News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Hey i was against the brady thing and found the league to be wrong on that and brown getting 1 game was insane.

I hope he didnt do it and the league has to amend its conclusion but its hard to understand how after all this time they are not going to hold the line here.

I also find it telling that zeke has not talked at all this camp to the media. Its almost as if he knew he was suspended and was told not to talk to the media.


Innocent or guilty, I'd advise him not to talk to the press either until a resolution.
Let me know if I missed anything:

RB - Zeke - 6 games
DE - Gregory - entire season
DL - Irving - 4 games
DE - Moore - 2 games
LB - Wilson - likely more than 6 games considering the severity of the incident
CB - Carroll - likely a few games for a DUI
CB - Lewis - not charged for DV incident, will NFL punish him anyway?

Can't suspend Lewis because the incident occurred prior to him being an NFL employee.
It appears to me that the league policy in these investigations is much like civil vs criminal cases. The standard of proof is very different in a criminal case versus a civil case. Crimes must generally be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt" whereas civil cases are subject to lower standards of proof such as "the preponderance of the evidence" (which essentially means that it was more likely than not that something occurred in a certain way). The difference in standards exists because civil liability is considered less blameworthy and because the punishments are less severe. Unfortunately for Elliott and others, in NFL misconduct cases the punishment can be quite severe. The article stated Elliott will miss 6 game checks ($1.4m) plus he may be forced to pay back a portion of his signing bonus. That is a massive hit. If the accuser was out to ruin Elliott’s career or attempting a quick cash grab, she didn’t succeed. But it appears the league more than made up for her failure.
I really don't care about anything except Jerry's response. Anything short of fighting this to the absolute end and a never ending Trump style quest to get Goodell and everyone associated with this decision fired is unacceptable in my book. There is no doubt this situation could be the catalyst for me that leads to an NFL free life.
Goodell and the NFL stink right now. It's way past time to put some hurt on the NFL and maybe raise the shades on the seedy side of the NFL brass. The only way to get clean is to clean house.

Unfortunately, I don't think that can happen with the way the CBA is right now. If the NFLPA takes a stand, you have a strike because that's really the only weapon they have. If that happens, we all hate it.

The only way to really change things are for we, the fans (and I mean all the fans of all the teams) to make the NFL pay in revenue loss. Unfortunately, the other 31 teams are having a party over this so that's not going to happen. JMO
So,when does Jourdan Lewis gets suspended?
He stood trial.He was also accused of DV.
He was acquitted.Cleared.
Zeke did not even get arrested nor detained.
Zeke gets 6 games,Jourdan gets none?
This has got to be the biggest legal blunder by the NFL.
Then you may be looking for a new past time soon..if you think this will just stop you are mistaken.
The size of the target on players heads are so big that it will cover even a Zeke sized head.
Hardy called the cops on that lady and she walked away with more money than she will ever make... you think opportunistic people are not out there targeting these's going to get worse.

wow still defending greg hardy?

and yes athletes/entertainers/musicians etc are always in jeopardy of this situation and need to take all kinds of precautions to avoid this.
Exactly. Without legit evidence, I will start the season done with the NFL and see how much I miss it while spending time with the kids, working and doing other productive things rather than supporting a potentially corrupt league.

Don't like the suspension one bit. But you can't blame the NFL. Zeke put himself in this position....he hasn't learned from past player mistakes, or suspensions. Maybe he will learn from watching the game on TV while his teammates are on he field.

Cowboys are out of control. Suspension or soon to be suspensions: Wilson, Carrol, Irvining, Gregory, Zeke an Moore.

It's not the NFL. Zeke did this to himself. Was the suspension excessive who knows. The public is not privy to NFL information. As a long time Cowboy fan, I can tell you this, When Jerry Jones says he does not expect a suspension or not making deals he is lying..... Jerry is constantly in marketing and sales mode

Zeke screwed himself and screwed the Cowboys.
So,when does Jourdan Lewis gets suspended?
He stood trial.He was also accused of DV.
He was acquitted.Cleared.
Zeke did not even get arrested nor detained.
Zeke gets 6 games,Jourdan gets none?
This has got to be the biggest legal blunder by the NFL.

lewis's incident was before he was drafted and zeke's was after he was in the league.
If there is text data out there that proves these allegations, like the NFL rep is saying, then whoever conducted the investigations in Ohio should probably be fired. I know a detective who handles DV cases up here in NJ. Grabbing phone records, text messages, social media pages, etc. are part of their information gathering in almost all cases.

Not necessarily. As a government authority, the prosecutor cannot get those materials without a warrant. The NFL, however, can require Zeke under the collective bargaining agreement to voluntarily turn them over, and, if he were to decline to do so, could impose discipline for that refusal alone.

So it makes complete sense that the league as a private entity had access to information from one of its affiliates that the government would not have access to from a private citizen.
There not but I am glad you are so concerned with what I post as usual.

Are you going to tell me the giants and falcons are not good teams again before the end of the day like last year soon?
They are but you'd need somebody to explain it to you I'm sure. What I piled on you for was your 1-5 prediction and constant concern trolling. Good way to disprove that is to only show up here once all season, on the day the suspension is announced, and annoy everyone by agreeing with the massive hack job pulled on the team. I don't think you're a Giants fan. I just think you're incapable of seeing past the anti-Cowboys media you're surrounded by. And frankly no one here needs or wants your concern today.
No, Zeke could be with the Eagles or Giants and I would be defending him. Why? Because I want the NFL as a whole to do well, I don't want media witch hunts and bad policies to drag a great sport into the dirt.

I have looked at the evidence and testimonies - if Zeke did something, I would be the first to say it. Hell, I still think we should have went with Ramsey - I'm not the #1 Zeke fan. I do, try my best, to be as little as biased as possible.

This is all bullcrap and the NFL should be held accountable for this.

and the only way to do that is revenue, TV viewership took them awhile last year for their marketing studies to show them the Kaep protests were turning people is this appeasing the femi-**** crowd................cut the money

who are the NFL's major sponsors.........
Some of these posts are a joke; Jerry Jones can do absolutely nothing, just as Kraft could do nothing. Owners and GMs have no role and no right to appeal. This is 100% on Zeke and the players association.

Some continue to think the NFL can't suspend players because they weren't convicted in court...just not paying attention.

I would prefer Zeke serve his suspension right now, get it done, learn that fair or not, he needs to change his habits and decision making process because anything that looks bad for the league will come down on him. However, he has no choice now; he must appeal to get that six game suspension reduced to 4, which is manageable. Six games seems a little ridiculous for a first offense, but clearly the league wants him to serve at least way this gets reduced to 2.

Appeal, serve it, and move on. If our season collapses over playing with backup RBs for four games, then we aren't much of a team anyway. I think we will be fine.
Pull the team from participating this season JERRY! carpet bomb the n.f.l. with lawsuits at every turn JERRY! DESTROY this joke of a system that's conducting their blatant selective and nefarious agenda ,sue the living hell out of the N.F.L. every time it violates your trademarks JERRY!
Render fates worse than death itself unto the weaslenuts that purposely plot and scheme against thee!
( take off the gloves JW ,,, everyone that's got a dog in this fight see's this **** for what it is.)
"Extensive digital evidence he was responsible for multiple bruises on her body"

But not charged with any crime whatsoever. Sure.
We all stake out and defend our positions. I do not think Elliott should be accused here of committing an assault. We don't know that he did so, and police investigations failed to bring an indictment. What's the old saying -- A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich if he wishes to make a case. The failure to gather probable cause supports Elliott's position. Obviously I don't know what he did or didn't do.

But Elliott aside, the NFL has a problem, and Goodell has been culpable in creating it. He comes off as Javert -- plain and simple. Maybe it's not his fault, but he does. The NFL looks like a combined Kangaroo Court, Clown Show and Keystone Kops episode. Really? A year to investigate a case such as this? And it is difficult to reconcile Josh Brown's punishment versus the punishment meted to Elliott. I don't think you have to be a Cowboys fan to see the apparent discrepancy.

The NFL will be harmed by its disciplinary program as long as Goodell remains commissioner. And it really doesn't matter whether it's Goodell's fault. There have been enough odd incidents and irreconcilable decisions to make him look as if he is not acting in a fair manner. Appearances matter, and Goodell as commissioner is responsible at least in part to assure that the league appears to be consistent and fair.

I understand that Cowboys fans -- me included -- are biased and would be angry regardless of the circumstances. Of course we are prone to want to believe the player is innocent and being railroaded. But one can be paranoid and still be followed. The NFL has a deep problem. Goodell is at its center. Regardless how the Elliott case finally unfolds, I hope this is the tipping point that causes the hiring of a new commissioner. Goodell doesn't deserve the job. The NFL owners look foolish in keeping him.

And Goodell need only look in the mirror to understand why he is in this position.
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