Is it just me or do you not agree that deflategate is nonsense

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That's the problem.

These are your words:The "deflategate nonsense" is "out of proportion" because Brady and New England's mishandling of the situation.
No, it is not.
It is called Deflategate because the media finds it necessary to label everything it sensationalizes. However, the label does not explain why the subject has invaded the public consciousness so invasively. The answer is apparent. And it is not because of psi.

How do you jump from me saying its blown out of proportion to it meaning I said Brady wouldnt have gotten a harder punishment if he cooperated? Nice try buddy. Talk about weak? Back to the drawing board for you. Pull up the statement where I said If Brady had cooperated, it wouldnt have affected his penalty?
Yep, Brady broke the rules and he should be punished. But lets be honest, its really not that big of a deal. Certainly not how badly its blown out of proportion by the media. The 2nd half of the Colts game should tell you how much of a big deal the deflating of the ball wasnt.

I think we just disagree on the "big deal" part of it then. It's a big deal because other QB's on other teams do not have the same advantage to have the ball pressure adjusted to their liking. They play with the ball at the prescribed pressure rather than their desired pressure. In that sense, Brady has an advantage that no one else has. Now how much of an advantage he has can be argued/debated, but the fact that he has an advantage that no one else has makes it a big deal, IMO.
Now if you ask me if the psi portion of the rule is needed and is a big deal, then I would say no until someone can explain to me the need for that part of the rule. Two separate issues, in my mind.
One other point that, to me, makes it a big deal. It's cheating, plain and simple. There is a principle involved here. If a smaller act of cheating is not taken seriously, then worse acts are sure to follow. As Barney Fife would say, "Nip it...Nip it in the bud!"
Unless the balls are so deflated that its ridiculous, then why shouldnt a QB have the ball the way he likes them? Again, the topic of PSI is dumb to begin with. The rule he broke that started this entire episode is minor and trivial in my opinion.

The balls are set to a certain PSI for a reason and as we see from Brian Burke's analysis, one could conclude that it helped the Patriots greatly decrease their fumble rate by astronomical levels. I'm certain the league wants that PSI so fumbles do happen because fumbles do add to the game. Conversely, I don't think they want them with too high of a PSI because it would be more difficult to throw and grip, causing too many fumbles.

If Brady can't play within the rules and guidelines set by the NFL, then maybe the game just isn't meant for him. And the Patriots need to find a QB that can play within those rules. Why can every other QB in the game throughout the history of the NFL play within those guidelines except for Tom Brady?

Using the results of one half of one game to determine the effects of something that has been going on far longer than that is what is way out of proportion here.

Ok, then go by the Superbowl. Im also going to go out on a limb here and say that Brady has a great year next year with properly inflated balls. LOL

Cmon, this whole inflate thing is ridiculous. Its about breaking a rule. And talk about a minor rule? Honestly, its foolish.
Its way overblown.

Slightly deflating the ball apparently is big news. But beating your GF apparently to some is no big deal.

Cops, judge, NFL all said based on the evidence that Hardy did it. But some report comes up about Brady that says more likely then not, and all off sudden that is enough evidence?

Talk about hypocritical? This stuff gets more laughable the more we talk about it.

Once again, when you have to distract from the issue at hand and bring up completely irrelevant points (the Hardy case has nothing to do with this) or make idiotic comments you should know you have lost the argument, so just stop making yourself look foolish
I think we just disagree on the "big deal" part of it then. It's a big deal because other QB's on other teams do not have the same advantage to have the ball pressure adjusted to their liking. They play with the ball at the prescribed pressure rather than their desired pressure. In that sense, Brady has an advantage that no one else has. Now how much of an advantage he has can be argued/debated, but the fact that he has an advantage that no one else has makes it a big deal, IMO.
Now if you ask me if the psi portion of the rule is needed and is a big deal, then I would say no until someone can explain to me the need for that part of the rule. Two separate issues, in my mind.
One other point that, to me, makes it a big deal. It's cheating, plain and simple. There is a principle involved here. If a smaller act of cheating is not taken seriously, then worse acts are sure to follow. As Barney Fife would say, "Nip it...Nip it in the bud!"

I think its a big deal if he is deflating it a lot. Is it a big deal to be double over the legal booz limit or just .2 over?

Has anyone actually said how much he was under the limit? I thought I saw a special where guys were tossing around one below and one at the limit and it was hard to tell.
The balls are set to a certain PSI for a reason and as we see from Brian Burke's analysis, one could conclude that it helped the Patriots greatly decrease their fumble rate by astronomical levels. I'm certain the league wants that PSI so fumbles do happen because fumbles do add to the game. Conversely, I don't think they want them with too high of a PSI because it would be more difficult to throw and grip, causing too many fumbles.

If Brady can't play within the rules and guidelines set by the NFL, then maybe the game just isn't meant for him. And the Patriots need to find a QB that can play within those rules. Why can every other QB in the game throughout the history of the NFL play within those guidelines except for Tom Brady?


Classic case of over blowing. So now he shouldnt be playing in the NFL eh? LOL

Brady did just fine in the 2nd half of the Colts game when they blew them out and in the SuperBowl. Clearly its a preference and not some kind of huge advantage. I cant wait till next year when Brady comes out pissed off with another incredible year. People are jealous of Brady and his success so they hate. Me personally, I appreciate the greatness of Brady and I awe at his abilities. Because above all else I am a football fan. I actually appreciate a team/player that will do anything to win a championship. All teams cheat and all players cheat at one point or another. Its what you get caught doing.
Actually, I'm with you on asking why there is even a rule regarding air pressure in footballs...what does it matter as long as every QB can have the pressure he desires? If one guy likes his at 11.5 and another at 14.5 and each can do what they like, then I don't see the problem. On the other hand, given that a rule does exist and Brady/Pats violated it, they got what they deserved. Basically, just follow the rules. If the rule is bad or makes no sense, then petition to get it changed...but until it gets changed, follow it! Pretty simple, really.

Agreed. He should be punished. Broke the rules. But to me, its still a minor issue. Not breaking the rules, but the rule he broke. Not a big deal in my opinion. And the report was wanting. That report is going to get diced up in court. Ill bet everything gets reduced in half at least after this is all said and done.
Once again, when you have to distract from the issue at hand and bring up completely irrelevant points (the Hardy case has nothing to do with this) or make idiotic comments you should know you have lost the argument, so just stop making yourself look foolish

So now Im an idiot and a fool? LOL

Apparently the only person I am making look foolish is you. Seeing as though you cant play nice.

If they are so idiotic, then how about disproving them? Waiting.........................
I think its a big deal if he is deflating it a lot. Is it a big deal to be double over the legal booz limit or just .2 over?

Has anyone actually said how much he was under the limit? I thought I saw a special where guys were tossing around one below and one at the limit and it was hard to tell.
As to the DUI reference, either will get someone killed.
As for the ability to be able to tell if one or two PSI makes a difference, apparently to Tom Brady it does. Otherwise, he wouldn't have directed the equipment guys to lower the psi.
As to the DUI reference, either will get someone killed.
As for the ability to be able to tell if one or two PSI makes a difference, apparently to Tom Brady it does. Otherwise, he wouldn't have directed the equipment guys to lower the psi.

Yah, well I think were down to BIG deal vs just plain old deal. I dont think its a BIG deal. And I will offer up the 2nd half of the colts game, the SB, and this up and coming season as evidence to support my claim.
Agreed. He should be punished. Broke the rules. But to me, its still a minor issue. Not breaking the rules, but the rule he broke. Not a big deal in my opinion. And the report was wanting. That report is going to get diced up in court. Ill bet everything gets reduced in half at least after this is all said and done.

You may be right about the report not holding up in court, but the investigation and subsequent report wasn't conducted with a court in mind. They (NFL and civilian courts) have two different standards. The NFLPA agreed to the NFL's standard in their CBA. For that reason, the findings may very well hold up if brought to court.
Yah, well I think were down to BIG deal vs just plain old deal. I dont think its a BIG deal. And I will offer up the 2nd half of the colts game, the SB, and this up and coming season as evidence to support my claim.

Again, the "big deal" to me, is the willful violation of the rule and, more importantly (to me) lying about doing it. Regardless of the impact of the violation, a major principle was breeched. JMO.
I'm certain the league wants that PSI so fumbles do happen because fumbles do add to the game. Conversely, I don't think they want them with too high of a PSI because it would be more difficult to throw and grip, causing too many fumbles.YR

Thank you. I couldn't figure out why a specific range existed in the first place. Your explanation makes sense.
Ok, buddy, whatever you say. Its called deflategate because its about non cooperation. LOL

Keep telling yourself that. And its not about PSI.

So tell me, why are people calling it cheating if its about non cooperation? How is non cooperation cheating?

Just admit your wrong and lets move on. Probably too much to ask.
Sorry Rowdy. No can do. You do not comprehend. Your lack of understanding may be due to excessive cranial swelling.

psst! Dude! Your head is humongous!

People call it cheating because Brady and the Patriots violated the rule. The scope of the public's outrage (e.g. PatriotNation) and exuberation (e.g. practically everyone else in the NFL world) is the fact that (principally) Brady did not act proactively and admit guilt. If he had done so, the investigation would not have taken place, the league would have leveled a small fine, public reaction would have temporarily spiked, and it would have been back to business as usual in short order.

Unfortunately, Brady categorically denied or feinted ignorance when asked about the allegations. Doing so pissed off the league, who tagged Brady with the 1/4 season suspension and his team was handed a $1,000,000 (albeit chump change) fine. The "verdict" vindicated Patriot and Brady critics to the extreme. The decision catapulted Patriot and Brady supporters into hysterical denial. The overall reaction is totally predictable. It's human nature.
How do you jump from me saying its blown out of proportion to it meaning I said Brady wouldnt have gotten a harder punishment if he cooperated? Nice try buddy. Talk about weak? Back to the drawing board for you. Pull up the statement where I said If Brady had cooperated, it wouldnt have affected his penalty?
Where did you escape from? Arkham?

Either you're nuts or trolling. Which is it? Don't bother saying neither. You will not be fooling anyone.

Scratch that. Say neither. It's entirely possible that you're not a troll.
Unfortunately, Brady categorically denied or feinted ignorance when asked about the allegations.

Did he make an outright denial? All I've heard him do is skirt the question with an "are you serious" type of reply to the question. I haven't heard him come right out and say he had nothing to do with it. I've only heard him feign ignorance, as you stated above.
Had he admitted his involvement we wouldn't be having this conversation.
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I think its a big deal if he is deflating it a lot. Is it a big deal to be double over the legal booz limit or just .2 over?

Has anyone actually said how much he was under the limit? I thought I saw a special where guys were tossing around one below and one at the limit and it was hard to tell.

The DUI is a good point. You could argue that .01 percent is "not a big deal". There has to be a line somewhere though. If I get pulled over tonight and blow .07 I'm ok. I blow .08 I'm getting cited for DUI and paying the price for going over the line. There has to be a line.

I saw Drew Brees on a late night talk show, forget which one. The host had planned to lay four balls in front of him and see if he could determine the softest. Brees didn't give him a chance and instead just grabbed the first ball and told the host it was 11.5 psi, he was right. He then went on to easily do the same to the rest.

Anyone who has ever played ball in the cold and wet knows a soft ball is easier to catch and hang on to. I used to deflate the ball a bit myself in the backyard football days if it "needed" it, lol

I took a few minutes to skim through the report at lunch today. If you haven't you should.
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