Is it actually dangerous to wear Cowboy's gear to the Linc?

I'd say don't so it. My brother used to work for the Boys when JerryWorld was first opening. He was one of a handful of senior people working with them in selling the corporate suites. After a couple of successful months Jerry flew the team to the Philly Sunday night game. He told me that if they even looked at people sideways they got cursed at and at some points security told the group to just keep to themselves and not provoke. So I'm sure if you are cool with being quiet its fine but I think it would provoke a large amount of the chuckleheads there.
That's crazy, I went to the Giants/Boys game Thanksgiving week the past two years with my mother and grandmother and we all wear our Cowboys gear and nobody has actually legitimately talked smacked to any of us. Of course I'm about 6'4 230 and I grow a good beard out for the winter but I've never thought of myself as intimidating looking, plus it's not like I'm jacked. Maybe it's just a more respectful stadium bc it's newer and our tickets have been as expensive as all get out. I'm actually pretty pissed we're not playing them then this year. I can't imagine actually being scared at a football game, but I guess all it takes is one move from some drunk guy to set someone off.
Has anybody done this? What are your experiences? I am going to the game on Sunday and was thinking of wearing my Dez jersey.

I definitely got yelled at by a few fans. Other fans will just groan because they know that beers and stuff will get thrown at Cowboy fans. I didn't have any real problems. I think it is really about how you behave and whether you are respectful or not.
That's crazy, I went to the Giants/Boys game Thanksgiving week the past two years with my mother and grandmother and we all wear our Cowboys gear and nobody has actually legitimately talked smacked to any of us. Of course I'm about 6'4 230 and I grow a good beard out for the winter but I've never thought of myself as intimidating looking, plus it's not like I'm jacked. Maybe it's just a more respectful stadium bc it's newer and our tickets have been as expensive as all get out. I'm actually pretty pissed we're not playing them then this year. I can't imagine actually being scared at a football game, but I guess all it takes is one move from some drunk guy to set someone off.

I'm in NYC. We have everybody here, and that includes fans for all the teams. There are bars all around the city that promote specific teams. NY'ers have other things to do than worry about who isn't a fan of their team. I've never had a problem in NY, ever.
Lived there until about 5 years ago when I moved to Arkansas. Changed a lot since the 70s

Bunch of casinos on the red river now.

Yeah... I lived in Atlanta, TX up until about 7 years ago... went to the Boardwalk and Bass Pro a bunch of times. Plus, my company is based out of Shreveport, so I get there a few times a year...
Yeah I'm in Philly and definitely agree. Its weird honestly seeing mainly I'm assuming grown men act like they going to get beat up on sight for wearing a Cowboys jersey. Its idiots at every stadium but never have I felt scarred to not wear my cowboys gear or not talk to fans.

I'm glad you've had good experiences, in fact I think you're the only fan I've heard about who has gone (I'm assuming) multiple times and never had a problem there. But the personal stories in a six page thread in regards to going go Philly are running about 10-2 in favor of threats and intimidation and I'm willing to bet most of those Dallas fans were not instigators or looking for a fight. I know opinions are formed on experiences but to dismiss everybody and think it's weird that some fans would think twice about going because you've never felt scared is not a good correlation.
My brother was there on a business a few years back. He decided to go catch a game with his co-worker who lived there. The co-worker told him uniquivocably not to wear his Cowboys gear. And my bro is a big dude. I wouldn't do it unless you're scrappy in a fight. With my mouth, they'd probably hurl me into another section - which they've been known to do.
Just don't wear it. You never know how the game will go and how ugly people may become. It only takes 1 drunk piece of trash fan to throw a punch at you. I see zero benefit to wearing something that is geared towards upsetting a stadium full of people that have been drinking since 8am.
I go to games with Eagle fans and wear my Aikman jersey. No one messes with me, probably because we go as a group, it's obvious we're all friends, and I'm 6'6", 350 pounds. I need to drop about 30 pounds.
Way overblown. I've been to 7 or 8 games at the Linc in full regalia. It's the same as anything else: act like a normal, decent person and you'll be fine anywhere in the stadium. Parking lot and orange line station are the one place I'd advise staying part of a big group if possible.
a lot of fear in this thread
Has anybody done this? What are your experiences? I am going to the game on Sunday and was thinking of wearing my Dez jersey.

I had my Romo Jersey in Seattle and a guy threw a green cupcake at me , lol. At Philly probably would've been a battery or rock.
I'm glad you've had good experiences, in fact I think you're the only fan I've heard about who has gone (I'm assuming) multiple times and never had a problem there. But the personal stories in a six page thread in regards to going go Philly are running about 10-2 in favor of threats and intimidation and I'm willing to bet most of those Dallas fans were not instigators or looking for a fight. I know opinions are formed on experiences but to dismiss everybody and think it's weird that some fans would think twice about going because you've never felt scared is not a good correlation.
Most of,the stories seem to be from people that maybe went once so of course if you've went once compared to the multiple times I've went and never saw a problem outside of anything you'd get anywhere else its hard to see a place as what some are making it. I don't think because I find it weird I'm dismissing others views. I didn't call anybody a liar or anything did I? If I did or anybody feels it was implied I'm not doing that all. I just don't think the views match up with people I know IRL and when that happens esp compared to online where things oftentimes seem to have a different narrative that's how we get these differences of views. Its not just on this but a lot of things where we as people in general speak about the bad things/perceived bad things but not on the good.

All in all honestly though people are going to have their views and we can't change them one way or another. I'm just giving an opposing view as one of the few that have been many times vet/Linc. That's all no more no less
Way overblown. I've been to 7 or 8 games at the Linc in full regalia. It's the same as anything else: act like a normal, decent person and you'll be fine anywhere in the stadium. Parking lot and orange line station are the one place I'd advise staying part of a big group if possible.
Even in the parking lot and or Orange line its been the same as you would get anywhere else for me and my friends. I mean some are Eagles fans of course but even when Ive had to meet them (only once or twice) its still only been trash talk between teams as usual. Its like anywhere else most people aren't crazy drunk or not and that's been my experience.
Well...when i was 13...i wore my Hershel jersey to Veterans stadium in the 700 level and I had grown men threatening to beat me up. So i didn't wear anything when I went to the Linc a couple of years ago. Good luck! ;)

I had the same experience at RFK...It was at the game with my Cowboy Jersey on, we were down by 17 at the half and came back to win the game in the last minutes. A drunk 300+ lbs man walked up to me points to the goodyear blimp and said boy I am gonna kick your *** on national TV then he started to push me....I was 14 at the time and weighed about 150 lbs.

This is the best advice. You're probably okay in the stadium but the parking lot afterwards is a different story. I was at the Monday Night game in Buffalo a few years ago when Nick Folk kicked a 50 yard FG to win it (twice).

We had a cop beg us to take off our gear on the way out to the car, told us it was really bad out there according to his radio.

We did exactly as he asked us and I'll be honest it was scary as hell.

At the same game I mentioned above, it was a Monday night game and I arranged to have my mom pick me up on a major road beyond the parking lot so she didn't have to deal with game traffic and blocked streets....I saw cowboys fans being harassed everywhere. RFKs parking lots weren't well lit and I was scared to the point that I walked through the parking lot with no shirt on.

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