News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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It's still vague.

I’m not making my judgment, yet.

The entire story that we’ve heard from the media so far will change numerous times as we go down this road.

Apparently, Thompson’s friend stated that Thompson did ask her to lie to the police. Thompson’s friend said she was also there when she got into fight with some random woman at a bar. However, Thompson’s friend also stated that she saw bruises on Thompson prior to that fight and that Thompson told her it was from EE.

What’s also being reported is that Thompson released pictures of her bruises.

It’s being reported that EE told the NFL that he didn’t date or live with Thompson, but had a sexual relationship with her and paid for her things. The NFL has stated that they used various medical experts in reviewing this case. The Columbus Ohio DA has stated that he believes violence occurred, but he doesn’t elaborate on the violence. Perhaps that is because he may be afraid of being sued by EE. But, perhaps that also means that the DA thinks that Thompson may have instigated the violence and EE may have defended himself and he just doesn’t know what exactly went on.

Based on the reporting so far, I think the following happened:

1. The league called the Columbus DA and he told them that based on the evidence he believed that there was some sort of violence that happened on the week of July 16 from EE.

2. The league was able to get the photos of Thompson’s bruises and the medical experts believed that the photos were consistent with abuse from a male attack.

3. The league probably disregarded Thompson’s friends statement that she asked her to lie about the abuse where she got pulled out of a car because Thompson never told police that she was pulled out of a car by EE.

4. The league did not like the statement EE made stating that he never dated nor lived with Thompson. They probably found that contradictory.

This however leads us down other questions:

1. Thompson is reportedly a stripper. Yes, strippers can be victims of abuse. But, I would question her character and her criminal background since strippers tend to have sketchier backgrounds and criminal pasts.

2. Just because Thompson didn’t tell police she was pulled out of a car doesn’t mean that she didn’t ask her friend to lie about it. Thompson may have thought about making up the lie to police and went to her friend and then decided to not use the lie. Thompson may have asked her friend to lie to police and then wait for her friend to tell the lie and then Thompson would back that up as well.

Also, her friend stated that she saw bruises prior to Thompson’s fight with another female and that Thompson told her those bruises were from EE. I can understand not believing her friend if she stated nothing to support Thompson’s accusation. But, her friend DID support one of Thompson’s accusations. Furthermore, with there being other witnesses for EE and given Thompson’s possible shady character, I tend to take her friend’s statement as being more credible.

3. Dating and living with somebody can be misconstrued. One may have a sexual relationship and not be dating. And one may live with a person for a week here and there and not be ‘living together.’

In reference to No 1 of your second part, I really don't disagree but at the same time the same can be said about Zeke. I'm not saying he was guilty of the accusations but when you couple that with some of his other behavior, specifically the bar incident, I'm sure the NFL is questioning his character as well which they should IMO. With regard to the bar incident, again, no proof but it's extremely fishy and didn't help his image.

Kind of like Hardy, believe what you want about whether he was guilty or not. You can question the credibility of the accuser but when you see how he acted on and off the field, especially knocking the clipboard out of a coaches hand, it's not all that hard to imagine there may be some truth to the accusations.
What stops Ms. Thompson now from suing him? and the police as well?

What stops the police from opening the investigation again?


If this ends up in a civil court with her asking for damages based on the NFLs ruling, you're probably going to see this get nasty. A suit against the league in Federal Court would be inevitable.
Good point that will get lost on a lot of people. In many occupations, it doesn't matter if you've been arrested or the police didn't press charges. My job has a personal conduct policy that can be enforced even if I wasn't arrested. The NFL is no different.

the NFL is not a court. Zeke and his lawyers did not have an opportunity to cross examine any of the witnesses the NFL allegedly interviewed. This was someone reviewing matters and deciding to substitute his views over what the police had reviewed.
The NFL does not suspend people for no reason. He is quilty. He out his hands on this woman . This man is need to grow up. Please stop defending him. He got what e deserved and from this day forward he needs to decide does he want to be a world class player and try to win a ring it continue to be the fool you have been. So even though it was years ago it is now up to him to set an example . This suspension sets this team back a great deAl. I assume we appeal and it gets cut in half. But either way this hurts this team. You don't just replace a world class player because we have a great line.
Just read this........Think about this for a second guys. Approx 2 months ago, you're drafted 4th overall by the Dallas Cowboys and set to start an ultimate dream come true. In a span of 3-4 days within one week of July, you decided to whip the **** out your girlfriend or former girlfriend. Does that make any sense at all. Now get this, AFTER EACH PHYSICAL ALTERCATION SHE TEXTED PIC to someone. Either Zeke has a serious problem we don't about or she just pulled the best snow job known to the league. What's even more amazing, this was done without putting a single damn person under oath where lying will cost you.
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