of mistakes. 20-25 in the life of a world class athlete with fame and money? Most are still kids.

They are adults, they may lack maturity but they are adults. I would also agree Garrett does not have full say over who is drafted but then most teams are that way where no one person is making the picks alone that is why all teams have large operations in selecting of players with GM's, scouts and HC all involved.
Belicheck has certainly gotten a pass for Aaron Hernandez. The OP wouldn't touch that subject (which, in reality, is exactly the same argument) because he'd look like an idiot. Wait.........

The moment that Hernandez got arrested they cut him the same day. Jerry would be trying to get the league to change its rule on murder offenders. :lmao2:
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