News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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I would like to see that hold up in court. They can't suspend Zeke because they think he conducted himself in a poor way, based on evidence they think makes him guilty of domestic violence. Especially when the Columbus police, DA, etc. saw otherwise. Zeke has constitutional rights and the NFL can't deny them.

Yes they can. And he has pretty much no case in court. The precedent was set with the Brady case. The CBA gives Goodell great power. There are no Constitutional rights involved.
Thats a big part of why he has been suspended...l am saddened to say.
Well that sounds like jealousy to me if that's a big part of why he's suspended. It also is funny people say thing like he's above the law like he's been running the mafia lol. Outside of the girls top thing what has been soooo crazy? Even that I can't be more mad than the girl even if I can see how some don't like it. It goes to show you if you get fame, money, etc some people even those who claim they want good for,you secretly want you to fail under the guise of morality.
No, the assault occurred, it was caught on camera. Now, he wasn't charged or convicted, but by every definition, a sexual assault occurred. Using this logic, if I steal your car, but don't get caught, I guess you didn't steal it...

It's not assault because the woman didn't have a problem with EE doing it. The fact that it was caught on camera and law enforcement did not arrest him says it all because they had clear evidence that he pulled down her top. Although if she did complain, I doubt it would even be considered sexual assault it would probably be considered indecent exposure.

Your logic is along the lines that if I borrow your car and you know about it and don't file a complaint because we are friends and don't have a problem with me borrowing your car...then I stole your car and should be reprimanded and possibly punished by the league for doing so.

No, the assault occurred, it was caught on camera. Now, he wasn't charged or convicted, but by every definition, a sexual assault occurred. Using this logic, if I steal your car, but don't get caught, I guess you didn't steal it...

This is an absolutely stupid analogy. There are many ways to consent to having sex without verbally saying yes. However, given her reaction, she gave no indication that she was okay with him pulling her top down. Maybe she didn't persue this, because she didn't want to be an even bigger part of the media circus, maybe he paid her, or maybe she truly did not care. I don't know, but none of that changes the fact that an assault occurred.[/QUOTE]

Sexual assault, by definition

"Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape."

It is either sexual assault or it's not - what Zeke did is NOT sexual assault. At most, it's public indecency - and it would seem they both would be in trouble with this.

And you talk about bad analogies? Then you use the car analogy? Kid, she specifically stated it was okay. Zeke knew this - it was not sexual assault at any point. This is why I'm using my analogy.

Sex is not rape if you don't have a verbal yes at some point - it is not "rape" until the woman at some point after says "Yeah, it was fine" and then it gets labeled consensual sex. It's either consensual or it's not, it doesn't evolve or devolve.
Yes they can. And he has pretty much no case in court. The precedent was set with the Brady case. The CBA gives Goodell great power. There are no Constitutional rights involved.

So it looks like the best we can hope for is a reduced suspension. Let's get it together, McFadden and Morris.
It's not assault because the woman didn't have a problem with EE doing it. The fact that it was caught on camera and law enforcement did not arrest him says it all because they had clear evidence that he pulled down her top. Although if she did complain, I doubt it would even be considered sexual assault it would probably be considered indecent exposure.

Your logic is along the lines that if I borrow your car and you know about it and don't file a complaint because we are friends and don't have a problem with me borrowing your car...then I stole your car and should be reprimanded and possibly punished by the league for doing so.


No, a better example would be, I don't know you and you take my car, without asking me. So I get it back, and decide to not call the police.

Doesn't mean you didn't steal it, in the first place...
It's in the letter to Elliott. There was no punishment for lack of cooperation.
Then it was more than just your belief. Fine.
I've been at work all day so I haven't been able to read everything. I'll get caught up later tonight and this weekend.
You don't know what went down, but you know he treated her like crap.

Again, stop excusing poor behavior WE KNOW she committed - you know, like lying to a lawyer and police.

I guess when someone is a meanie poo poo head, it's okay to make false accusations.

+ 2 points awarded for injecting jocular levity by utilizing the phrase "meanie poo poo head" in a 'Financial death sentence of a player's career' thread.
this thread is on pace to over take the "I love beer" thread! :)

Unless there's some serious dirty laundry to be aired, JJ has to go ape ****.
"There has been no persuasive evidence submitted on your behalf..."


Guilty until proven innocent!

Goodal, the custodian of America's greatest game has violated America's greatest legal premise.

Goodal, the tyrant, must be removed!
I know we are ALL upset at the 6 game suspension, I was at first. But after careful consideration, this can save Elliott. He's been a "cant' touch me" player since he came into the league, just doing whatever he wants when he wants. When you're the stud everywhere you go, it's inconceivable to be punished for anything.

Let's take the 6 games, or 4, or whatever is handed down and let's learn from this (Just like Dez Bryant learned) and let's get on with the business of winning super bowls next year and so on.

We all need to get over this and get ready to go to battle with what we have. This means that Dak will probably get more opportunities to make plays, and that's not a bad thing if we're looking for our future Super Bowl type QB. Imagine if he were lost 6 weeks to injury, how would we handle it then?
No, a better example would be, I don't know you and you take my car, without asking me. So I get it back, and decide to not call the police.

Doesn't mean you didn't steal it, in the first place...

I didn't steal it. By law that is not theft. You consented to me taking your car because you never went to law enforcement to file a complaint.

Just like if I give you a noogie and you don't complain, you consented to me doing that and it's not assault.

Or if I walk up to your house with no trespassing signs and hang out for a while and you don't have consented to me being on your property and I didn't trespass.

I know we are ALL upset at the 6 game suspension, I was at first. But after careful consideration, this can save Elliott. He's been a "cant' touch me" player since he came into the league, just doing whatever he wants when he wants. When you're the stud everywhere you go, it's inconceivable to be punished for anything.

Let's take the 6 games, or 4, or whatever is handed down and let's learn from this (Just like Dez Bryant learned) and let's get on with the business of winning super bowls next year and so on.

We all need to get over this and get ready to go to battle with what we have. This means that Dak will probably get more opportunities to make plays, and that's not a bad thing if we're looking for our future Super Bowl type QB. Imagine if he were lost 6 weeks to injury, how would we handle it then?

I don't buy into it.

I don't buy into saving a person by wronging them.

2 wrongs don't make a right.

I didn't steal it. By law that is not theft. You consented to me taking your car because you never went to law enforcement to file a complaint.

Just like if I give you a noogie and you don't complain, you consented to me doing that and it's not assault.

Or if I walk up to your house with no trespassing signs and hang out for a while and you don't have consented to me being on your property and I didn't trespass.


So, if you force a woman to have sex with you, and before she goes to the police, you pay her off, then it's not rape?
@FuzzyLumkins---- thanks for being up on this really upset me to the bone...i was in tears...i know that makes me some cowboy wierdo but i dont care

It's all good. I am a football nerd and reading sports court rulings is a hobby of mine. SCOTUS writes so the lay man has an easier time reading it. Way back in Brown vs NFL was the groundwork for the injunction set and that was over 50 years ago.

I expect they will appeal in the coming weeks and then file in federal court right after the NFL decides against Zeke. There is an outside chance it gets reduced and Zeke just eats the reduced sentence but I doubt it for reasons from both parties.

Once that happens, he will play the season as court isn't going to see the case much less conclude it in 6 months. I have no idea what they would decide but I am confident that Elliott has that course of action if he chooses to do so.

The NFL's case reads like what a prosecutor presents to the grand jury when they want to railroad someone in. From their statements they did not even consider anything contrary to Zeke's guilt. It was done by lawyers and that cannot be lost on them. This stinks of a PR move that they won't care if they are overruled.

Meanwhile USA Today and other editorials are praising them for this action which is what their goal really was.
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