News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Last I checked girls didn't wear signs that tell you they will go crazy once you break up with them.
Its sounds cool and easy but real life doesn't work this way.

You spend enough quality time with a person... You pick up on if they're a nut job or not.

Let's face facts... Elliott's judgement is like that of a 12 year old.
Meanwhile Revis is walking around scotch free! Bell has smoked his knee caps off but continues to get a slap on the wrist. This is a bull**** suspension for a case that never was!!!
Totally agree. If they can suspend Zeke for 6 games for what he's supposedly done, those two guys could/should be suspended for an entire season
Jerry looks weak and stupid........ he better go Al Davis this time and wimp out like salary cap gate

1.They have whiffed on so many DV cases that had all of the evidence they needed so they are using this to appease all of the groups that have been angered in the past.

2. Goodell doesn't want this much power anymore because he has consistently screwed up on his rulings so a harsh punishment here guarantees leverage in the CBA negotiations. (The owners can use this as a negotiating chip and protect some of their other powers)

3. It gets talk shows to stop talking about Colin Kaepernick as much. Ezekiel Elliot will be the discussion and Kaepernick will get talked about far less now.

As it should, thank God.
If Zeke's guilty, he deserves the suspension and more.

But if there's truly such "overwhelming" evidence, whoever decided not to prosecute him should be fired immediately.
Over one year to come to this conclusion. Domestic Violence is not a trivial matter and if he did the crime he needs to do the time, one year to get to this point seems odd and hints of political bias. This smells like a fish until we get some context to the full charges.
So he is suspended for a "accumulation" of incidents. :lmao2:

First I think this gets reduced to 3-4 games easily but another point I wanna make. Probably take a little heat for this but guys this may be the best thing to happen to Zeke and his NFL career. I think we all agree Zeke's biggest weakness is immaturity. If this suspension doesn't wake him up that this is serious business, nothing will. One good thing here is it's happening soooo early in his career to where there's plenty time to recover. In other words, if Zeke keeps his nose clean and wins a couple rushing titles with next 3-4 years, no one will remember or care about this suspension.

Ezekiel Elliott of the Dallas Cowboys was notified today by the NFL that he will be suspended without pay for the team's first six 2017 regular-season games for violating the league's Personal Conduct Policy.

Over the course of the last year, the league conducted an extensive investigation. League investigators interviewed more than a dozen witnesses, including Ms. Tiffany Thompson, who had alleged multiple instances of physical violence in July 2016, and Mr. Elliott. The league also consulted with medical experts. League investigators examined all available evidence, including photographic and digital evidence, thousands of text messages and other records of electronic communications.

Pursuant to the Personal Conduct Policy, Commissioner Goodell sought the views of four external advisors (see below) to assist him in evaluating potential violations. These experts range in experience from law enforcement, judicial and public service, and other specialized subject areas (GIANT SEASON TICKET HOLDERS).

The advisors participated in a meeting on June 26, 2017 in New York City with Elliott, who was represented by his legal team and the NFL Players Association. The group also reviewed the league's investigative reports and materials, the expert medical reports, and multiple NFL Players Association submissions on Elliott's behalf.

In a letter to Elliott advising him of the decision, Todd Jones, the NFL's Special Counsel for Conduct, said these advisors "were of the view that there is substantial and persuasive evidence supporting a finding that [Elliott] engaged in physical violence against Ms. Thompson on multiple occasions during the week of July 16, 2016."

After reviewing the record, and having considered the views of the independent advisors (GIANT SEASON TICKET HOLDERS), the commissioner determined that the credible evidence established that Elliott engaged in conduct that violated NFL policy.

Elliott may appeal this decision within three days. If he does not appeal, Elliott's suspension will begin September 2, the day of final roster reductions for NFL teams. He is eligible to participate in all preseason practices and games. Elliott will be eligible to return to the team's active roster on Monday, October 23 following the Cowboys' Sunday, October 22 game against the San Francisco 49ers.

, former Attorney General for the State of New Jersey. (GIANT SEASON TICKET HOLDER)
KEN HOUSTON, member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, who played in 14 seasons in the NFL.(GIANT SEASON TICKET HOLDER)
TONYA LOVELACE, MA, Chief Executive Officer of The Women of Color Network, Inc. (GIANT SEASON TICKET HOLDER)
MARY JO WHITE, Esq., former United States attorney and former Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (GIANT SEASON TICKET HOLDER)

Thought some amendments to this report were necessary.
If Zeke's guilty, he deserves the suspension and more.

But if there's truly such "overwhelming" evidence, whoever decided not to prosecute him should be fired immediately.

There isn't. All there is is the statement of a gold digging stripper. The league would have used a statement from the deviled himself to justify this sham
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