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Thanks for the link. Had not seen/heard that.
Classic case of over blowing. So now he shouldnt be playing in the NFL eh?
Brady did just fine in the 2nd half of the Colts game when they blew them out and in the SuperBowl. Clearly its a preference and not some kind of huge advantage. I cant wait till next year when Brady comes out pissed off with another incredible year. People are jealous of Brady and his success so they hate. Me personally, I appreciate the greatness of Brady and I awe at his abilities. Because above all else I am a football fan. I actually appreciate a team/player that will do anything to win a championship. All teams cheat and all players cheat at one point or another. Its what you get caught doing.
At the time, I remember saying to myself that I hope he has tight control over anyone he is associated with. It only takes one person to slip up and drag everyone else down with you.Thanks for the link. Had not seen/heard that.
Yep, Brady broke the rules and he should be punished. But lets be honest, its really not that big of a deal. Certainly not how badly its blown out of proportion by the media. The 2nd half of the Colts game should tell you how much of a big deal the deflating of the ball wasnt.
Call up Goodell tomorrow and make you case and see if he agrees with you.Cmon, this whole inflate thing is ridiculous. Its about breaking a rule. And talk about a minor rule? Honestly, its foolish.
This guy gets it.Cheating and integrity are never nonsense.
Shock aside, wouldn't removing weather as a variable make for a better sampling? The elements have affected games for as long as football has existed. Analyzing data without variables such as rain, wind, unregulated temperature, etc. seems like a logical approach in my opinion. Otherwise, one must factor how those variables should be considered insignificant to altering ball surfaces, etc. Ergo, a wet ball is slippery in an open air stadium on a rainy day but normally dry within a domed stadium.
You are obviously struggling with the concept of cheating
If you do something against the rules that you think will help you, that is cheating. Cheating depends on intent not results
My argument is the same as it was when people tried to minimize the impact of spygate: NFL franchises are too busy doing things that they think help them, they're not going to do something repeatedly that is not helping them
If the Pats or bellichick of Brady were doing this, they obviously thought it was helping them enough that it was worth breaking rules to do it
Lol at it being overblown
Romo and Luck haven't deflated footballs. In fact, the league actually proved that Luck did not deflate footballs.
And this goes beyond Brady as the entire team has dramatically reduced their fumble percentage since 2007.
And Romo's drop in fumble rate is not nearly at the drop in fumble and INT that Brady has had. He went from being very good at not fumbling and not throwing picks to historically phenomenal. All starting in 2007.
The problem is that Brian Burke did analysis of his own and showed that compared to outdoors teams, the Patriots are wayyyy better at not fumbling than anybody else and it happened right 2007.
Here's the article.
"Whoa. In this case NE is at the top of the list, and the next best team is a distant second. Notice how the second team (BLT) through the second to last team (PHI) have rates that are within 1 or 2 plays of each other. NE, however, is better than the next best team by 20 plays per fumble
You might notice that 2013 was a bit of a down year for NE ball security. That's partly due to the week 12 game against DEN in insanely frigid conditions. NE had 6 fumbles and Denver had 5. Extremely cold temperatures are associated with high fumble rates--They're about 35% more frequent than usual in the coldest games. But if we threw out that game, NE would have a 60 play-per-fumble rate. Not the best that season, but still better than any other outdoor team's 5-year average." - Brian Burke
Not to mention that Brady's fumble rate reduced by 114%, this after 6 seasons as a starter and missing the entire 2008 season with an injury.
Compared to Romo whose fumble rate reduced by 76%, after 2.5 seasons as a starter...and playing in a dome-like stadium.
That's not the point. I'm offering an alternative reason for a reduction in fumbles. Good players strive to get better. Is it really so hard to believe that a future HoF quality player would make a conscious effort to improve. That's why I asked if you think Luck will finish his career with 10 fumbles per season.
So now we are able to tease out who's a cheater and who's not based solely on the degree of improvement?
The real problem is you can't just exclude dome teams because it makes the numbers look better. Atlanta did not get the dome advantage prior to Matt Ryan, and Indy has not had the dome advantage since Peyton Manning. Whatever difference a dome does make is significantly less important than who the QB is. This is entirely obvious.
OK, I'm giving my opinion once and people can rip me or whatever. But I'm basing it on the reality of the investigation, what has been said, etc
First of all, this Yahoo piece on 5 Reasons the NFL got it wrong is a very good piece
Secondly, I'm not a Pats fan. So don't pull that junk with me. Die-hard Cowboys since 1975 and though I have respected the Pats, Brady, etc over the years, I wouldn't say my opinions support them. It's more I don't trust a league who makes up random punishments/systems as they go.
So here is my issue...and its not with Brady and the Pats, but the NFL and the Commish
1) There are many ex-QBs..Jeff Blake, Brett Favre,etc...that have said that the ball issue has been happening for a long time. Minnesota got caught warming balls this year. Does that make it right? No. But the reality of this is the offense in question is a misdemeanor(to steal Dan Wetzel's phrasing). So when the league was told by the Colts before the game that they thought the Pats deflated balls, they should have stepped in and warned them and the story would have been done.Seriously, we would not have to be dragged through this if Goodell did his job to start. End of Story.
2) The Game and Wells Reports. I think the game/report is a joke. First of all it had a pre-determined outcome and the league wrote it up to blast the Pats. If you don't think this then you didn't read the report well enough and just aren't being objective. One of the most damming things hidden in the report was regarding which needles they tested the balls with because both needles gave different readings. When the ref was asked which one he used he said he was pretty sure it was the long, crooked one (which would have helped Pats case), yet the league pushed him like he was in interrogation and eventually his story changed. Also, Brady isn't under any legal process where he needed to give up his phone, no matter what Wells promised him. It's his personal phone and its legally smart not to hand it over. Not only that but to me that smelled of desperation because if Brady had been writing the equipment guys, wouldn't they have it on their phones vs their Three Stooges texts to each other? Think about that. Wells was saying he was confident the texts were hard proof but there were none from Brady regarding letting air out. In fact Brady said he liked his balls low....12.5. Many QBs have said game balls can be rock hard no matter the testing. So doesn't being the "Deflator" make just as much sense for a guy deflating balls from rock hard to 12.5 vs. "make it illegal." I mean there are so many arguments that a law school student could have torn up the Wells Report
3) Punishment. And this is where Cowboy fans and other teams should be concerned. Especially since Kraft was a buddy. 4 Games, $1 million, draft picks. The letter basically says the league was being harsh because of the Pats past. That's a joke. Brady didn't videotape practices or games so doubling down on him is dumb. They were already punished. Also, Wells got defensive and on his soap box regarding his report. It was allegedly the proof. Yet it completely cleared Kraft and Belichick. So why are they getting fined and losing picks when the report blamed 2 stooges and kindof/sorta Brady? They were punished in the past so now you can double dip? Goodell and the league...., with Rice, this and the last 3 years....scare me more than the Pats. They are arbitrarily making up laws as they go and then they get over turned. So we went from #1..a millions on a report and felony style punishment for air in a football.
In conclusion, this should have been over pre-Colts game. If not, then Brady should have gotten an immediate 1 game suspension that was appealable. In the end we got an overzealous Commish making things 50 times worse because his feelings got hurt.
As for "did it make a difference." I think minimal and all teams and QBs like their balls a certain way. It's why you've barely heard a word from current QBs. You are gullible if you think differently. Brady had better stats in the second half and SB without the issues. It does beg the question why do it then but to me its comfort. I don't like cheating but I also am not going t act like the Cowboys and others haven't done a ton of stuff get an edge. Heck, we my have had a HOF WR playing SBs with nose candy and its brushed under the rug. His cussing, post NFC title rant on live TV might be proof enough. It's why I don't throw stones.
When asked why I'm not a fan, the homers on many threads like this at CowboysZone.
I was reconsidering.
actually you are the gullible one. Probably think OJ is still looking for the real killers. You lap up the pats bleeting like a cat with cream.
Ok, then go by the Superbowl. Im also going to go out on a limb here and say that Brady has a great year next year with properly inflated balls. LOL
Cmon, this whole inflate thing is ridiculous. Its about breaking a rule. And talk about a minor rule? Honestly, its foolish.