News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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It's same ol, same ol Cowboys. There own worst enemy. That window was open last year. Healthy team, easy schedule. Could have shown some balls and put an experienced Romo in at QB for the stretch run.

Now it's all downhill from here. Suspensions, fat and happy players, stupid decisions.

I honestly am just sick of this kind of crap year after year. They really don't want it. Winning just isn't all that important to guys getting $$$.

Dak now has the world on his shoulders for six games that will make or break the season. This is when Cowboy nation tears down what they build up. Just sick of it.
Positive on this, when we go 6 and 0. Zeke will be fresh for our playoff run!!!
Awwwwwe...did you not like my objective post? Surprised it took this long.
You're agenda has been transparent since you exploded on the zeke scene a month ago. 95% of your posts are in Zeke threads and half of them involve the Giants and Mara.

BTW, I just choked on my oatmeal. I bet Mara was behind it!
Honestly if he does get suspended I hope it his against the Giants.

Yeah, really "objective posting" you got there, bro. Much value. you come alive with anyone who even hinted at Mara being involved in this or the "salary cap gate" in that one thread! We were all "crackpot" and "conspiracy theorists". Again...transparent.
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But if you apply the policy randomly or unfairly then you open yourself to losing a legal suit.

You're most probably right. But they (the company) weigh many factors into any disciplinary action. There's an appeals process and I have heard of instances where folks got their punishment reduced after appeal. But to fight these things also costs a ton of money in legal fees. Zek can probably afford it but a lot of folks can't.
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In reference to No 1 of your second part, I really don't disagree but at the same time the same can be said about Zeke. I'm not saying he was guilty of the accusations but when you couple that with some of his other behavior, specifically the bar incident, I'm sure the NFL is questioning his character as well which they should IMO. With regard to the bar incident, again, no proof but it's extremely fishy and didn't help his image.

Kind of like Hardy, believe what you want about whether he was guilty or not. You can question the credibility of the accuser but when you see how he acted on and off the field, especially knocking the clipboard out of a coaches hand, it's not all that hard to imagine there may be some truth to the accusations.

The difference is that we know that EE doesn't have a criminal background.

If Thompson is a stripper, there's a decent likelihood she could have a criminal background. There's a lot of questioning of her story and some of the other things she did. We know EE's criminal background (or lack thereof), we don't know anything about Thompson's.

I disagree. He may or may not deserve 6 games for the incident with his girlfriend, how ever when he pulled on the woman's top, exposing her, that's a sexual assault. Now the girl ended up being fine with it, however at the time he did it, it was a sexual assault.

It's not sexual assault unless it is taken to court and proven to be just that.

There was no sexual assault. LOL

This is exactly what I a ******* mean. The fans are also the problem. - "sexual assault" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Jesus, society in general is doomed.

"There was no verbal consent before sex, the girl ended up fine with it all, but it was rape because no one gave the verbal "yes" at any point"
We care..that's why someone asked.
Having the support or Jones will help Zeke and future players from this happening again. There will be another collective bargaining deal in the future...having a powerful owner like Jones side with the players will help avoid this down the road. It sounds like Zeke's parents are ready for a legal war.... we will be ok with or without Zeke in my opinion.

and it wouldn't matter if Jerry could "unbeat" the woman...the league apparently makes decisions based on the credible words of sex slaves these days.

Here is a tip, Jerry and the organization knew all about this suspension. They didnt just find out.

If you think Jerry would ever in any way shape or from side with the players you are crazy. Just like nearly everyone on this board sided with the owners and wanted their football back and players are greedy as I recall.

I feel bad for zeke's parents if he actually did this. They have stood up for their son and he has made them look bad. I hope he didnt do it.

I dont care what the woman did for a living, I dont have hangups about women who are strippers or work in porn. That is their decision and if they are an adult and made it that is fine with me. So I am not a fan of shaming a victim if she was assaulted because she may have been a dancer.

Today sucks and this organization is constantly in this situation. That is the real problem here. Why does this kind of thing keep happening to this team?
The NFL statement seemed kind of like BS.

Digital evidence (texts) I believe can tell a story.

But what is photographic evidence? How is that legitimately a thing?

Police photographs? Or photographs from the 'victim' who has been caught lying before?

Their attempt to be transparent isn't transparent enough.
Yeah, exactly, NTE -- did they (NFL) check the dates of the photographs?

And if it wasn't police photographs/evidence, anyone who is hellbent at destroying a man out of psycho jealousy, who admitted she wanted to do so, could easily bruise herself.
I disagree. He may or may not deserve 6 games for the incident with his girlfriend, how ever when he pulled on the woman's top, exposing her, that's a sexual assault. Now the girl ended up being fine with it, however at the time he did it, it was a sexual assault.
He wasn't being investigated for that so it shouldn't come into play.
The difference is that we know that EE doesn't have a criminal background.

If Thompson is a stripper, there's a decent likelihood she could have a criminal background. There's a lot of questioning of her story and some of the other things she did. We know EE's criminal background (or lack thereof), we don't know anything about Thompson's.


I agree all strippers are criminals. No way a stripper could ever just dance to earn money without being a drug addict, convicted felon, immoral etc..

also maybe she just had a punchable face and was asking for it. I mean right?
the press will go nuts over this it will truly be a three ring circus in dallas the next weeks it sure is hard to watch season after season swirl down the drain something needs ot change in dallas they have bad culture there its really hard to win with suspensions and all the negative attention that players bring to the organization hard to fight stupid that starts at the top and runs all the way to the bottom
as I recall all the conservative members which is like the whole board here attacked the players and attacked and blamed the union. How can they be upset now, this is the exact setup you enabled?
I doubt you're singling me out as I was pretty neutral. I think the whole non guaranteed money deal is going to be a huge sticking point. When you see above average baseball/basketball players getting 9 figure guaranteed could be ugly. The salary cap nerds will probably faint if it ever happens
Unbelievable. Anyone know the chances Zekes suspension gets reduced by a couple of games at least? SMH
You're agenda has been transparent since you exploded on the zeke scene a month ago. 95% of your posts on in Zeke threads and half of them involve the Giants and Mara.

Yeah, really "objective posting" you got there, bro. Much value. you come alive with anyone who even hinted at Mara being involved in this or the "salary cap gate" in that one thread! We were all "crackpot" and "conspiracy theorists". Again...transparent.
Maybe if every excuse for Zeke's behavioral issues weren't blamed on Mara then I wouldn't comment on them so much. Since you're such an expert of reading all my posts, you should have seen the one where I explain why I normally comment in the Drama Zone only. Lol, apparently I have all day to post here and on the Gints boards, you got me man! Busted!
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