News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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that is NFL showing its 'leverage'
Exactly right. I believe the NFL has more dirt on EE that hasn't gone public. Rog is a worm, but he is an intelligent worm.

I think EE's camp and Jerruh will kick up a lot of dust in protest, and eventually drop it like Brady did, and say "we still think we were wronged, but will drop this for the best interest of the team".
Hey I am not saying to follow me. I am just saying that guy is lying us to make us feel worse about this situation. IOW, don't follow him.

Whoa. Hate me, think I'm wrong, whatever - it's a free country. But I defy you to find one instance in any thread I've posted in where I have celebrated, gloated about, or justified the Zeke suspension.

I have, however, articulated consistently and aggressively what rules and considerations would apply to any litigation brought by Zeke to challenge the suspension.

I haven't stated at all what I think the rules SHOULD BE, I've only stated what THEY ARE.

And as aside, I live with a wife and stepson who are Dallas fans, and I selfishly hope Zeke plays week one so when the Giants win for the third time in a row I don't have to hear any BS whining or excuses that the Boys were at less than full strength lol
Yes - but that policy is issued UNDER Article 46. So it is ultimately just an application of the "conduct detrimental" rules.

That's why the SI article and the Harvey tweets - among lots of other sources - are assessing this under Article 46.

You are missing the point. He was not suspended under the code of conduct policy, which is more vague and nebulous.

He was suspended under the much clearer domestic violence policy. Hence their specific reference the clear penalty - 6 games - under that policy.
You are missing the point. He was not suspended under the code of conduct policy, which is more vague and nebulous.

He was suspended under the much clearer domestic violence policy.

Dude, think about it this way. TX has general driving laws. One of those laws includes specific speed limits and specific penalties for breaking them.

If you get a speeding ticket, yes it is issued under the speed limit laws. But it is also issued under the general driving statutes it falls under.
I have yet to see anywhere with any reporter stating or anything that the NFL has written that says that there was a video of the fight that Thompson was involved in. Furthermore, Peter Harvey in the press conference call said that following:

Mr. Elliott’s representatives suggested that maybe she was in a fight with another woman and the bruises, for example a bruise to her eye, and perhaps other bruises on her body, were sustained in that altercation. The NFL’s investigators talked to people who witnessed that altercation and it was revealed that neither woman landed a punch on the other, they pulled each other’s hair but they never hit each other with a balled-up fist or in any other way. Mr. Elliott’s representatives also suggested that maybe someone else did it, except there was never someone else who was revealed and identified as the person who would have done this.

So either David Moore made it up or erod completely misconstrued Moore's words.

Dude, think about it this way. TX has general driving laws. One of those laws includes specific speed limits and specific penalties for breaking them.

If you get a speeding ticket, yes it is issued under the speed limit laws. But it is also issued under the general driving statutes it falls under.

You are still missing the point.

There were two avenues they could have punished him. Either under the regular conduct detrimental avenue or the specific punishments under the DV policy.
Okay, I'm going to retreat to my cave and do something productive, like write weird things with a purpose.
I can't do such things around this straight-laced and overly serious place...

Edit: I could... and I probably will, but I just wanted to type that and be a drama king.
You are still missing the point.

There were two avenues they could have punished him. Either under the regular conduct detrimental avenue or the specific punishments under the DV policy.

No, there are literally an infinite number reasons and ways the league can discipline a player under Article 46.

One is under the domestic violence policy issued pursuant to and that is now part of that provision.

And the rest include anything else Goodell in his unilateral judgement under the basically unlimited power granted to him under the CBA feels like.

That's why the CBA needs to be and will be changed next go-round.
Okay, I'm going to retreat to my cave and do something productive, like write weird things with a purpose.
I can't do such things around this straight-laced and overly serious place...

Edit: I could... and I probably will, but I just wanted to type that and be a drama king.

Not nearly shrill enough. Perhaps some cap locks and talk of physical discomfort?
Whoa. Hate me, think I'm wrong, whatever - it's a free country. But I defy you to find one instance in any thread I've posted in where I have celebrated, gloated about, or justified the Zeke suspension.

I have, however, articulated consistently and aggressively what rules and considerations would apply to any litigation brought by Zeke to challenge the suspension.

I haven't stated at all what I think the rules SHOULD BE, I've only stated what THEY ARE.

And as aside, I live with a wife and stepson who are Dallas fans, and I selfishly hope Zeke plays week one so when the Giants win for the third time in a row I don't have to hear any BS whining or excuses that the Boys were at less than full strength lol

FWIW, and I sure won't make any friends saying this, I agree that you haven't shown any bias in this decision (if anything, you have questioned how they could have reached the conclusion based on the evidence we know to exist). You've also highlighted why it will be a hard, uphill battle, for Zeke to pursue further courts having a favorable decision based on the precedent set by the Brady ruling in NY. Now, you could be feeding us a bunch of bull since clearly you're familiar with law, but your story has remained consistent and like you said without bias, so I appreciate your insight. Now, I still hope Zeke pursues the highest level court required to clear his name (if he didn't do it) regardless of how difficult of a road it may be.
Okay, I'm going to retreat to my cave and do something productive, like write weird things with a purpose.
I can't do such things around this straight-laced and overly serious place...

Edit: I could... and I probably will, but I just wanted to type that and be a drama king.

"weird things written with a purpose" - good description of everything on this and every other message board
Not nearly shrill enough. Perhaps some cap locks and talk of physical discomfort?
Ha ha ha! I'm slipping! Needs hooks through flesh and stuff to prove my sincerity, yes?

Well then no. I don't care enough... effffffff all that shiz-nozz. Ain't any hooks going through this temple.
wow sounds great. i will google to check on prices.
how is the crime rate for expat non-celebrities?
did they have econ meltdown and recovering?

i am a seafood person.
i know it is a beef place but they have lots of coastline.
i love peruvian food if that helps.

my single cousin went there a while ago and had a WILD time..

thanks bro!
Like many cities/regions, there are certainly areas to avoid with respect to crime (they're pretty well known by the locals)...and a few things for which to be on guard, such as never ride in a car in dense traffic with the windows down. I have seen more thefts that way than any other. Dudes roll up on scooters and do a snatch and grab, taking off through traffic. Also, never try to drive there if you value your life!? lol.

Argentina (as well as Brazil) seems to always be on the precipice of economic greatness or collapse. The good news is they are very expat friendly when it comes to economic incentives for investment, etc. No thick red tape to clear or big fears of asset seizures. Of course the region will continue to boom with the big oil discoveries being exploited down there.

Re: the food, yes, seafood is plentiful and high quality, albeit not a dietary staple there. And much of it is prepared Italian style (e.g., in pasta, sauces, etc.). Brazil and Uruguay are more so seafood oriented but the Argentines certainly are no dunces when it comes to those dishes...ceviches, however, are not going to be very much in play there.

The night life is pretty well reputed...especially the tango shows/cabarets...and yes, there's certainly a pro American sentiment that helps in the social scene. On that score, I found people incredibly friendly wasn't unusual to meet someone in the morning at a market or store and be enjoying a nice home cooked meal with family at their place that same evening...hospitality and socializing are cultural staples I've found...much more than the States.

As an aside, if you do decide to venture down there, the Mendoza region (along the Chilean border) is wonderful, especially if you're a wine country buff...and a quick jaunt over to Uruguay to check out the capital (Montevideo) and the party scene at Punta del Este (the latter makes places like Ibiza or Mykonos look like amateur hour) are highly recommended. If I were to ever consider relocating down there, it would probably be Uruguay btw...still having easy access to its surrounding neighbors.
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