Is Garrett getting a pass for lack of discipline?

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Please post proof that Garrett didn't want Gregory, Hardy, and/or Ro...
This was covered in the other thread, but 58 of those games are from R. McClain (14), Gregory (30), Brent (10), and Hardy (4, before he ever came to DAL).

Which of those are discipline problems? McClain had substance issues and didn't want to be here. Should not have been on the team, but his presence had nothing to do with the team culture. Gregory has medical/emotional issues and was a known risk when drafted. Brent, we know what happened there and it wasn't a discipline thing.

So, no, we don't have a discipline problem. We have a culture where we give a lot of second chances to troubled players and they end up suspended. But then, we already knew that.

One thing I'll add, and this is just my humble opinion- is that I think one of the reasons we continue to take chances/gamble on "troubled" players is because of the confidence the FO has in the culture that exists in Dallas. We can handle taking in a knucklehead and be confident that he won't be a disruption or negative influence. If anything the FO has confidence we can turn them around because of the culture. And if not, we cut ties.

I will also emphasize that I strongly agree with NOT using high draft picks (like we did with Randy) or giving lucrative contracts to these types of players, as it leads to giving the player more leeway because of the investment.
Straight from the horse's mouth.

I'd like to see those reports. Can you post them? (non-DMN link please :laugh:)
I was responding to that above me and no I'm not looking for it (the person that said it can).
mannnnnnnnn somebody always crying about something ....this the NFL not boy scout.......

Everybody in the NFL is grown, we know whats right and whats wrong..... its just some can push the envelope further than others and some take it too far and they r the ones suspended

live and learn take on a case by case bases ... dont judge me cuz of what johnny did last year give me a shot is how i feel about it let me prove u wrong...

lil johnny aint me is all im saying at the end of the day

no NFL team is gonna be perfect ....... i really do hope yall know this somebody on most every team is suspended or has been soooooo

when i read Some of these comments i just wonder do yall realize we do live in a real world and money or the potential money dont take away the issues

Just my (Reality Sense)
Not really it is discipline on the field, off the field these are grown men, do you get baby sited? A HC can do so much off the field that is why the league office hands down punishment. HC is responsible for the actions of his player on the field and in the locker room.

People seem to forget these are grown men who are well paid and live their own lives.

Please stop making excuses
Don't the other teams and HCs have to wurk under the same rules?
Then why are our players being suspended at twice the rate of the next team?
Falls squarely on the FO the HC and team culture

I guess this us what Garrett means by RKGs
This stat means nothing to me. Could not care less. I care about 13-3. I care about no SB wins in 22 years. I even care about the domestic violence portion of the suspensions. But drug use and PEDs? Do. Not. Care.
This stat means nothing to me. Could not care less. I care about 13-3. I care about no SB wins in 22 years. I even care about the domestic violence portion of the suspensions. But drug use and PEDs? Do. Not. Care.
Right !!! Just get us Super Bowl Wins---I would like to see the Cowboys win 5 straight Super Bowls. That's win the big one and win it often. :yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock:

Jones has so much respect for Garrett that he stressed the new coach will make the final call on who is on the coaching staff and indicated there will not be a player on the 53-man roster he doesn't approve of.

"Jason will have the final say on any person that leaves the coaching staff or comes to the coaching staff," Jones said. "There won't be a player on this team that Jason does not want on the team."


Translation: On the surface, Jason will approve, we will keep our disagreements private.

You know, just like when Parcells went ballistic over the signing of TO, only to insist a few days later that he signed off.

Or like when Phillips was not given the authority to install offensive gameplans and Jason reported directly to Jerry. Yeah, that was okay with Wade.

Part of a Cowboy Head coaching contract is an agreement where a coach will not express his honest opinion on the Jerry's credibility as an NFL GM. Therefore, Jerry could sign RGIII to a 100 million no cut contract and Jason will attempt to justify it publicly.

When your boss says you approve, then you approve or pack.
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