News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Yep. And it found that because the players agreed to it, Goodell's exercise of the broad power the players gave him is NOT unfair. Case closed.
Twice it mentions convicted or arrested....Zeke was never even charged

The policy further says: "If you are convicted of a crime or subject to a disposition of a criminal proceeding, you are subject to discipline. But even if your conduct does not result in a criminal conviction, if the league finds that you have engaged in conduct [prohibited by the policy], you will be subject to discipline."

The Personal Conduct Policy is issued pursuant to the commissioner's authority under the NFL Constitution and Bylaws to define and sanction conduct detrimental to the NFL. The policy defines the standards that apply to everyone in the NFL and the steps the league will take to promote conduct that is consistent with those expectations.

"Anyone arrested or charged with conduct that would violate this policy will be offered a formal clinical evaluation, the cost of which will be paid by the league, and appropriate follow-up education, counseling or treatment programs," the policy states.
Based on the above, I don't see any way Zeke wins in the courts. Goodell has a wide latitude as to what constitues conduct detrimental to the league. And since that latitude was negotiated in good faith and written into the CBA, the courts will not step in and overrule him.

Zeke has been behaving like a complete moron. But 6 games is clearly excessive. He should appeal, get it down to 3 games or so and take your medicine. Goodell didn't cause this mess. Zeke did.

Once the suspension is over, focus on playing the best you ever have. Make it up to your teammates, who are most affected by this.

And for God sakes....GROW UP!!!!!
He wasn't suspended for conduct detrimental to the league.
QUOTE="FuzzyLumpkins, post: 7433387, member: 1622"]That has nothing to say about the issue of fairness which is what we were arguing. I do like how you neglected to bold the portion stating that this case was not an exceptional one which would imply that there are grounds for exception and that Goodell's rulings are not inviolate.

One obvious exception would be when fundamental fairness was not exercised.[/QUOTE]

You obviously are not a lawyer. That's not what exceptional means in this context. A case that is exceptional under the law is one thst does not fit in the existing rules for one reason or another.


This case is also.

Look, I would never argue with a plumber, or an astronaut, or a banker etc about fheir professions because I don't live that and don't know it.

I recommend you do the same.
So Zeke's attorneys actually responded to the league office's question regarding her bruises with "maybe she fell down the stairs" and "she's a waitress, so maybe she bumped into some tables."

Did 10-year-olds prepare them for this meeting?

If you are wrongly accused of stealing something, is it your responsibility to figure out who did steal it?
Again, missing the point. Goodell decided (rightly or wrongly) that IT DID NOT MATTER that there was no arrrest

The players association GAVE him (perhaps you think unwisely) that unilateral power.

So the court HAD NO CHOICE under the existing law but to let Goodell do what he was allowed to do.

I know it blows people's minds, but that's the reality, start or not, fair or not, wise or not.
that is not it

He has to dish out punishment fairly and evenly......rule of the shop applies

Precedents matter and most DV cases since the new policy have not got 6 games
that is not it

He has to dish out punishment fairly and evenly......rule of the shop applies

Precedents matter and most DV cases since the new policy have not got 6 games

Look, if you want to believe your own opinions about what the Brady court said instead of reading the opinion, go ahead.

Trust me, you are wrong on this.
Yep. And it found that because the players agreed to it, Goodell's exercise of the broad power the players gave him is NOT unfair. Case closed.

We've been over this and now you are repeating your initial assertion and ignoring rebuttal. I have no doubt now you worked for one of Goodell's stooges now.
The two things are not necessarily the same.

And you're the same guy who said that you would go scorched earth if you were wrongly accused, and you don't think this statement is lacking? Seriously?

No, I don't.

And they are the same thing.

They said I did it. I extremely disagree with them saying I did it = I didn't do these things.

I think I'm going to put a website together that recruits any women with bruises on their arm to 1) take a photo of the bruise and 2) make a claim of DV against any NFL player making more than $1 million / year randomly selected and filed with the league office unless unless they (NFL player) pay a 8% (of salary) 'settlement fee' with no admission of guilt...with the website taking a 25% cut of that for 'facilitating justice'.
Simple. Because your statement borders on moronic. Whether it's a federal or local investigation, the same legal powers apply. The NFL can't force anyone to do anything in their "so-called" investigation. They have zero power and they can interpret things in a way to align with their own agenda. They don't answer to anyone or anything and can pretty much do what they want to do and ignore facts OR tell a player they have to prove themselves innocent. That's total BS.

It's not BS, you're the one sounding like a moron. It's part of the code of conduct and process that is AGREED to. Simple enough for you yet?

You can not like it but it isn't contrived nor a conspiracy. The NFL looked at facts and drew conclusions. There is nothing surprising nor unusual about that.

Keep getting madder it doesn't change anything. Zeke can and will appeal and we'll see how it turns out. He hasn't been denied any processes the entire length of this matter.
Didnt Brady's case also just revolve around procedural issues and that they never questioned the facts of the case?

What if Elliott argues that the league reached a faulty conclusion based on the facts of the case?
Yes, I am.

In fact, and randomly, I actually used to work with Peter Harvey, one of the four advisory committee members on the Zeke investigation, and the guy who gave the lengthy conference call today on behalf of the league. I haven't spoken with him about this. But for what it's worth he is a very decent person, and in my experience beyond reproach.

Thanks for this reference. Angry fans aren't being objective about this. Good, fair, impartial men and women were brought in to look at this.

It's not some wild conspiracy.
We've been over this and now you are repeating your initial assertion and ignoring rebuttal. I have no doubt now you worked for one of Goodell's stooges now.

Never worked with the NFL.

Also, repeating myself because your arguments demonstrate that you have no experience in this area, don't know what you are talking about (and no shame there as it is not what you do), and you don't understand judicial rulings OR labor law.

I'm sure that I am equally ignorant about your profession, also.
Didnt Brady's case also just revolve around procedural issues and that they never questioned the facts of the case?

What if Elliott argues that the league reached a faulty conclusion based on the facts of the case?


Given Goodell's authority, HE ALONE GETS TO DECIDE THE FACTS.

So the ONLY WAY to challenge him is procedurally.
You obviously are not a lawyer. That's not what exceptional means in this context. A case that is exceptional under the law is one thst does not fit in the existing rules for one reason or another.


This case is also.

Look, I would never argue with a plumber, or an astronaut, or a banker etc about fheir professions because I don't live that and don't know it.

I recommend you do the same.

And if it does not fit in with existing rules then it is an exception. You suck at deductions lawyer or not.

Still waiting for you to justify that the issue of fairness was subsumed by Goodell's authority.

And frankly you are not arguing in legal terms pretty much at all. You like to make assertions without basis though. If I were to argue with a plumber about marrying PVC and metal then he would be able to tell me about the materials and what they do. Same with a banker if I were to argue about borrowing practices and the like specifically.

You don't do that. You try to big time, make assertions, and regurgitate headlines.
Didnt Brady's case also just revolve around procedural issues and that they never questioned the facts of the case?

What if Elliott argues that the league reached a faulty conclusion based on the facts of the case?
Correct. Bradys case was never about whether or not he deflated footballs. It was about Goodells ability to suspend him. And based on the CBA, he was allowed to do so.
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