News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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This is absurd.

And LOL at people reading that letter and coming back like "jee wiz guys it does sound like he abused her" **** that's how the letter is going to's not an objective piece of literature; it's the letter justifying WHY they suspended him. Of course it's going to paint the worst possible picture. C'mon people.
It just shows you how easy it is to manipulate people. Welp the letter said he did it so it just be true. I think most that think like this honestly already thought he should be suspended to "teach" him a lesson. I wonder how many would want the same nfl logic used on them?
How about we give the NFL all the cold cases and unsolved crimes since their investigative team is better than real world police.
At least they'd have you believe that.
This will not stand.There will be lawsuits filed.
OJ case
Steve Avery in Wisconsin
Kennedy assassination
Jimmy Hoffa
Lindberg baby
Did Tony Soprano get shot
Where is Sasquwatch
If this ends up in a civil court with her asking for damages based on the NFLs ruling, you're probably going to see this get nasty. A suit against the league in Federal Court would be inevitable.
Excellent post!! I agree 100%- that is the unintended consequences of moving forward without solid evidence- you open up these players to blackmail- a case will be made in court
Who knows what facts the NFL has or doesn't have?

What they don't have is statements made under the stipulation that lying to them could result in charges pressed against them and a likely prosecution.

The statements and affidavits taken by law enforcement does.
This is absurd.

And LOL at people reading that letter and coming back like "jee wiz guys it does sound like he abused her" **** that's how the letter is going to's not an objective piece of literature; it's the letter justifying WHY they suspended him. Of course it's going to paint the worst possible picture. C'mon people.

I know, it was completely self-serving
How about we give the NFL all the cold cases and unsolved crimes since their investigative team is better than real world police.
At least they'd have you believe that.
This will not stand.There will be lawsuits filed.
Actually in this case the NFL did in fact conduct a much more thorough investigation than the local Columbus PD and DA. And they moved along slowly and methodically and shared all information w Zeke's side and allowed him rebuttal.
The NFL does not suspend people for no reason. He is quilty. He out his hands on this woman . This man is need to grow up. Please stop defending him. He got what e deserved and from this day forward he needs to decide does he want to be a world class player and try to win a ring it continue to be the fool you have been. So even though it was years ago it is now up to him to set an example . This suspension sets this team back a great deAl. I assume we appeal and it gets cut in half. But either way this hurts this team. You don't just replace a world class player because we have a great line.


For one, no one is really defending him. He's a knucklehead, most people agree with that. But there is also a situation where a knucklehead could be unfairly or unjustly significantly punished for something. And that could be the case here.
You can believe what you want. Qualified people looked into this with ALL the evidence and concluded that Zeke broke NFL conduct policy.

What NFL did w other issues, their desire to make Zeke an example, their hatred of the Cowboys, etc. can all be brought up at appeal. Games may be reduced but he will remain guilty under the conduct policy.

I for one hope Zeke stops being stupid and putting his life and career in peril.

And I hope this culture of bad behavior in the NFL and prevalent on my team the Cowboys is nipped in the bud.

I can deal with 6 football games.
Let see if you feel this way when the next accusation is made...maybe it will be Dak or Dez this next accusation has been proven to be the same...and actually worse. (Josh Brown) than an admission on guilt to this league office.

The NFL has struggled with ratings and today does the opposite of what the personal conduct policy intended. It doesn't protect the shield...its tarnishes the shield..even Eagles fans see the problems with this ruling.. this was a pretty easy case to dismiss if you are the league..they turned it into a circus and now put a larger target on every other players backs..
Just read this........Think about this for a second guys. Approx 2 months ago, you're drafted 4th overall by the Dallas Cowboys and set to start an ultimate dream come true. In a span of 3-4 days within one week of July, you decided to whip the **** out your girlfriend or former girlfriend. Does that make any sense at all. Now get this, AFTER EACH PHYSICAL ALTERCATION SHE TEXTED PIC to someone. Either Zeke has a serious problem we don't about or she just pulled the best snow job known to the league. What's even more amazing, this was done without putting a single damn person under oath where lying will cost you.
Yeah that part about texting "proof" to her friends seems kind of sketchy. I could see this if it was an isolated incident, but over the course of 5 days seems strange.
Every time a player appeals a suspension it takes weeks for a hearing to be scheduled.

I bet this one happens right away to ensure he misses the Giants game week 1. Call it the Mara effect.
It needs to be settled by Sept 2nd for him to miss Week One

No way if he appeals the NFL appeal to Federal Court, might not be 2017 at all if he gets a stay

Josh browns WIFE wrote letters and asked for help , had bruises and a Ny Giant player gets 1 game suspension. Zeke gets accused, is found not guilty by the law. NFL hands him 6 games.
Seems fair
Seems like there is little doubt there was indeed something there. Hopefully it will be reduced a game or two via appeal.

No other running back we have is the total package like Zeke is for sure, but we have some decent backs on the team. I just hope Zeke doesn't implode and turn into a basket case. We will need him later in the season.
In reference to No 1 of your second part, I really don't disagree but at the same time the same can be said about Zeke. I'm not saying he was guilty of the accusations but when you couple that with some of his other behavior, specifically the bar incident, I'm sure the NFL is questioning his character as well which they should IMO. With regard to the bar incident, again, no proof but it's extremely fishy and didn't help his image.

Kind of like Hardy, believe what you want about whether he was guilty or not. You can question the credibility of the accuser but when you see how he acted on and off the field, especially knocking the clipboard out of a coaches hand, it's not all that hard to imagine there may be some truth to the accusations.
You can't use some clipboard incident to say he might beat women. That's a stretch of the wildest proportions. Using that logic most players in the nfl should be easily believed they are going upside women's heads all willy nilly. Football is an emotional game and stuff like that happens don't try to make that then translate into beating people.
Two things have to happen:

Alfred Morris and Darren McFadden need to step up.

Ezekiel Elliott needs to grow up.

I lied, a third things need to happen. Jerry Jones needs to change the lackadaisical. laissez-faire, zero accountability culture of this franchise. It's reckless at this point. You are either coaching it or you are allowing it to happen. At the very least, Jerry allows this to keep happening to the Dallas Cowboys.
post of the day
The 6 game suspension sounds a mite severe.

On the other hand Elliott has been a knucklehead.
why? the only thing i ever heard him involved in was lifting the shirt of that woman, but she was all good with that. step back and look, what else was there? maybe i am missing something? I mean that fight didn't involve him as witnesses will say to that. They also have friends and phone proof that that gf was out to get him. so unless there is something else I am unaware of, not sure where the knucklehead comment comes from.
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