Is it just me or do you not agree that deflategate is nonsense

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Average NFL QB hand size is 9.6 inches. Brady's? 10.25 inches

Yup, his hands are small.

Good grief.


LOL......if you cant win the argument, attack the small points. He likes his balls a little less PSI, that is the point. Whether it be smaller hands, weaker hands, or personal preference doenst really matter.

Unless the balls are so deflated that its ridiculous, then why shouldnt a QB have the ball the way he likes them? Again, the topic of PSI is dumb to begin with. The rule he broke that started this entire episode is minor and trivial in my opinion.
Average NFL QB hand size is 9.6 inches. Brady's? 10.25 inches

Yup, his hands are small.

Good grief.


The Patriots scored plenty of points in the 2nd half after the balls were inflated to "league standards" and blew out the Colts. So obviously the PSI thing is a joke and had little affect. It was simply a personal preference. We all have our opinions and in my opinion, the PSI things is dumb and blown way out of proportion.
I never disputed that it wouldnt have been less.
That's the problem.

These are your words:
This deflate gate nonsense is blown way out of proportion?
The "deflategate nonsense" is "out of proportion" because Brady and New England's mishandling of the situation.
The crux if the issue with Brady is the PSI.
No, it is not.
After all its called deflategate for a reason. Its not called uncooperategate now is it?
It is called Deflategate because the media finds it necessary to label everything it sensationalizes. However, the label does not explain why the subject has invaded the public consciousness so invasively. The answer is apparent. And it is not because of psi.
It's not dumb, it was a plotted way to cheat. Brady knows the rules and was directly involved with trying to get the rules changed where teams could condition their own footballs.

The joke is the people that think this should be ignored and passed off as no big deal.
Forum police lol

No you're not, deflategate is a joke. Punish Brady for lying about it but in reality it's not a big deal at all. I mean really? It's the dumbest investigation I've seen in years. Next they'll tell Murray he can't drink that much water before a game because he'll have a hydration advantage.

This is a stupid comparison. You realize they have those rules in place for a reason. An under inflated ball means it is much easier to grip and catch. You ever played football and seen the difference? Footballs with less air are much easier to catch. And much easier to hold onto because you can grip it. It's an advantage whether you want to say it is or not. It's apart of the rules. They blatantly cheated. And lied about it. Nothing new for them.

And if you think they just started doing it this game, you are mistaken. They just finally got caught.
Meanwhile, the only two guys who lost there jobs were they equipment guys.
lol. Brady should do the "honorable" thing and make sure they are well-compensated for their troubles. Of course, I doubt Brady cares anything for anyone following his instructions and paying the consequences.
They don't have to be. Just highlighting that doing something because you think there is an advantage doesn't mean the advantage exists.

Miss the part where I said they should be punished?

They should be, but the issue has been overblown.

Nobody paid much attention to the Falcons getting in trouble by piping in noise. Certainly not this much attention.

You are obviously struggling with the concept of cheating

If you do something against the rules that you think will help you, that is cheating. Cheating depends on intent not results

My argument is the same as it was when people tried to minimize the impact of spygate: NFL franchises are too busy doing things that they think help them, they're not going to do something repeatedly that is not helping them

If the Pats or bellichick of Brady were doing this, they obviously thought it was helping them enough that it was worth breaking rules to do it

Lol at it being overblown
The Patriots scored plenty of points in the 2nd half after the balls were inflated to "league standards" and blew out the Colts. So obviously the PSI thing is a joke and had little affect. It was simply a personal preference. We all have our opinions and in my opinion, the PSI things is dumb and blown way out of proportion.

Using the results of one half of one game to determine the effects of something that has been going on far longer than that is what is way out of proportion here.
This whole "It was a sting operation" crap, how ridiculous is that? The NFL should have notified them before the game? They did. They established rules that every team was expected to follow. And if you think the NFL should warn you not to break a certain rule in a certain game, then you have obviously been breaking the rule for a while.

They are so obviously guilty that it defies belief that Kraft, Brady's agent, former New England players, could be this angry about the investigation and the consequences. They just think they are above the law and untouchable. A sure sign that the discipline was not severe enough. They have bought into their own mythology. It was inevitable that it would all come crashing down. That's the American way. Build it up. Tear it down. Sell newspapers.
LOL......if you cant win the argument, attack the small points. He likes his balls a little less PSI, that is the point. Whether it be smaller hands, weaker hands, or personal preference doenst really matter.

Unless the balls are so deflated that its ridiculous, then why shouldnt a QB have the ball the way he likes them? Again, the topic of PSI is dumb to begin with. The rule he broke that started this entire episode is minor and trivial in my opinion.

Actually, I'm with you on asking why there is even a rule regarding air pressure in footballs...what does it matter as long as every QB can have the pressure he desires? If one guy likes his at 11.5 and another at 14.5 and each can do what they like, then I don't see the problem. On the other hand, given that a rule does exist and Brady/Pats violated it, they got what they deserved. Basically, just follow the rules. If the rule is bad or makes no sense, then petition to get it changed...but until it gets changed, follow it! Pretty simple, really.
Brady helped with making the rule.

Yes and no. Brady was instrumental in teams being able to prep their own balls during the week for the upcoming game, but had no input (to my knowledge) on ball psi requirements. That said, this is, to me, is a classic case of "give 'em and inch and they'll take a mile". Brady abused the leeway he was given.
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When u have to resort to this sort of reasoning to defend your position you know what you are saying is rubbish

None of the examples you give are against NFL rules

The Pats purposefully and knowingly deflated balls below specifications which gave them a distinct advantage in terms of throwing the balls (Brady) and running the ball (fewer fumbles).

They had the ball boys sneak the ball into a room and do it surreptitiously so clearly they knew it was cheating

Brady lied and denied all knowledge when asked, so clearly he knew this was cheating

Every single qb that I have heard over the last several months has stated that this deflation is VERY significant

The evidence is pretty clear if you're not blind

They cheated and are a cheating franchise and Brady's legacy will forever be tainted

This very well may be one of your best posts!
Yes and no. Brady was instrumental in teams being able to prep their own balls during the week for the upcoming game, but had no input (to my knowledge) on ball psi requirements. That said, this is, to me, is a classic case of "give 'em and inch and they'll take a mile". Brady abused the leeway he was given.

He knew exactly what he was doing/demanding.

He knew how the rules were applied, and he defiantly gave the finger to the rules.

He would have simply paid a fine if he had the stones to just admit to cheating.
He knew exactly what he was doing/demanding.

He knew how the rules were applied, and he defiantly gave the finger to the rules.

He would have simply paid a fine if he had the stones to just admit to cheating.

Oh, I completely agree that he knew exactly what he was doing. By lobbying to gain control of game balls during the week preceding the game, he could then figure a way to have them inflated at his desired level. What I don't understand is why he/they didn't lobby to also have the psi requirement removed from the rulebook, thus eliminating any need to even have to worry about psi levels. The rule and the logic behind the rule are two separate issues, IMO. The rule is there, so follow it. Why is the rule there, though?

Edit: Sorry, just realized you're talking about his pressuring the equipment guys to break the rule for him rather than him lobbying to have the rule changed. Yes, he knew exactly what he was doing. Also, I've heard him asked more than once if he was guilty and he has never said a simple "no" to my knowledge. He's pretty "Krafty" if you ask me.
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That's the problem.

These are your words:The "deflategate nonsense" is "out of proportion" because Brady and New England's mishandling of the situation.
No, it is not.
It is called Deflategate because the media finds it necessary to label everything it sensationalizes. However, the label does not explain why the subject has invaded the public consciousness so invasively. The answer is apparent. And it is not because of psi.

Ok, buddy, whatever you say. Its called deflategate because its about non cooperation. LOL

Keep telling yourself that. And its not about PSI.

So tell me, why are people calling it cheating if its about non cooperation? How is non cooperation cheating?

Just admit your wrong and lets move on. Probably too much to ask.
You are obviously struggling with the concept of cheating

If you do something against the rules that you think will help you, that is cheating. Cheating depends on intent not results

My argument is the same as it was when people tried to minimize the impact of spygate: NFL franchises are too busy doing things that they think help them, they're not going to do something repeatedly that is not helping them

If the Pats or bellichick of Brady were doing this, they obviously thought it was helping them enough that it was worth breaking rules to do it

Lol at it being overblown

Its way overblown.

Slightly deflating the ball apparently is big news. But beating your GF apparently to some is no big deal.

Cops, judge, NFL all said based on the evidence that Hardy did it. But some report comes up about Brady that says more likely then not, and all off sudden that is enough evidence?

Talk about hypocritical? This stuff gets more laughable the more we talk about it.
Yes and no. Brady was instrumental in teams being able to prep their own balls during the week for the upcoming game, but had no input (to my knowledge) on ball psi requirements. That said, this is, to me, is a classic case of "give 'em and inch and they'll take a mile". Brady abused the leeway he was given.

Yep, Brady broke the rules and he should be punished. But lets be honest, its really not that big of a deal. Certainly not how badly its blown out of proportion by the media. The 2nd half of the Colts game should tell you how much of a big deal the deflating of the ball wasnt.
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