News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Maybe I'm naive, but even if Zeke wins his appeal or wins in court, I think this could scare him straight. At least I hope so....
This will never go to court. Elliott doesn't have the stature or power of Brady. It will get knocked back to max 4 games and that will be that. The NFL presently holds all the trump cards. Elliott needs to be very aware of his position.
Just read the letter to EE.

Again, I haven't made a judgment on this. But, I do believe the NFL should conduct themselves in a similar spirit that a man is innocent until proven guilty.

1. There is nothing in the letter that states that there were several witnesses that saw her make up the story on July 21st of him dragging her out of the car and then claiming that she would ruin his career.

2. There is nothing in the letter of the affidavits sworn to the Columbus Ohio DA's office of Thompson's friend, Ayrin Mason, stating that she saw and helped break up a fight that Thompson was in with another female. There was also an affidavit from Kenny Alvardo, the head of security at the club, that saw the fight at the club and recognized Thompson. These incidents all occurred on July 21st according to Mason and Alvardo.

3. There is nothing in the letter of the affidavit from Thompson's friend, Ayrin Mason, of the text messages with Thompson where Thompson asks Mason to lie to police for her.

According to the letter, the NFL has:

1. Photos by Thompson that she texted to her mother with the text 'Abusive' on July 19th.

2. Photos by Thompson taken on July 22nd that she claims were from altercations on July 21st (the same date that Thompson is accused of the 'ruin your career' comment and the fight at the bar).

For me the only thing that matters is whether or not EE assaulted her or not. I don't really care that much about double standards, legal language, past screw-ups from the NFL, the NFL's perception of how to respect a woman, the St. Paddy's date incident, etc.

Either Ezekiel Elliott assaulted Tiffany Thompson or Tiffany Thompson lied about an assault.

With that, I am looking for evidence and I'm looking for credibility.

What I find fishy is that Thompson took a photo of her being abused by EE, texted it to her mother on July 19th. Then she continued to stay with EE for 3 more days until July 21st. It wasn't until the 22nd that she decided to go to the police with the accusation. While it's one thing for a victim of abuse to stay with her's another for her mother to receive this information and do nothing about it for 3 days. Sorry, my mother and virtually every mother I know would have handled that situation entirely different.

From there, Thompson doesn't go to the police until after July 21st. This coincides with the incident where numerous witnesses said that Thompson was furious that another woman had drove EE to his apartment and went up to the window and started screaming at the female driver. And then she told EE that she would ruin his career.

Could it possibly happen that Thompson was assaulted on the 19th and stayed with EE for 3 more days and then didn't decide to file charges until after she perceived that he was with another woman?


But, it loses credibility when her own friend swears in an affidavit to the DA and shows text messages where Thompson asks her to lie to the police.

And it also gives Thompson's friend, Ayran Mason, more credibility when Kenny Alvardo also makes a sworn affidavit that he saw Thompson in a fight on the 21st.

Where the league has some credit at this particular time is that the DA's office believes that EE was violent with Thompson. THAT is a big part that needs to be cleared up because up until this point I would be led to believe that the DA's office did NOT believe EE was violent with Thompson. And if the DA's office believes Elliott was violent with Thompson, why did they not arrest him and why did they state that there were inconsistencies in the case?

Until we get that resolved, I can't really move on.

But, I do find is disconcerting that the NFL, in its letter to EE, never once mentioned the affidavits and the fight that Thompson was in with another female that 2 different people swore in affidavits to the DA's office to. EE is owed an explanation as to why those pieces to the story have been discounted by the league other than just saying there was not sufficient enough evidence..

I am also bothered by the DA's office about face on this case. They took sworn affidavits from numerous witness and even were able to get actual text messages from Mason showing that Thompson asked Mason to lie for her.

If so, why didn't the DA's office further pursue this matter? Thompson would be giving a false statement to police and trying to tamper with evidence. Last I knew those are against the law. I would assume that Mason would allow for the DA's office to check her phone to see if Thompson had made those text messages.

And why did the DA's office issue a statement with the sworn affidavits and the text messages and state that they have closed the case and now state that they generally believe Thompson?

So what has happened here is that the Columbus DA played a massive role in the league suspending EE. If he stated that he didn't believe Thompson then the league would have far less ground to stand on. If the media had any brains or guts, they would go to the Columbus DA's office, first, and hold its feet to the fire.


That was a very good recap of the all the lack of evidence and inconsistencies that would lead to a jury finding not guilty because it would NOT be "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's why the prosecutor would not take it to trail.

BUT "GODALL" would see any little bit of evidence as guilty because he can.
The NFL office can pretty much do what they want.

No it wasn't about domestic violence.

That was about personal conduct... Or lack thereof.

I would like to see that hold up in court. They can't suspend Zeke because they think he conducted himself in a poor way, based on evidence they think makes him guilty of domestic violence. Especially when the Columbus police, DA, etc. saw otherwise. Zeke has constitutional rights and the NFL can't deny them.
Just read the letter to EE.

Again, I haven't made a judgment on this. But, I do believe the NFL should conduct themselves in a similar spirit that a man is innocent until proven guilty.

1. There is nothing in the letter that states that there were several witnesses that saw her make up the story on July 21st of him dragging her out of the car and then claiming that she would ruin his career.

2. There is nothing in the letter of the affidavits sworn to the Columbus Ohio DA's office of Thompson's friend, Ayrin Mason, stating that she saw and helped break up a fight that Thompson was in with another female. There was also an affidavit from Kenny Alvardo, the head of security at the club, that saw the fight at the club and recognized Thompson. These incidents all occurred on July 21st according to Mason and Alvardo.

3. There is nothing in the letter of the affidavit from Thompson's friend, Ayrin Mason, of the text messages with Thompson where Thompson asks Mason to lie to police for her.

According to the letter, the NFL has:

1. Photos by Thompson that she texted to her mother with the text 'Abusive' on July 19th.

2. Photos by Thompson taken on July 22nd that she claims were from altercations on July 21st (the same date that Thompson is accused of the 'ruin your career' comment and the fight at the bar).

For me the only thing that matters is whether or not EE assaulted her or not. I don't really care that much about double standards, legal language, past screw-ups from the NFL, the NFL's perception of how to respect a woman, the St. Paddy's date incident, etc.

Either Ezekiel Elliott assaulted Tiffany Thompson or Tiffany Thompson lied about an assault.

With that, I am looking for evidence and I'm looking for credibility.

What I find fishy is that Thompson took a photo of her being abused by EE, texted it to her mother on July 19th. Then she continued to stay with EE for 3 more days until July 21st. It wasn't until the 22nd that she decided to go to the police with the accusation. While it's one thing for a victim of abuse to stay with her's another for her mother to receive this information and do nothing about it for 3 days. Sorry, my mother and virtually every mother I know would have handled that situation entirely different.

From there, Thompson doesn't go to the police until after July 21st. This coincides with the incident where numerous witnesses said that Thompson was furious that another woman had drove EE to his apartment and went up to the window and started screaming at the female driver. And then she told EE that she would ruin his career.

Could it possibly happen that Thompson was assaulted on the 19th and stayed with EE for 3 more days and then didn't decide to file charges until after she perceived that he was with another woman?


But, it loses credibility when her own friend swears in an affidavit to the DA and shows text messages where Thompson asks her to lie to the police.

And it also gives Thompson's friend, Ayran Mason, more credibility when Kenny Alvardo also makes a sworn affidavit that he saw Thompson in a fight on the 21st.

Where the league has some credit at this particular time is that the DA's office believes that EE was violent with Thompson. THAT is a big part that needs to be cleared up because up until this point I would be led to believe that the DA's office did NOT believe EE was violent with Thompson. And if the DA's office believes Elliott was violent with Thompson, why did they not arrest him and why did they state that there were inconsistencies in the case?

Until we get that resolved, I can't really move on.

But, I do find is disconcerting that the NFL, in its letter to EE, never once mentioned the affidavits and the fight that Thompson was in with another female that 2 different people swore in affidavits to the DA's office to. EE is owed an explanation as to why those pieces to the story have been discounted by the league other than just saying there was not sufficient enough evidence..

I am also bothered by the DA's office about face on this case. They took sworn affidavits from numerous witness and even were able to get actual text messages from Mason showing that Thompson asked Mason to lie for her.

If so, why didn't the DA's office further pursue this matter? Thompson would be giving a false statement to police and trying to tamper with evidence. Last I knew those are against the law. I would assume that Mason would allow for the DA's office to check her phone to see if Thompson had made those text messages.

And why did the DA's office issue a statement with the sworn affidavits and the text messages and state that they have closed the case and now state that they generally believe Thompson?

So what has happened here is that the Columbus DA played a massive role in the league suspending EE. If he stated that he didn't believe Thompson then the league would have far less ground to stand on. If the media had any brains or guts, they would go to the Columbus DA's office, first, and hold its feet to the fire.


I think you pretty much covered it all. Florio said that basically the league wanted to believe her and so they did. I can understand why the Columbus DA did not go after her for filing a false report because they would have had as much trouble proving that as proving EE did it. AND remember it really looks bad for a DA in any way to look soft on DV; so going after her would have been bad politically for him.
Mistake in his judgement? You act like he knew everything about her when he decided to start a relationship with her. That's pretty silly.

If he did hit her then suspend him as long as you want. No sympathy from me. That doesn't sound like what happened though from the evidence we've all seen. If the NFL has other evidence they should release it.
He is trying to extract himself from a toxic relationship and doesn't invite her out to his birthday party and she goes Fatal is hard to foresee how bad a split can get....... just like Hardy though he made the mistake of going back for the booty call after the break-up..... but that is an easy mistake, not a huge character flaw
And your not a member of a professional football team either. Zeke is a ******** child, grow up and act like a man. If this team misses the playoffs by one game its on his stupid butt
Whats your point with regards to me not being a professional athlete? I guess you'd have to know how much money I have for you to feign concern then under the guise of I should know better blah blah blah? Its on Goddell for witch hunt punishing until further info is released.
That was a very good recap of the all the lack of evidence and inconsistencies that would lead to a jury finding not guilty because it would NOT be "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's why the prosecutor would not take it to trail.

BUT "GODALL" would see any little bit of evidence as guilty because he can.

I can understand a DA believing that a person was guilty, but not going to trial because the evidence wasn't sufficient to get a conviction.

What I don't understand is that the DA basically shut the case and sided with EE last September and provided the affidavits that backed EE.

Now the DA's office has done almost a 180.

I loathe Goodell...but from what it appears to me this DA is real piece of work.

They automatically build in the reduction so the league can still get the # of games they originally wanted.

Players should be able to sue the NFL for these types of suspensions handed down based on information that law enforcement don't deem credible enough to pursue. Nice job Kim Jung Goodell.
It's not sexual assault unless it is taken to court and proven to be just that.

There was no sexual assault. LOL

No, the assault occurred, it was caught on camera. Now, he wasn't charged or convicted, but by every definition, a sexual assault occurred. Using this logic, if I steal your car, but don't get caught, I guess you didn't steal it...

This is exactly what I a ******* mean. The fans are also the problem. - "sexual assault" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Jesus, society in general is doomed.

"There was no verbal consent before sex, the girl ended up fine with it all, but it was rape because no one gave the verbal "yes" at any point"

This is an absolutely stupid analogy. There are many ways to consent to having sex without verbally saying yes. However, given her reaction, she gave no indication that she was okay with him pulling her top down. Maybe she didn't persue this, because she didn't want to be an even bigger part of the media circus, maybe he paid her, or maybe she truly did not care. I don't know, but none of that changes the fact that an assault occurred.
I think you pretty much covered it all. Florio said that basically the league wanted to believe her and so they did. I can understand why the Columbus DA did not go after her for filing a false report because they would have had as much trouble proving that as proving EE did it. AND remember it really looks bad for a DA in any way to look soft on DV; so going after her would have been bad politically for him.

I understand what you're saying. But I can't reconcile with a DA's logic. If I have a text message stating that an accuser is asking their friend to lie for them, it doesn't take a lot to prove that. The text would say it all. And if the text didn't, get the friend to call Thompson and record the call and get Thompson to explicitly ask to lie for her. That would take all of 30 minutes.

That way you're covering your own arse as to why you would not go after EE and it would reduce the headache of other false accusers (it's reported that 10% of rape accusations are false).'s your job to prosecute people that break the law. Not just when it's convenient.

And if anything...I still don't understand the about face. I would just rather say that we had evidence she was lying from sworn affidavits and text messages of her asking a friend to lie for her. I wouldn't say that I generally believed her.

I read a pretty good pulled quote of Fuzzy's where he believed a judge would more than likely find zero problem with slapping an injunction down on the league's decision if the league were to not suspend it's punishment.
I can groove to that but,like, the damage to his character and reputation is already done and I know in civil/ criminal cases it would still be hung around his neck as a conviction. say years down the road his ' file' gets pulled ( for whatever fictitious reason)
That damming original league ruling is still there in all its 'to the negative' light, so I'm coming around to seeing this as a character crucifixion of Mr. Elliot bestowed on him,,, what I'm angling at is, what is his course of action, if any, can he take to rectify this?
Man maybe them pictures aren't clear on my computer but I've been bitten by insects that left marks like that when you add in the scratching. If that's the proof which was available last year iirc when this first happened the nfl looking to get sued something crazy. I mean maybe not because so many are scarred to say this story sounds weird in public. This is the one question that makes no sense to me if she is getting assaulted why do you go back to the persons house every other day for a week or so straight and take pictures instead of stopping it the first time?
Goodell has got the Comey disease.......getting too political and that will be his downfall!

I have checked all those boxes as well :laugh:

I don't smoke but wanted to see that kind of store looked like inside. I have never been in trouble with the law either :thumbup:

Ignore that top line,, I thought I deleted it earlier. My better judgement got to me :lmao:

Not sure why that stayed in the box after a few hours :(
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