News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Let me know if I missed anything:

RB - Zeke - 6 games
DE - Gregory - entire season
DL - Irving - 4 games
DE - Moore - 2 games
LB - Wilson - likely more than 6 games considering the severity of the incident
CB - Carroll - likely a few games for a DUI
CB - Lewis - not charged for DV incident, will NFL punish him anyway?
17 suspensions since 2014.
But this isn't the judicial system. Think about it just like you would your job (which is what the NFL is to Zeke). Your employer could fire you for less, and absent demonstrable proof of discrimination on the basis of age, race, or gender they would be entirely within their rights to enforce their private standards of conduct and behavior.

And it isn't like Zeke and every other NFL player aren't reminded every year what the league requires.

Zeke is a generational talent as a football player. And a generational idiot (giving him every benefit of the doubt) as a human being.

So it goes.
Not with a CBA
Doubt it. Not even authorities had enough to charge him. And shefter just said it's mostly based on "allegations" lmao. Goodell is a joke. I hope we appeal and get it down to 2-3 games. I hope zeke can rub that Lombardi trophy in the commish face by the end of all this..
in the real world it's innocent until proven guilty, in the NFL it's the opposite.
He's a liberal New Yorker paid under the table by Goodell and Mara. Get real! You didn't see any Texans on this committee.

Really? There are more Cowboys fans in NYC than many other places in the country (def more than Jets fans even)!

So I don't think you can infer anything from his working in NYC -- the media, business, legal, and cultural capital of the world (like it or not).
They are but you'd need somebody to explain it to you I'm sure. What I piled on you for was your 1-5 prediction and constant concern trolling. Good way to disprove that is to only show up here once all season, on the day the suspension is announced, and annoy everyone by agreeing with the massive hack job pulled on the team. I don't think you're a Giants fan. I just think you're incapable of seeing past the anti-Cowboys media you're surrounded by. And frankly no one here needs or wants your concern today.

You don't think I am a giants fan?

You dont know anything about me and this statement is laughable.

or maybe you do know me and better than anyone including myself. Maybe I secretly moved here in 03 to become a season ticket holder and listen to brad/babe/kristie in the stadium and be a part of the environment for the team I loved only to torture myself and ultimately reveal that it was all just a joke and I am really a giants fan.

that must be it. I will let you know from my seat at the stadium in a week while I watch my team play or you could swing by and we could talk? Which section is your seat in.
Unfortunately, I don't think that can happen with the way the CBA is right now. If the NFLPA takes a stand, you have a strike because that's really the only weapon they have. If that happens, we all hate it.

The only way to really change things are for we, the fans (and I mean all the fans of all the teams) to make the NFL pay in revenue loss. Unfortunately, the other 31 teams are having a party over this so that's not going to happen. JMO

Jerry was on the committee that negotiated the CBA. If he and his lawyers want to strike, lots of info could come out. Monopolies are against the law.
Pull the team from participating this season JERRY! carpet bomb the n.f.l. with lawsuits at every turn JERRY! DESTROY this joke of a system that's conducting their blatant selective and nefarious agenda ,sue the living hell out of the N.F.L. every time it violates your trademarks JERRY!
Render fates worse than death itself unto the weaslenuts that purposely plot and scheme against thee!
( take off the gloves JW ,,, everyone that's got a dog in this fight see's this **** for what it is.)
The chances of the Cowboys not participating this season is at
lewis's incident was before he was drafted and zeke's was after he was in the league.
Oh wow,that makes a lot of wait,none at all.
By that logic,his file should have noted that he was an alleged participant in DV and subjected to suspension.
When will they suspend Mixon from Bengals? He was caught on camera punching a girl.
The argument that he was not in the league does not hold water.
Anyone now can say the NFL hires abusers.
If they were serious and impartial about it they would issue a no draft policy for criminals.
Mind you,Zeke was never charged.
NFL personal conduct policy is a fancy name for attracting negative publicity on the league/teams for off the field activities. The magnitude of the negative publicity has a bigger influence on suspensions than the activities

Big star attracting lots of negative press will attract a longer suspension than JAG who commits more serious crime generating minor publicity.
Really? There are more Cowboys fans in NYC than many other places in the country (def more than Jets fans even)!

So I don't think you can infer anything from his working in NYC -- the media, business, legal, and cultural capital of the world (like it or not).

Not in Government or the NFL fellow.
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