News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Silver lining: Could this get Zeke's attention?

I didn't expect this suspension, but I FULLY expected one like this down the road.

Your career is in jeopardy, son. What are you going to do going forward?
No silver lining....none at all.
This just creates a bigger target on this mans back. Now every person he runs into in life will have the power to end his career.
What a suck way to live as a single 20 something man.
6 games is completely ridiculous. but let's be honest about why we are even here. It's because Zeke Elliot is a complete idiot and keeps putting himself in stupid situations.

RB is the most disposable position in professional football. If he keeps on acting like an idiot, draft his replacement and move the f on. I got no time for some idiot kid ruining a team's season.
This sucks but everyone needs to relax. I'm shocked it's 6 games but will most likely be reduced significantly. I hope he serves the first part of the season when we still have very winnable games without him.
Does anyone else have a problem with these stupidly long suspensions dished out because they know that they will get reduced on appeal. Legally would that not be considered working on bad faith.

I have no problem with it, hate that he's suspended for 6 game but there's nobody to blame but Zeke himself and I'd bet most of the players don't either....most of the players who conduct themselves as professionals are tired of all these negatives that some of these players bring to the league, it's a black eye and big companies and heir money don't want to be tied to woman beaters. the league is about money, it's a business first and foremost and they're going to protect the NFL shield and business at all costs..
So again. Can't prove the DV and can't punish him under the DV policy, so they just apply the Code of Conduct policy which allows suspension without real evidence and use that to suspend him 6 games?
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