News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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I laughed at the "you must not have any further adverse involvement with the police". Um he never had that given he was never charged. According to that line, just being investigated is enough for Robespierre.
I can't argue that he hasn't made dumb decisions but on this issue I need proof not the bumbling nfl to just tell me something. Their credibility is shot on stuff like this. They just gave Brown one game after all the evidence and people today on tv aren't really bringing that up but this case where the law has cleared him its six games? Nope that's bogus to me and like someone said which policy is dude even suspended on?

You'd have to ask the NFL.
I think there are two fairly indisputable items here:

1) The NFL is a crap show. They don't know how to handle matters like this and show no consistency and pander to groups to try to cover for themselves.

2) Elliott is your prototypical knucklehead.
The list of outside experts Goodell consulted is interesting. Plenty of female voices for obvious reasons. Don't be surprised if Zeke gets no mercy and serves the entire 6 games. Perhaps they have some evidence we are not aware of. Their statement lacks details. Perhaps they also acted on instinct and gut feelings. I don't feel good about this getting reduced.

PETER HARVEY, Esq., New Jersey. Giants Fan

KEN HOUSTON, Washington Commanders player

TONYA LOVELACE, MA, Philadelphia Eagles Fan

MARY JO WHITE, Esq., New York Giants Fan

Yep, that's totally impartial!

Jerry, and the boys knew they were going to be railroaded and that is why they have been so vocal about it. This IMO explains a lot and why/how they came to the 6 game suspension.
I'm listening.

It sounds like they have no proof but a theory that they see as highly likeable of happening.

So who knows really... They are suspending based on their probabilities of how this girl acquired bruises.

They said she got in a fight with another girl or something but only hair was pulled according to witnesses.
This girl told the police she was a professional sex slave..So if we are going to take her for her word then she could have gotten bruised in some sick sex act from one of her clients.

No jury in the country would convict Zeke of this. The police would even tough this one and for good reason... The girl was caught telling her friend to lie to police.
What exactly are they suspending him for? Accusations? Wow, you look great right now NFL. Good to know you'll suspend employees based on hearsay. Six games for domestic violence that appears to be completely made up and an alleged incident at a night club where no charges were pressed? **** outta here

I don't under stand it thought you have to be proven guilty - on these charges ?
It's a joke.. It really is.

Who knows if Zeke did anything or not.

The courts couldn't find anything and it sounds like the NFL didn't either.

I hope that none of it is true. If it is true then 6 games wasn't enough punishment.

But my gosh how can you suspend a player based off of a hunch?
According to the NFL, you can by believing a proven liar. There's no magic evidence. I listened to the entire call. They've got nothing and don't even have prepared responses to easily anticipated questions.
NO DA errs on the side of bringing charges if he or she feels he can't secure a conviction

oh yes they do, hell this one allegedly said he believed her, and if all the evidence that old Robespierre said was found existed, no way he couldn't have secured a conviction.

In this case, he wasn't even arrested let alone charged. This is a typical NFL kangaroo court.
I think there are two fairly indisputable items here:

1) The NFL is a crap show. They don't know how to handle matters like this and show no consistency and pander to groups to try to cover for themselves.

2) Elliott is your prototypical knucklehead.

Yeah. It was a "perfect storm".
Not when they have specific rules for DV....... just like weed and PEDs

Once they have a policy they have to stick to it

you can't foresee or have a specific rule on every thing you can think off, that's why it falls under code of conduct catch all
That's code of conduct....lite brite!

The problem is and where the question arises is the NFL has a very clear DV code of conduct. Why wasn't he suspended under that policy? Instead he was suspended under the "regular" Code of Conduct policy. Why?

It sets a really bad precedent where the NFL can still punish a player for DV under separate rules if they just feel like they want to.
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