News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Zeke Elliot, no proof -- 6 Games.

Ray Rice, knockout video -- 4 Games

So the NFL finds enough evidence to suspend him but the actual police department doesn't? So much bs

NFL is setting a dangerous precedent with suspensions based on accusations. This is going to get uglier as NFL office looks completely lost.

I want to hear Roger Goodell explain what Ezekiel Elliott did that's six times as bad as what Josh Brown did

Brown’s 2015 arrest on a domestic violence charge and a statement by Brown’s former wife to the police that he had been physically violent with her on numerous occasions.

The charge against Brown, who has been suspended for one game by the N.F.L., was dropped days after his arrest. The N.F.L. said its investigation could not corroborate the statements made by Molly Brown, Josh Brown’s wife at the time of the arrest.

Mara, who said the Giants were aware of what Molly Brown had told the police, said the team had made similar inquiries into the matter before signing Josh Brown to a two-year, $4 million contract in April.
All they got to say is that they messed up on those cases and moving forward they are going to get it right.
The whole "sex slave" bit was sarcasm ....... EE treated her like a booty call and not a girlfriend even though he paid the bills and stayed there sometimes.... she was describing how she was basically a sex slave because he would come and go and abuse her
Do you have proof of this or are you just talking out of your self
For what it's worth, I worked with Pater Harvey at my old law firm, and can attest that he is a thoughtful, reasonable, decent guy whose judgment and skill in my opinion are beyond reproach.

I thought it was very interesting that the NFL made him available for an extensive call with the media today in which he thoroughly and methodically described the process. Most critical, in my opinion, is the fact that he made it clear that the league had substantial, highly-relevant evidence that was not available to the prosecutors in Ohio -- namely, the metadata associated with the multitude of text and email communications that Zeke and the accuser (among others) engaged in on or around the dates of the alleged incidents. These metadata reportedly confirmed the accuser's timeline, and did not coincide with Zeke's.

For me, personally, this indicates that Zeke is dead to rights here, and plainly engaged in some kind of physical abuse. It also means to me that his appeal will not materially affect the length of the suspension, if it does at all.

Sad to say it, but whatever you think about the process, justice was almost certainly served here.
Eh maybe but how the nfl get all this info law officials in Ohio and even messy tmz couldn't get? In this day and age that's really rare don't you think?
its become the element of the cowboys over the last decade when they welcome pacman, tank johnson, greg hardy etc.

Im tired of it and its not necessary to win. Yes also every team has issues and most have many more arrests but there is a problem here with this kind of thing and they seem to think they are above it.

and I do not include weed in this type of thing, I dont think randy gregory is a bad person for smoking.

You know, outside of Greg Hardy, all those players eventually went elsewhere right? Also, most of the teams in the NFL are having far worse problems with arrests? Zeke hasn't even been arrested yet.

Either way, you are putting past issues onto Zeke. Kinda like the NFL is doing.
Yes it absolutely changes your credibility when you are lying to police and making stuff up. You don't get to only be telling the truth when it fits the story of a person making a case against someone else.
This is bizarre..

it is bizarre. Two years ago we had to waste our time after waiting all year for football talking about that moron hardy and whether or not he beat that girl when we all know he did. Two years later instead of football all that will be talked about again is another assault.

It sucks. Some of us are tired of this crap.
The whole "sex slave" bit was sarcasm ....... EE treated her like a booty call and not a girlfriend even though he paid the bills and stayed there sometimes.... she was describing how she was basically a sex slave because he would come and go and abuse her
Then she should have called herself a women's Professional Street Fighter because that seemed like something she was used to doing as well.

PETER HARVEY, Esq., former Attorney General for the State of New Jersey.

KEN HOUSTON, member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, who played in 14 seasons in the NFL.

TONYA LOVELACE, MA, Chief Executive Officer of The Women of Color Network, Inc.

MARY JO WHITE, Esq., former United States attorney and former Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Does anyone think these four people did anything more than read a summary sheet provided by the NFL and agree to it (which keeps their Advisory Panel paycheck coming)?

When Mary Jo White was at the SEC she was famous for letting Hedge Funds do whatever they wanted. Google the name "Steve Cohen", who made billions in insider trading. His punishment was to pay back a small fraction of that, with no criminal penalities.

The Women of Color Network is a six person non profit in Harrisburg, PA. The Former AG is clearly qualified but I have no idea on Ken Houston's background for this issue or law enforcement matters.
If there is text data out there that proves these allegations, like the NFL rep is saying, then whoever conducted the investigations in Ohio should probably be fired. I know a detective who handles DV cases up here in NJ. Grabbing phone records, text messages, social media pages, etc. are part of their information gathering in almost all cases.
The whole thing is the Personal Conduct Policy but the suspension was specifically for DV has it entire sub section to itself.... that is why they went with pre-determined 6 games....... they said St Pattys Day had zero impact on suspension

Wow, thats riddiculous.
they said on the talking cowboys that if he is suspended for even one game he loses all his guaranteed money for this year close to 8 million dollars
So any dysfunctional female can come out of the woodwork now and lay an unfounded accusation on ANY player?
Ever heard of Brian Banks?
Brian Banks name will sure come up in the appeal process.
Banks was a standout LB prospect whose life and career were destroyed by a woman who wrongfully accused him of abuse.
Banks served time in jail.Mind you,he had his day in court.Zeke did not.The Columbus PD and DA did not charge him.
Jourdan Lewis got his day in court and was acquitted.Should he too serve 6 games because he was investigated even though he was acquitted?
This will not stand because they will take it all the way to the top of the court system.
A mere unfounded accusation and investigation are not grounds for an individual to lose his employment and livelihood.
Get the man his day in court.
The meaning of my post was in relation to the unfairness of Zeke.

I absolutely don't want that. I should have been more clear, PBC. Sorry, brother. :star:
they said in the pc he didnt do that. They basically said the metadata from the phone's pointed to him being with her the night she got all the bruises and his lawyer's response was that she fell down the stairs.

That is what was said in the pc today with the league and if true and he stooped to she fell down the stairs argument its tough to defend him.

they also said he wasnt charged because the police could not prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and that she had made false statements on things didnt happen but that was independent of the night she was bruised apparently by him.

He didn't say she fell down the stares.. He said that she could've fallen downstairs or bumped her leg waiting tables. Basically accusing her of inflicting her own bruises. Also, she got into a fight with another girl that they said had hair pulling but evidently no punches or anything that could've caused bruises.

Who knows with this girl and who knows with Zeke. The NFL didn't even feel strongly enough about it to call it DV. They just looked at the probabilities and threw the book at him.
The fact that Zeke's been accused twice by the same woman in two separate jurisdictions and both places came up with same conclusions makes me doubt the woman's claims.

It doesn't mean that it did not happen. Considering it happened in two separate jurisdictions, if Zeke truly beat this woman that badly, you'd think that there would be more conclusive evidence for his crime.
Pictures without cross examination are questionable at best

It is one of the foundations of our judicial system for a reason

People change their stories under oath and the penalty of perjury

But this isn't the judicial system. Think about it just like you would your job (which is what the NFL is to Zeke). Your employer could fire you for less, and absent demonstrable proof of discrimination on the basis of age, race, or gender they would be entirely within their rights to enforce their private standards of conduct and behavior.

And it isn't like Zeke and every other NFL player aren't reminded every year what the league requires.

Zeke is a generational talent as a football player. And a generational idiot (giving him every benefit of the doubt) as a human being.

So it goes.
To make matters worse...

The DJ punch is still under investigation.
Another suspension could be coming.
And they did warn him and further incidences with the law could lead to lengthy suspensions or even banishments. Time for him to stay home and watch Netflix with two peeps that can always provide alibis
For what it's worth, I worked with Pater Harvey at my old law firm, and can attest that he is a thoughtful, reasonable, decent guy whose judgment and skill in my opinion are beyond reproach.

I thought it was very interesting that the NFL made him available for an extensive call with the media today in which he thoroughly and methodically described the process. Most critical, in my opinion, is the fact that he made it clear that the league had substantial, highly-relevant evidence that was not available to the prosecutors in Ohio -- namely, the metadata associated with the multitude of text and email communications that Zeke and the accuser (among others) engaged in on or around the dates of the alleged incidents. These metadata reportedly confirmed the accuser's timeline, and did not coincide with Zeke's.

For me, personally, this indicates that Zeke is dead to rights here, and plainly engaged in some kind of physical abuse. It also means to me that his appeal will not materially affect the length of the suspension, if it does at all.

Sad to say it, but whatever you think about the process, justice was almost certainly served here.

For what it's worth, I think you're a ********ter. And your little anecdote means nothing.

You want to explain her text messages, chief? For a girl who got beaten for 5 days, why would she need to LIE about abuse?

- Friends coming forward saying they saw no abuse
- Friend releases text messages of the girl trying to get him to lie to a lawyer and police
- Friend admits she got into a fist fight right before trying to crash Zeke's party
- Her timeline of events were not perfect, they did change

So, I don't know man, I think you're jerking some people around with all the evidence that we have. NFL little investigation doesn't make all the shady **** this girl did go away.
You know, outside of Greg Hardy, all those players eventually went elsewhere right? Also, most of the teams in the NFL are having far worse problems with arrests? Zeke hasn't even been arrested yet.

Either way, you are putting past issues onto Zeke. Kinda like the NFL is doing.

I literally said other teams have more arrests. You are refusing to accept that zeke would do this because he helped the team win last year.
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