No, the assault occurred, it was caught on camera. Now, he wasn't charged or convicted, but by every definition, a sexual assault occurred. Using this logic, if I steal your car, but don't get caught, I guess you didn't steal it...
This is an absolutely stupid analogy. There are many ways to consent to having sex without verbally saying yes. However, given her reaction, she gave no indication that she was okay with him pulling her top down. Maybe she didn't persue this, because she didn't want to be an even bigger part of the media circus, maybe he paid her, or maybe she truly did not care. I don't know, but none of that changes the fact that an assault occurred.[/QUOTE]
Sexual assault, by definition
"Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape."
It is either sexual assault or it's not - what Zeke did is NOT sexual assault. At most, it's public indecency - and it would seem they both would be in trouble with this.
And you talk about bad analogies? Then you use the car analogy? Kid, she specifically stated it was okay. Zeke knew this - it was not sexual assault at any point. This is why I'm using my analogy.
Sex is not rape if you don't have a verbal yes at some point - it is not "rape" until the woman at some point after says "Yeah, it was fine" and then it gets labeled consensual sex. It's either consensual or it's not, it doesn't evolve or devolve.