News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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He'll just say that the NFL was wrong with Josh Brown and Ray Rice but are improving the way they handle DV cases. Putting more time and diligence to investigate these charges. The NFL understands that DV is serious and affects millions of women! The NFL protects the innocent women of the USA. USA USA USA USA !

Women groups all over the US and especially East coast will clap harder than Garrett! Non cowboys NFC east fans will chant Go Roger!

I just got one of those new feminists hats ( the ones we cant specifically mention here) and Im about to go shut down the freeway in celebration. My wife and daughters are all so relieved in this honorable verdict. Just read N. Korea is also backing down because of the suspension. So it looks like the world is right again.
I think what he's saying is being twisted slightly.

He said what he said in response to essentially being asked to explain the bruises. If Elliott didn't hit her, than how could she have bruises? His answer was essentially you can get bruises a variety of ways, it doesn't mean you got hit or assaulted.
To the average objective person it doesnt sound plausible. That is my opinion anyway. Might sway a jury but it forms a bad opinion to me.
I see lots of pre-bias in these 4. Lots to explore in Judge Doty's court.

you mean a Judge who has a clear bias against the NFL who the NFLPA always runs too and doesn't rule on Goodell power which was collectively bargained, only on some obscure technicality he can dig up for which is overturn on appeal, SEE BRADY!!!
I literally said other teams have more arrests. You are refusing to accept that zeke would do this because he helped the team win last year.

No, Zeke could be with the Eagles or Giants and I would be defending him. Why? Because I want the NFL as a whole to do well, I don't want media witch hunts and bad policies to drag a great sport into the dirt.

I have looked at the evidence and testimonies - if Zeke did something, I would be the first to say it. Hell, I still think we should have went with Ramsey - I'm not the #1 Zeke fan. I do, try my best, to be as little as biased as possible.

This is all bullcrap and the NFL should be held accountable for this.
it is bizarre. Two years ago we had to waste our time after waiting all year for football talking about that moron hardy and whether or not he beat that girl when we all know he did. Two years later instead of football all that will be talked about again is another assault.

It sucks. Some of us are tired of this crap.
Then you may be looking for a new past time soon..if you think this will just stop you are mistaken.
The size of the target on players heads are so big that it will cover even a Zeke sized head.
Hardy called the cops on that lady and she walked away with more money than she will ever make... you think opportunistic people are not out there targeting these's going to get worse.
For what it's worth, I think you're a bull****ter. And your little anecdote means nothing.

You want to explain her text messages, chief? For a girl who got beaten for 5 days, why would she need to LIE about abuse?

- Friends coming forward saying they saw no abuse
- Friend releases text messages of the girl trying to get him to lie to a lawyer and police
- Friend admits she got into a fist fight right before trying to crash Zeke's party
- Her timeline of events were not perfect, they did change

So, I don't know man, I think you're jerking some people around with all the evidence that we have. NFL little investigation doesn't make all the shady **** this girl did go away.

Not a ********ter at all.

In fact, I also met Harvey even before I worked with him when he came to visit our class at Columbia Law School (he is an alum). We worked together at Patterson Belknap in NYC. He was at a NJ firm called Porzio before then. He also is one of the best African-American attorneys of his generation. Doubt me if you must, but Im shooting straight.
I understand this position 100%. I just don't see any way to hold the NFL accountable without hurting the sport even more. To me, it is what it is.

Goodell and the NFL stink right now. It's way past time to put some hurt on the NFL and maybe raise the shades on the seedy side of the NFL brass. The only way to get clean is to clean house.
If there is text data out there that proves these allegations, like the NFL rep is saying, then whoever conducted the investigations in Ohio should probably be fired. I know a detective who handles DV cases up here in NJ. Grabbing phone records, text messages, social media pages, etc. are part of their information gathering in almost all cases.

Only thing I heard on the radio is that they can time stamp the pics to the day of allegations. That was all I heard. Big flipping deal.
I hope this suspension opens the young mans eyes and he grows up a bit, seeing how easy his career could be taken away. Having said that, from here on out who is gonna stop any person from crying wolf and accusing star players of wrong doing, either for monetary reasons or to get them suspended and weaken their teams.
You know, outside of Greg Hardy, all those players eventually went elsewhere right? Also, most of the teams in the NFL are having far worse problems with arrests? Zeke hasn't even been arrested yet.

Either way, you are putting past issues onto Zeke. Kinda like the NFL is doing.

Then there those who stayed in the NFL (Ray Lewis, Pacman, Leonard Little, Rothlisberger, Giant's kicker, etc.), so not understanding that point. But agree with the gist of rest of it.
during the pc i heard them say his lawyer said she fell down the stairs.

I could be wrong, I don't think I am, but it sounded like they were just throwing that out as a theory as to how she acquired bruises.

This girl also tried to get her friends to lie to the police.

I don't want to defend Zeke if he was abusing this girl but I just don't think the NFL has a clue who hit this girl or how she got her bruises.

I think the whole thing is NFL politics.
Not a bull****ter at all.

In fact, I also met Harvey even before I worked with him when he came to visit our class at Columbia Law School (he is an alum). We worked together at Patterson Belknap in NYC. He was at a NJ firm called Porzio before then. He also is one of the best African-American attorneys of his generation. Doubt me if you must, but Im shooting straight.

He's a liberal New Yorker paid under the table by Goodell and Mara. Get real! You didn't see any Texans on this committee.
No, Zeke could be with the Eagles or Giants and I would be defending him. Why? Because I want the NFL as a whole to do well, I don't want media witch hunts and bad policies to drag a great sport into the dirt.

I have looked at the evidence and testimonies - if Zeke did something, I would be the first to say it. Hell, I still think we should have went with Ramsey - I'm not the #1 Zeke fan. I do, try my best, to be as little as biased as possible.

This is all bullcrap and the NFL should be held accountable for this.

Hey i was against the brady thing and found the league to be wrong on that and brown getting 1 game was insane.

I hope he didnt do it and the league has to amend its conclusion but its hard to understand how after all this time they are not going to hold the line here.

I also find it telling that zeke has not talked at all this camp to the media. Its almost as if he knew he was suspended and was told not to talk to the media.
Not a bull****ter at all.

In fact, I also met Harvey even before I worked with him when he came to visit our class at Columbia Law School (he is an alum). We worked together at Patterson Belknap in NYC. He was at a NJ firm called Porzio before then. He also is one of the best African-American attorneys of his generation. Doubt me if you must, but Im shooting straight.

I do doubt you.
No, Zeke could be with the Eagles or Giants and I would be defending him. Why? Because I want the NFL as a whole to do well, I don't want media witch hunts and bad policies to drag a great sport into the dirt.

I have looked at the evidence and testimonies - if Zeke did something, I would be the first to say it. Hell, I still think we should have went with Ramsey - I'm not the #1 Zeke fan. I do, try my best, to be as little as biased as possible.

This is all bullcrap and the NFL should be held accountable for this.
Well said.
I'm concerned for Dak or Dez or any current or future cowboy after seeing how this case went down.
I have many eagles fans as friends...I live in the philly/Baltimore market and they are disgusted over this one..
To the average objective person it doesnt sound plausible. That is my opinion anyway. Might sway a jury but it forms a bad opinion to me.

My understanding was the wounds were consistent with self inflicted wound marks. But u can also get in a brawl with another woman, which she did.
He's a liberal New Yorker paid under the table by Goodell and Mara. Get real! You didn't see any Texans on this committee.

so you are against insider activity unless it involves your guys to do the fixing on your behalf?
Let me know if I missed anything:

RB - Zeke - 6 games
DE - Gregory - entire season
DL - Irving - 4 games
DE - Moore - 2 games
LB - Wilson - likely more than 6 games considering the severity of the incident
CB - Carroll - likely a few games for a DUI
CB - Lewis - not charged for DV incident, will NFL punish him anyway?
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