Is Garrett getting a pass for lack of discipline?

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You asked me a question and I answered it ......... so do you see why he should be held accountable for his people or not ......... every other million dollar company manager would be
You might have a point if the employee had a history and was considered a risk before employment. Like Gregory was. Or Rolondo

But for guys like Demarcus Lawrence, Scandrick, Irving and Carroll, I don't see why Garrett gets the blame. These guys are adults and are responsible to behave as such. They knew the rules and broke them.

If I get hammered, get behind the wheel and get busted at 3am in the morning, my boss is not responsible. I am. I don't know what it's like in your place of business, but that's how it works in my circles.

Did the word of your boss get you a 10 million dollar contact? Because if it did and you embarrassed the company I guarantee he would be held responsible.
Did the word of your boss get you a 10 million dollar contact? Because if it did and you embarrassed the company I guarantee he would be held responsible.

You mention money but that is apples to oranges when comparing the avg Joe working at a company. Gregory on the NFL pay scale is like a lower level employee.
You mention money but that is apples to oranges when comparing the avg Joe working at a company. Gregory on the NFL pay scale is like a lower level employee.

And lower lvl employees are expected to get fired by their boss when they get busted smoking pot at work ......... if corporate shows up at your local sonic and the burger flippers are all outside smoking pot then they and management would all get fired or at least in a lot of trouble.
And lower lvl employees are expected to get fired by their boss when they get busted smoking pot at work ......... if corporate shows up at your local sonic and the burger flippers are all outside smoking pot then they and management would all get fired or at least in a lot of trouble.

Garrett does not own the company or the sonics. He has a responsibility to what these players are doing on the field and in the locker room.
We are dealing with adults here. Players who may or may not reside in the same state during the offseason.

Guys who should have enough common sense on what is right or wrong for the most part, at least legally.
Garrett shouldn't be responsible during the offseason in regards to what these guys do in their spare time.
Not like Carroll, for example, had a history of DUI/DWI, and even if he did it's on the GM for bringing in a guy with a history of off the field ****. Not even blaming Jerry for Carroll, as I bet, sadly, that many more players drive under the influence and get lucky.

I really doubt Garrett is some super lax, YOLO head coach who wants his players to be carefree during the offseason.
We are dealing with adults here. Players who may or may not reside in the same state during the offseason.

Guys who should have enough common sense on what is right or wrong for the most part, at least legally.
Garrett shouldn't be responsible during the offseason in regards to what these guys do in their spare time.
Not like Carroll, for example, had a history of DUI/DWI, and even if he did it's on the GM for bringing in a guy with a history of off the field ****. Not even blaming Jerry for Carroll, as I bet, sadly, that many more players drive under the influence and get lucky.

I really doubt Garrett is some super lax, YOLO head coach who wants his players to be carefree during the offseason.

That is why Carroll got the small contract he got. Dallas has not gone out and over paid for problem players. They are given small deals that allow the Cowboys to take a chance with little in terms of money.
I agree with those saying that Garrett can only do so much in the offseason. These are individual adults (even though a lot of them are still very young) and they should be making the best decisions for themselves. Doesn't always happen that way, and I get it, I was young once.

Still, I also get that they need to be taught that they are in the public eye and need to be making better decisions. I think Garrett can't babysit them but this team should be able to help guide them.

I'm so torn of Garrett. I change my mind on how I feel about him every few months it seems. Lol
He didn't want Hardy or Gregory. I don't think he wanted Ro either

And what's he supposed to do when Scandrick is out partying in Caribbean with his crazy woman taking mollies?

I think he wanted Ro. Ro was a Saban guy and Saban put in a good word for him. We didn't have a MIKE without Ro in 2014 and he filled his duties.

Lawrence was a Marinelli pick and got suspended. They like O-Scan and he got suspended. He kept Josh Brent around even though it was about as bad of a PR move as signing Hardy.

I think he wanted Ro. Ro was a Saban guy and Saban put in a good word for him. We didn't have a MIKE without Ro in 2014 and he filled his duties.

Lawrence was a Marinelli pick and got suspended. They like O-Scan and he got suspended. He kept Josh Brent around even though it was about as bad of a PR move as signing Hardy.


I agree, Cowboys have taken chances on these guys giving them an opportunity to get their careers going. However as I mention Cowboys were not totally stupid in doing it, these deals where done at low cost and low risk.
Did the word of your boss get you a 10 million dollar contact? Because if it did and you embarrassed the company I guarantee he would be held responsible.
I would get fired. But my boss would not.

Unless I had a history of drunk driving charges and they hired me anyway. All potential employees get a background check before getting hired. If I had a history of drunk driving, I would never of been hired in the first place.

But I was hired because I had a clean record. If I had a clean record, then get busted after I was hired, I'm gone. But my boss is not responsible because I was cleared before employment.

To me, it works the same way with Garrett. The money is not an issue.
I think he wanted Ro. Ro was a Saban guy and Saban put in a good word for him. We didn't have a MIKE without Ro in 2014 and he filled his duties.

Lawrence was a Marinelli pick and got suspended. They like O-Scan and he got suspended. He kept Josh Brent around even though it was about as bad of a PR move as signing Hardy.

Garrett didn't keep Brent around. That was Jerry, who relates well to the alcoholics.
And lower lvl employees are expected to get fired by their boss when they get busted smoking pot at work ......... if corporate shows up at your local sonic and the burger flippers are all outside smoking pot then they and management would all get fired or at least in a lot of trouble.
In this situation they are on company time. So yes everybody may be turfed.

But if that same group were smoking pot on their own time at somebody's house at 1am, the bosses are not responsible.
Garrett didn't keep Brent around. That was Jerry, who relates well to the alcoholics.
To be fair, the Mom of the deceased, Mrs. Brown, almost begged the Cowboys to keep a relationship with Brent.

She was a lot more forgiving than I would have been. But she was a primary reason why Brent stayed involved with the team after the incident that claimed her sons life. It was her request and Jerry agreed out of respect for her.
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If I get hammered, get behind the wheel and get busted at 3am in the morning, my boss is not responsible. I am. I don't know what it's like in your place of business, but that's how it works in my circles.

Your boss doesnt get hammered by the organization that governs your industry if the employee gets in trouble. Its also not publicized all over the news and your boss is not made to look bad because of it. No fines, ect...ect... And your bosses fans dont hammer him over it. He also doesnt get fired because you went out drinking and driving. Completely difference situation. Not even comparable.
Not really it is discipline on the field, off the field these are grown men, do you get baby sited? A HC can do so much off the field that is why the league office hands down punishment. HC is responsible for the actions of his player on the field and in the locker room.

People seem to forget these are grown men who are well paid and live their own lives.

I think Garrett sucks as much or more than anyone here but I can't really blame him for guys doing stupid stuff off the field. Even Belicheat and the great organization of the pats couldn't stop an up and coming star from going back to his gangsta ways and killing people.
I think Jerry does more than most organizations as far as pairing at-risk players with mentors, general help, and entourage. Truth is, a good chunk of the league would probably be in jail or some sort of legal trouble if it weren't for the NFL. It's possibly even worse at the college level.
My beef with Garrett is repeatedly poor game management, not having players ready to play, and not fully exploiting mismatches.
Other teams are not wasting time on problem players they are drafting or getting in FA. These are adults not little kids, can your boss tell you not to hang out and get drunk at clubs? I love it you guys defend these morons when they get busted. Oh Gregory has mental issues so him getting high is alright and it is the leagues fault. Cowboys can do themselves a favor and avoid getting idiots but plain and simple truth you will not stop a grown man from doing what he chooses to do off the field. In the locker room and on the field the HC does have control over this players but when they walk out the doors they are grown men and accountable for their own action and blaming those action on a HC is stupid.

I thought "garret is building this team"
If so, he is responsible for bringing in these players
If he is not, then please say that this is not garretts team
You can't have it both ways
Your boss doesnt get hammered by the organization that governs your industry if the employee gets in trouble. Its also not publicized all over the news and your boss is not made to look bad because of it. No fines, ect...ect... And your bosses fans dont hammer him over it. He also doesnt get fired because you went out drinking and driving. Completely difference situation. Not even comparable.
It is very much comparable.

I get caught drinking and driving at 3am. I am responsible for the consequences not only legally, but in my employment as well. I will probably get fired. But my boss will face no consequences. Nor should he.

Nolan Carroll gets caught drinking and driving at 3am. He is responsible for the consequences not only legally, but in his employment as well. He will likely get suspended. Maybe he will get cut. Garrett will face no consequences. Nor should he.

The fact that Carroll drinking and driving is publicized and mine is not is irrelevant.

If Garrett was on board with bringing in McClain (and I believe he was), he should be criticized for it. He had a history. Same with Gregory. Same with Hardy. If Garrett wanted them, then he should take responsibility for that. But guys with no history like Carroll, Lawrence, Scandrick, Irving, and others are not his responsibility. These guys are adults who did stupid things and are responsible for their actions as adults. Jason Garrett is a coach, not a 24/7 babysitter.

That's how I see it.
It is very much comparable.

I get caught drinking and driving at 3am. I am responsible for the consequences not only legally, but in my employment as well. I will probably get fired. But my boss will face no consequences. Nor should he.

Nolan Carroll gets caught drinking and driving at 3am. He is responsible for the consequences not only legally, but in his employment as well. He will likely get suspended. Maybe he will get cut. Garrett will face no consequences. Nor should he.

The fact that Carroll drinking and driving is publicized and mine is not is irrelevant.

If Garrett was on board with bringing in McClain (and I believe he was), he should be criticized for it. He had a history. Same with Gregory. Same with Hardy. If Garrett wanted them, then he should take responsibility for that. But guys with no history like Carroll, Lawrence, Scandrick, Irving, and others are not his responsibility. These guys are adults who did stupid things and are responsible for their actions as adults. Jason Garrett is a coach, not a 24/7 babysitter.

That's how I see it.

Ok well the fact that you don't see the problem with publicity, fan opinion, and a governing body doling out fines and punishments, then the conversation ends right there for me.

And as far as Garrett, I have said it many times, Garrett has little authority with personnel so I don't really blame him for much of this stuff.

Just look at this chat room. We are all on here talking about the DWI. Many of us liking or disliking and deciding if we will do business with the Cowboys and go to games, buy shirts, ect...ect............

Does you boss have chat rooms and millions of fans that look at these things? Definitely not. And your bosses clients arent hearing it and they arent basing their decisions to stay his clients based on these type of publicized scenarios.

Like I said, its not even comparable. Not to mention the pay scales and the affect a suspension has on the team and its ability to win games in certain situations.
I thought "garret is building this team"
If so, he is responsible for bringing in these players
If he is not, then please say that this is not garretts team
You can't have it both ways

Garrett coaches players he is not a damn Baby Sitter. He nor any adult is responsible for the action of another adult. These are not children these are grown men who many make more than the HC himself. Jimmy Johnson did not do a damn thing to Eric Williams nor did he do anything to Leon Lett but was he responsible for their action? Hell no he wasn't. If people have a stick up their backside over Garett fine but blaming him for the action of adults is stupid
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