News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Yes they can. And he has pretty much no case in court. The precedent was set with the Brady case. The CBA gives Goodell great power. There are no Constitutional rights involved.

Don't be so sure. An admitted serial wife beater with tons of evidence gets one game and another player with no evidence except the accuser's word gets six games. Now add in that the first was white and the second was black and Zeke has a civil rights and discrimination case if he wants to go there. There's plenty you can do in court with just those facts.
I don't buy into it.

I don't buy into saving a person by wronging them.

2 wrongs don't make a right.

Into a domestic Violence situation (allegedly) lifted a girls top (video proof) speeding 100 (no real biggie) but it's a string of things that he has to learn RIGHT NOW, he can't be involved in. He CANNOT be involved in any of this anymore. Stay home, stay in the playbook, go out to nice classy places, don't give anyone a reason to look at you other than what they're already doing.

This can save him, but if he gets away with it, no matter what will happen in the future.
They automatically build in the reduction so the league can still get the # of games they originally wanted.

Players should be able to sue the NFL for these types of suspensions handed down based on information that law enforcement don't deem credible enough to pursue. Nice job Kim Jung Goodell.
Fantastic post RON!
and just where the hell you been?,,, not been seeing you around lately,, hope all is good,,,later.
Well we don't know what all went on between these two but he evidently wasn't nice to her or she wouldn't be doing this to him right now?

Cases should be judged on facts and ignorance should never meet the standard for condemnation. This is not even a he said she said situation. There is a text record of her trying to railroad him and a witness that was there that contradicts her as well. Those are facts that cannot be ignored.
I just hope during the games people have plenty of signs against Goddell and the NFL about this unfair ruling.. I'm hoping folks chant loudly that Goddell sucks!!
So, if you force a woman to have sex with you, and before she goes to the police, you pay her off, then it's not rape?

False equivalency.

EE was shown on video, clear as day, taking the girl's top off. If there was a video of a woman not consenting to sex with a man the man would be prosecuted for rape regardless if he tried to pay her off.

You're also getting into rape discussion which has a completely different prosecutorial outlook than simple assault or indecent exposure or trespassing or grand theft auto.

Again...the police have on tape of EE taking the girl's top off. But they never arrested him because the girl didn't file a complaint. If she did, he would have been arrested.

Well why do you think she is doing this what is she supposed to get out of it and and why is she doing it?
I don't think she is doing this just because he stopped dating her.

I expect she was pissed because he slept with her under false pretenses and then blew her off. That doesn't make him criminally liable to anything.
False equivalency.

EE was shown on video, clear as day, taking the girl's top off. If there was a video of a woman not consenting to sex with a man the man would be prosecuted for rape regardless if he tried to pay her off.

You're also getting into rape discussion which has a completely different prosecutorial outlook than simple assault or indecent exposure or trespassing or grand theft auto.

Again...the police have on tape of EE taking the girl's top off. But they never arrested him because the girl didn't file a complaint. If she did, he would have been arrested.


Instead she went with him to Miami. I love guys that go cavalier for women that don't want it.
Yes they can. And he has pretty much no case in court. The precedent was set with the Brady case. The CBA gives Goodell great power. There are no Constitutional rights involved.
Thats the problem. Goodell's powers have been negociated. Conduct unbecoming...can be viewed anyway the FO wants. Elliott can not win even much less than Brady. This absolute non sense is on the league office and that is sad. What is wrong with the leagues FO..that is the real question and the nflpa needs to be on this...if they are not part of it. It makes no logical sense for a professional sports organisation to try and harm their biggest assets. It is self defeating and proves the need for change at the NFL corporate level.
LOL he treated her like crap? So dumping someone is "treating them like crap"

Stop excusing women when they do wrong.

If I was Zeke, I would sue the snot out of this girl. I would want to own her home, car, her future homes, her dog and cat, the lint in her pocket. Everything.

She would be living in a cardboard box on the street needing to work the corners after I was finished with scorching the land around her.
The lint in her pocket. :laugh:
False equivalency.

EE was shown on video, clear as day, taking the girl's top off. If there was a video of a woman not consenting to sex with a man the man would be prosecuted for rape regardless if he tried to pay her off.

You're also getting into rape discussion which has a completely different prosecutorial outlook than simple assault or indecent exposure or trespassing or grand theft auto.

Again...the police have on tape of EE taking the girl's top off. But they never arrested him because the girl didn't file a complaint. If she did, he would have been arrested.


Informative, and thanks. But it's my understanding the six game suspension was based off the DV case only, so the shirt-lifting incident is moot. If the NFL wanted to give Zeke a one or two game ban for that, I would be okay with it, because there's evidence.

I understand how the policy works now, but I still can't accept the fact our star running back is out six weeks for something the NFL thinks he did. Maybe they should suspend Odell Beckham Jr. the next time he kicks over a kicking net and then tries to make a pass at it the next week.
Thats the problem. Goodell's powers have been negociated. Conduct unbecoming...can be viewed anyway the FO wants. Elliott can not win even much less than Brady. This absolute non sense is on the league office and that is sad. What is wrong with the leagues FO..that is the real question and the nflpa needs to be on this...if they are not part of it. It makes no logical sense for a professional sports organisation to try and harm their biggest assets. It is self defeating and proves the need for change at the NFL corporate level.
False equivalency.

EE was shown on video, clear as day, taking the girl's top off. If there was a video of a woman not consenting to sex with a man the man would be prosecuted for rape regardless if he tried to pay her off.

You're also getting into rape discussion which has a completely different prosecutorial outlook than simple assault or indecent exposure or trespassing or grand theft auto.

Again...the police have on tape of EE taking the girl's top off. But they never arrested him because the girl didn't file a complaint. If she did, he would have been arrested.


And if because the woman was paid enough, she told the police it was role playing, does it negate the fact that it was rape?
Man, just think of how any of us would feel if our employer said that it was docking us 3/8 of our annual salary based on this "evidence." I just cannot understand how the CBA is this ironclad from court scrutiny.

If you read the last page of the player contract there is a clause that states the commissioner can do what he wants against conduct detrimental.

In reality though the NFL cannot do what it wants. There are provisions in labor law against inequitable punishments. If the NFLPA can present cases where players were treated differently then they have a case. Judge Nelson and Doty have taken the NFL to task over this as well.

All I know is that this upcoming NFL CBA negotiation is going to be a doozy. Collusion, player discipline, money, and on and on. At least this time Goodell and the NFL is not going to have massive public support like they did 5 years ago.
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