News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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You know those futurist movies where its a utopia full of law and order. But in reality its like a police state, where petty crimes are punished with death. That's what this is like. Zeke is guilty of petty crimes basically and being punished like he's a convicted felon. No one is condoning his actions, and they are wrong, but at some point the punishment has to justify the crime. You don't chop off someone's hand off for petty theft (unless your'e in the middle-east). Isn't that what makes this country different than others?

And I get it, its right to play NFL, yadda yadda yadda. But lets be reasonable on the punishments.

If he is guilty he should be punished, but...the disparity between the responses of the legal system and the league is so great that you can't help but scratch your head.
so the league office is going to turn that info over to the police right? I mean obviously there was a crime that took place right?
That's crazy. They somehow came to a different conclusion on that same night than the police did. So are they saying the Columbus incident is incompetent then?
No trial. Can't have double jeopardy if no trial. Like Jordan Lewis cannot be tried criminally for same DV even if new evidence presented. He can be sued however.

Ok gotcha.
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I'm listening.

It sounds like they have no proof but a theory that they see as highly likeable of happening.

So who knows really... They are suspending based on their probabilities of how this girl acquired bruises.

They said she got in a fight with another girl or something but only hair was pulled according to witnesses.
Jerry Jones was furious about the fine a few years back, than bent over and took it.

The Giants kicker pleas out his domestic violence cast and gets ONE week last season. This is a joke!

Beat the crap out of wife = 1 game


PETER HARVEY, Esq., New Jersey. Giants Fan

KEN HOUSTON, Washington Commanders player

TONYA LOVELACE, MA, Philadelphia Eagles Fan

MARY JO WHITE, Esq., New York Giants Fan

Yep, that's totally impartial!
Whered you see that at?
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