Is it actually dangerous to wear Cowboy's gear to the Linc?

If you do decide to take on this mission, take a big golf umbrella. Closed-weapon, open-shield.
I went last year to the December game. Don't even bother wearing it. After having a football thrown directly at my face I went in to enjoy the game. Problem was I was wearing a Dez jersey and he had scored 2 touchdowns already. As I walked up the steps to my seat. The entire section started chanting some bad things which is fine obviously. When dez scored his 3rd touchdown. A man approached me took a picture with me and told me and I quote "you can stay and watch the end of the game and most likely get stabbed by the group of people sitting in front of me. (They had actually been saying this throughout the game and he overheard) or you can go back to your hotel and enjoy the game in the comfort and safety of your hotel room." I took my second option. I love the Cowboys. I did what I had to do. As I left I watched a group of fans pour a beer on a 12 year old kid and his father for wearing matching Romo jerseys. I threw up an X to the entire section I had been politely kicked out of. Zipped up my coat and found myself a cab. Philly fans are classless idiots who thunk football is the be all end all of their lives and when they lose are worse then a child who just had his favourite toy taken away forever. Be safe. Lots of great stuff I'm Philly. Minus the fans.

That's craziness.

I'd pass on wearing Cowboy gear at that place. Then again, that's not a stadium I'd want to go to anyway.

But how did you miss Dez scoring his first two TDs?
That's craziness.

I'd pass on wearing Cowboy gear at that place. Then again, that's not a stadium I'd want to go to anyway.

But how did you miss Dez scoring his first two TDs?

Lineup outside was huge. And when the security saw my jersey it was a slew of questions. Took forever to get inside
Has anybody done this?

Yes, I have done this before and will never go back.

What are your experiences? I am going to the game on Sunday and was thinking of wearing my Dez jersey.

Nothing bad happened to me or anyone in my small group but it was a sobering and very uncomfortable experience. The mouthy Cowboys fan behind us almost got tossed down the stairs, they were booing their own injured players and getting into fist fights with each other after the game...which they won.

My advice, don't do it.
I worked with a guy from Philly, we worked in South Florida. Of course he was an Eagles fan. He said he hated the Cowobys and hated Texas.

He said he got a scholarship to go to a Texas college, I can't remember which one,,but it was a small college.
He got tired of the Texas ways, walked up to a big Texan wearing his boots and hat,,and all,that. Now the guy I worked with was about 5-8 weighed maybe 170. He made a comment about Texans and fake Cowboys.

The guy hit him square in the face. he woke up 2 days later. Quit college, left Texas, never to return.swore if he had to make a road trip, he would drive around Texas and not through it. He wouldn't even do a stop over in DFW even if he didn't have to exit the plane.

I told him he is just another punk Eagles fan acting tough when they aren't, just like their team.
This was around 1995.

Now that's a good story with a happy ending !!!! :lmao2:
I met David Wells in St. Louis last year, and my GF and I talked to him for about 45 minutes. I asked him about Philly, since at that time he was going to every away game (to babysit Dez). He said a guy threatened to spit on him. Now keep in mind David is about 6'2" and 300 lbs. He told the dude he was going to stick his boot up his you know what. He said don't go. You don't want to waste time and money flying back up there for a court case. Lol
I've been to a number of Eagles Cowbows games in Philly & would recommend against wearing the star.

Even if you can handle one or two drunk fans, nobody can take on a dozen or an entire section - which can happen. Last year, we watched a huge guy with a Witten jersey below us on the field level get hit with food and what appeared to be coins for 3 quarters until he finally left the stadium. The people around us thought that was funny. I had beer thrown at me when I was 11 or 12.

They are basically cowards and there is no self policing or sense of outrage among the fan base, they pride themselves on being depraved and seem to spend more energy hating the visiting team and fans than rooting for their own team. I don't think that it's unsafe, per say (outside of the remote parking lots) it's just that you will likely be distracted by screaming morons and or stuff being thrown at you throughout the game.

I have gone to a number of Eagles-Cowboys games since the Linc opened, but the above is the norm there. Remember, this is Philadelphia's Super Bowl, so they drink for hours before kickoff and spend most of the game throwing things at Cowboys fans. I have always worn a coat over my Cowboys tshirt when I go. It is not worth fighting with a mob full of drunk uneducated people at a football game.
As someone who lives up here a few thoughts. It really depends on the crowd you are with, where you sit, etc. The Linc is better for visiting fans than the Vet was. That was a scary place. But with the Linc and seat licenses and high priced tickets, some of the deadbeats were priced out. If your seats at the Linc are in the upper levels, you are more likely to have an issue. If the seats are in the club area or lower levels, less likely. Those areas, obviously, tend to be filled with classier fans.

Tailgating area can be hit or miss. I've been to games where a few Cowboys fans were with a big group of Eagles fans tailgating and had no issues. I've also seen situations were two guys go to the game by themselves and just get torn up by the fans.

I've been to Fed Ex, Met Life, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and they all have hooligans. So it's really up to you in terms of your tolerance for what you might experience. If you don't want to be razzed at all, don't wear anything Cowboys. If you are OK with razzing and having some curses hurled your way, then maybe. One thing is don't engage the drunken idiots. Just laugh it off and move on.

Funniest thing I ever witnessed there was a Cowboys fan (can;t remember if it was the Linc or the Vet). He had to have been 400 lbs. He showed up in the tailgating lots with no shirt on and paints his entire upper body and head blue with a huge white star on his chest and huge gut. Was hilarious. And Eagles fans just loved it. Some took pics with him, some wanted him to stop by for a beer, etc.

So if you are 400 lbs, then maybe paint yourself blue.
After the way I saw Houston Oilers fans get treated in Veteran's Stadium I probably never go again much less wear Cowboys colors.
I would never go to two cities with a cowboys jersey on, Philly and Oakland (mainly cause the cities suck). I've been to two away games (San Fran and Seattle), both times I got some banter my way, but never anything threatening (I'm also 6'3" and 240lbs which probably helps). I'm headed to the New Orleans game for my stag, I wonder if that town is ok for opposing fans? I'm assuming there will be a lot of boys fans at that game considering how close Dallas is.

I've been to a Cowboys-Saints game in NO. I wouldn't worry too much. There are actually a ton of Cowboy fans in that area...

You'll always have the occasional knucklehead, but I wouldn't sweat it too much...
The Linc is nowhere near what the Vet used to be. It's actually fairly tame. And of course it depends where you sit. If you're in the lower level you should be fine as long as you can take some yelling and name calling and keep walking. In the upper levels you could potentially get in a bad section, but that would just be luck of the draw.

In reality People just love to perpetuate the philly stereotype though. There will always be drunk idiots at any football stadium that will give the opposing fans a hard time. Just a fact of life, philly is no better or worse than any other major market team.

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