CFZ Is Micah really worth a record breaking deal?


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I know I'll get bashed, I know it's not time, but we have to get our thoughts ready for this record breaking deal. In his first season, he blew the league by surprise because obviously no one knew what he could do as a rookie.

2nd season, I think we as fans are still living in the bubble of his first season. With these players, we need to go case by case, season by season. Every year there seems to be a new dominant player, or a team that comes out of nowhere to surprise everyone.

I said that to say, let's take Micah since he's the topic of this post, on a season by season basis. Year one was dynamic, year two, he was good, but often burned out! I've never seen a second year player burned out like that......

Contractually and I REALLY don't care what he gets, it's neither my money or yours. I just think we're basing his every move off of year one. I'd like to see him be that dominant force in the league, to me there's a few guys ahead of him.

He said weeks ago that he wants to affect the game and he isn't worried about sack totals. Believe it or not, I almost cried hearing that!!! It's not just about sack numbers, but what else you can do, to have that ultimate impact on the game.

So let's see what he does this year by taking over games and doing what he needs not worrying about numbers!! Once again I will get bashed and I accept it!!! Please give your thoughts!!
He is arguably the best defensive player in the NFL and at a minimum, firmly in the top 5. There are not many dudes I have seen wreck a game like he has done regularly. I would say that a new deal is likely worth it barring a massive decline this season.

Premium pass rushers (I'm talking guys that roll out of bed and get around 15 sacks a season) are very difficult to find. When you have one, you should try not to let them get away.

I will say though, mega deals for the best players in the league are difficult for any team to swallow due to the trickle down effect it has on the roster. I imagine there is a case to be made for simply refusing to re-sign an elite player when you find one and just flipping them for maximum draft capital money ball style, but we have not seen this strategy employed enough in order to know if it would be effective.


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Great at 1 thing.

Average at best at everything else.
What is everything else? Lol cornerback? You dudes get your little internet attention trolling Dak that you try to keep up the persona with other players. Use logic. Micah is great at edge and average at lb. Wth is "everything else"?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Thank you so much unnecessary, people have to think like others if not they're getting attacked not cool!!
You said you knew you were going to get bashed in your OP, so why start a thread if you know it’s going to lead to attacks? There’s been other threads started about trading Parsons. There’s fans that don’t want to pay any of our best players. It’s going to take a record deal to re-sign Parsons, but he’s worth it because he’s a generational player that doesn’t come along very often. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it makes absolutely no sense to move on from one of the top five players in the entire league, and one of the most dominant defensive players the Cowboys have ever drafted. What do you want to do, sign three or four mediocre players with the money you’ll save by not paying him? Lol Go look at our defense in 2020 before he arrived. It was a JOKE!

The Cowboys will never win another championship if they don’t find ways to keep their best players. They would have never won three Super Bowls in the 90s without Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, and Charles Haley. You don’t move on from Hall of Fame players before they’ve even reached their pinnacle. Micah Parsons is what every team dreams of drafting. He’s a big part of why we’ve made the playoffs in back to back seasons for the first time since 06 and 07. He’s the main reason our defense has become so much better. No team in their right mind would trade a player of Parsons caliber.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
To me, it's not about Parsons, it's about Prescott.

If they decide he's the future, then Parsons is most likely signed but what if they decide to move on and go for a stud QB in the draft like Williams?

Any non-QB a better move up chip into that #1 spot without having to meet the draft values? You can throw away that chart if the Cowboys are willing to trade Parsons.

Let's say the team holding the #1 pick isn't ready to go QB in this draft. The Cowboys dangle Parsons in front of them, what do you think their GM is going to do?

The first decision to be made is at QB and will there be a better time to make a change than this upcoming draft with Parsons in his prime and probably the hottest ticket to the top of the draft? Think there will be a no trade clause in Parson's next contract?
The amount of draft capital it would take to move up to select one of the top-2 QBs in the 2024 draft would be astounding.

Based on most draft calculators, assuming the Cowboys pick 28th or later, they would have to give up their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th rounder (or equivalent player assets) in order for the pick values to even make it worth the other team considering the deal.

Let's assume you throw in Parsons, you are likely still in it for your 2nd rounder and potentially even next year's first.

Is it really worth losing a perennial first team all pro pash rusher (and best player on your team) + premium picks in order to have a chance to pick a top QB prospect that has quite a significant chance of busting/not even being better than what you've already got?

In the end, even performing this thought exercise is probably not worth it since this scenario is something that happens in Madden, not real life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I know I'll get bashed, I know it's not time, but we have to get our thoughts ready for this record breaking deal. In his first season, he blew the league by surprise because obviously no one knew what he could do as a rookie.

2nd season, I think we as fans are still living in the bubble of his first season. With these players, we need to go case by case, season by season. Every year there seems to be a new dominant player, or a team that comes out of nowhere to surprise everyone.

I said that to say, let's take Micah since he's the topic of this post, on a season by season basis. Year one was dynamic, year two, he was good, but often burned out! I've never seen a second year player burned out like that......

Contractually and I REALLY don't care what he gets, it's neither my money or yours. I just think we're basing his every move off of year one. I'd like to see him be that dominant force in the league, to me there's a few guys ahead of him.

He said weeks ago that he wants to affect the game and he isn't worried about sack totals. Believe it or not, I almost cried hearing that!!! It's not just about sack numbers, but what else you can do, to have that ultimate impact on the game.

So let's see what he does this year by taking over games and doing what he needs not worrying about numbers!! Once again I will get bashed and I accept it!!! Please give your thoughts!!
I'd like to see him become a pro bowl linebacker that sometimes goes to the line instead of the other way around, his body will not hold up and there are better DE run-stoppers. To me, his LB skills need to improve,,, ie reading the play, plugging holes, etc. like Bobby Waggoner, a better DL will help that. If he can be an all-pro doing that then keep him.
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What is everything else? Lol cornerback? You dudes get your little internet attention trolling Dak that you try to keep up the persona with other players. Use logic. Micah is great at edge and average at lb. Wth is "everything else"?
You take away him rushing the QB and he’s basically nonexistent.

Do you even watch the games?


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If he couldn’t rush the QB at a high level he’d be LVE.

He’s a non factor when he primarily plays LB.

Luckily for us he can rush the QB with the best of em.
This is false. If he was only good at rushing the passer, players like Hassan Reddick would be looked at as a better player.

You keep saying you know football... Iam not seeing it.


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This is false. If he was only good at rushing the passer, players like Hassan Reddick would be looked at as a better player.

You keep saying you know football... Iam not seeing it.

If Reddick was a Cowboy and Micah wasn’t he might be.

It’s the same reason a bum like Dak gets lumped in with top QBs.

It’s the popular Cowboy affect. The more attention you get the more overrated you become.

Micah is a great rusher of the QB, but no basically a job factor if you take that away.


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From the Cowboys FO point of view, you have to pay him. Letting him go, or trading him will be a bad decision. If there is one player on this team that gives the team relevance, it is Micah. May not win SBs, but Jerry just wants to be relevant and talked about. We say that all the time here.


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To many fans in this site would have traded Randy White, Roger Staubach, Troy Aikman and many others at the drop of a hat. Just glad none of them ever coached because we would have drafted 1st every single year.


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Parsons has a big mouth also.... he will want the biggest deal in NFL history for a defensive player. Being on the Cowboys has upped his visibility big time, in turn it has upped his self worth. You think if parsons played for the Lions he would be garnering discussions of the largest deal in nfl history for a defensive player?

I like the guy, I love his passion and obviouslyhe is a tremendous player. Unfortunately, that is going to be a HUGE negative for the team come contract negotiation time.


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From the Cowboys FO point of view, you have to pay him. Letting him go, or trading him will be a bad decision. If there is one player on this team that gives the team relevance, it is Micah. May not win SBs, but Jerry just wants to be relevant and talked about. We say that all the time here.
yea... and people say stupid stuff in here all the imte.

What makes you think the Cowboys need to be "Relevant," to be talked about? They are the most popular team in the world, they get nonstop stories on them. Why do you think we are linked to every decent free agent in the league? Saying Jerry will need to sign parsons to keep the team relevant and talked about is just flat out factually incorrect.

We could win 4 games this season and we would still be talked about more than any team in the league, and it wouldnt be close.