Is Garrett getting a pass for lack of discipline?

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Looks incorrect based on

The Greg Hardy and Scandrick reduced suspension should make it less than 100 games.

4 - Shaquelle Evans
16 - Randy Gregory
16 - Rolando McClain
10 - Randy Gregory
10 - Rolando McClain
4 - DeMarcus Lawrence
4 - Randy Gregory
4 - RJ Dill
4 - Rolando McClain
4 - Jakar Hamilton
4 (2) - Orlando Scandrick

Not substance(s):
10 (4) - Greg Hardy
10 - Josh Brent

Hardy's and Scandrick's reductions adds up to 92 games. McClain's further suspensions were incurred after Dallas was planning on releasing him, so that should be -16 more.

Dallas was clean with substance/PED suspensions from 1999 until 2014. Something might have happened in 2013 to lower their standards. Maybe a historically bad defense.
David Irving is included and you forgot Joseph Randle.
The problems seem to stem from our defensive line room... which makes sense. We have defacto "leaders" in that room like Tyrone Crawford and Demarcus Lawrence that really haven't done anything to warrant anyone's respect. Hopefully guys like Maliek Collins, Taco Charlton, etc. grow into those roles over time and change the culture there.
It's on the entire Cowboy organization.

If you took out the projects - Hardy, McClain, Gregory, Brent.

Your numbers would look normal.
Could you imagine if this was happening under Wade Phillips?

its because of Gregory, Hardy and then the Lawrence suspension. surprisingly, the spot we have been trying to address for several years now and keep taking gambles. Gregory alone accounts for most of it.
Looks incorrect based on

The Greg Hardy and Scandrick reduced suspension should make it less than 100 games.

4 - Shaquelle Evans
16 - Randy Gregory
16 - Rolando McClain
10 - Randy Gregory
10 - Rolando McClain
4 - DeMarcus Lawrence
4 - Randy Gregory
4 - RJ Dill
4 - Rolando McClain
4 - Jakar Hamilton
4 (2) - Orlando Scandrick

Not substance(s):
10 (4) - Greg Hardy
10 - Josh Brent

Hardy's and Scandrick's reductions adds up to 92 games. McClain's further suspensions were incurred after Dallas was planning on releasing him, so that should be -16 more.

Dallas was clean with substance/PED suspensions from 1999 until 2014. Something might have happened in 2013 to lower their standards. Maybe a historically bad defense.

Thanks, I knew those numbers had to be off or purposely including suspensions to skew the numbers.

Randy Gregory and Rolando McClain are the big ones. They were obviously a failed experiment though I still hope Gregory turns his life around.

I knew we were near the bottom of the league for suspensions for many years...Jerry took a stand starting with passing on Randy Moss. We invest so heavily on offense so we try to be cheap on defense by adding premier talent at a discount because of off the field issues.
David Irving is included and you forgot Joseph Randle.

Yeah, I figured they were counting Irving and someone else to fill those 8, but with Irving appealing it's technically not a suspension until it's upheld and Randle was off the team before the suspension hit. So Randle missed the games as a free agent; he missed 0 games to suspension while with Dallas.
What makes you single out the HC? I just finished elaborating upon all of those necessary to affect change. Yes, they should start cutting those who get suspended -- at least those who do it more than once or twice. I also agreed with you that they shouldn't draft those who "screw up." Nevertheless, discipline is a primary prerequisite to enable a healthy culture to exist. Are you saying you're against that? If so, that contention is purely absurd.

another posters was going after Garrett on this not me.
How are they getting a hundred games? I don't feel like doing the math but the number doesn't make sense.

I'd like to see a list of all the suspensions. Hate to go all tin foil hat, but it seems like the numbers are hugely skewed by the pot numbers, and it is inconceivable to me that other team's players aren't smoking dope. They simply aren't getting caught, fir whatever reason.

The NFL doesn't really care about the pot problem other than how the revenue might be affected long term, but they do need a few examples to try to show they are doing something for the sponsors. It's always interesting that Cowboys are the most scrutinized and hardest hit.
...I think what bothered me about your post was how you grouped Ro/Brent in there are unique cases that shouldn't be counted. Ro was NOT forced on Garrett and Brent was out drinking with teammates and made a foolish/undisciplined decision that led to his suspension. I mean label each case whatever you want, at the end of the day it's the games missed that matters. We can't ignore the trend going on right now on defense. If we're going to continue this philosophy of reclamation projects, then we have to develop a better structure to keep these guys out of trouble. Whatever we have now btw Garrett-Jerry-Calvin Hill-etc. is not working. It's Garrett's responsibility to fix it, not play dumb when he's asked about it...which is what he did in his PC yesterday several times...

To be clear, I don't think those were unique cases that shouldn't be counted. I think they were cases of players they took a chance on and carried on the roster when many other teams wouldn't. In a lot of NFL cities, Josh Brent's career is over after the accident, period, and his 10 games never show up on their suspension ledger. In Dallas, he gets another shot.

Same for McClain. Really, in McClain's case I think the team carried him last year for bookkeeping reasons, because it somehow allowed them to get back some of the money they paid him. I don't remember the specifics, but there was a rationale for it.

The point is, these aren't discipline problems. This is a part of how the organization goes about finding or trying to reclaim players. I have no problem with you not liking it. I'm not a huge fan myself because it hasn't proven to be effective. But that's not what you asked. You asked if the HC was getting a pass for lack of discipline based off of a count of players' games suspended. He pretty obviously isn't.
He didn't want Hardy or Gregory. I don't think he wanted Ro either

And what's he supposed to do when Scandrick is out partying in Caribbean with his crazy woman taking mollies?

If people want to argue that Garrett has built this great culture here, has been instrumental in rebuilding the roster and making player personnel decisions, you then can't run and hide from player problems and claim Garrett has no responsibility. You can't have it both ways. You can't pick and choose when Garrett is responsible for the roster and what happens with players on the roster.

Jones has so much respect for Garrett that he stressed the new coach will make the final call on who is on the coaching staff and indicated there will not be a player on the 53-man roster he doesn't approve of.

"Jason will have the final say on any person that leaves the coaching staff or comes to the coaching staff," Jones said. "There won't be a player on this team that Jason does not want on the team."

We know this is/was not true.
Personally, I don't blame Garrett for much of this because I don't believe Garrett has as much say as people think on the roster. I don't think he wanted anything to do with Gregory, or Hardy or some others.

But, if people want to use the roster and player personnel as one of the good things Garrett has done here and that he's built this strong culture, you can't then run and hide when his roster is having issues staying on the field.
Watch the PC from yesterday, a reporter asks him 3x about all the suspensions and Garrett starts getting a little aggy. I'd like to see a little more accountability from him.

What makes you think any of those supsensions are Garretts fault?
believe it or not the head coach is suppose to be responsible for what happens on a nfl football team and also the records that they have in the regular season and the playoffs or they are in most nfl cities
believe it or not the head coach is suppose to be responsible for what happens on a nfl football team and also the records that they have in the regular season and the playoffs or they are in most nfl cities

Believe it or not, "what happens on an NFL football team" is not the same in all NFL cities, and there are places where a young team getting 13 wins and a tough loss to a good playoff team is a sign of an arrow pointing up rather than a sign of an impending apocalypse.
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