News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Thanks for this reference. Angry fans aren't being objective about this. Good, fair, impartial men and women were brought in to look at this.

It's not some wild conspiracy.
I see Peter Harvey is admitted to practice law in New York, New Jersey and Washington, DC. Obviously some NY Giants fan (or possibly even a Commanders homer)
I see Peter Harvey is admitted to practice law in New York, New Jersey and Washington, DC. Obviously some NY Giants fan (or possibly even a Commanders homer)

And the conspiracies continue. I'm sure he'd throw away his reputation and career to help his alleged favorite team win a football game. They all will ya know.
Twice it mentions convicted or arrested....Zeke was never even charged

The policy further says: "If you are convicted of a crime or subject to a disposition of a criminal proceeding, you are subject to discipline. But even if your conduct does not result in a criminal conviction, if the league finds that you have engaged in conduct [prohibited by the policy], you will be subject to discipline."

The Personal Conduct Policy is issued pursuant to the commissioner's authority under the NFL Constitution and Bylaws to define and sanction conduct detrimental to the NFL. The policy defines the standards that apply to everyone in the NFL and the steps the league will take to promote conduct that is consistent with those expectations.

"Anyone arrested or charged with conduct that would violate this policy will be offered a formal clinical evaluation, the cost of which will be paid by the league, and appropriate follow-up education, counseling or treatment programs," the policy states.

Um, he was charged -- by the woman who said he hit her. That's enough to trigger the policy.

Look, I know people are frustrated and looking for any way to try and change things. Zeke and his lawyers are too, and maybe they will find a way.

I am NOT saying what I am saying because it reflects my personal feelings.

I am only clarifying what the courts have already decided is the law (whether I agree or not).
Never worked with the NFL.

Also, repeating myself because your arguments demonstrate that you have no experience in this area, don't know what you are talking about (and no shame there as it is not what you do), and you don't understand judicial rulings OR labor law.

I'm sure that I am equally ignorant about your profession, also.

Does one of your former employers work with the NFL league office?

And if you are going to say I don't understand this or that it helps for you to demonstrate how. You just repeat your initial assertion.
I see Peter Harvey is admitted to practice law in New York, New Jersey and Washington, DC. Obviously some NY Giants fan (or possibly even a Commanders homer)

Guess my NJ-based stepson and wife must not be the Cowboys fans they act like then.
What exactly are they suspending him for? Accusations? Wow, you look great right now NFL. Good to know you'll suspend employees based on hearsay. Six games for domestic violence that appears to be completely made up and an alleged incident at a night club where no charges were pressed? **** outta here...
Let's make accusations about Goodell about every six weeks, that should keep him at home where he needs to stay.
Does one of your former employers work with the NFL league office?

And if you are going to say I don't understand this or that it helps for you to demonstrate how.

No. Never done any work for the league, never worked at firm that represented them.

Think about it -- if I were on the inside, or were close to someone who was, do you think I'd be blabbing on a message board about the league's legal position?
Um, he was charged -- by the woman who said he hit her. That's enough to trigger the policy.

Look, I know people are frustrated and looking for any way to try and change things. Zeke and his lawyers are too, and maybe they will find a way.

I am NOT saying what I am saying because it reflects my personal feelings.

I am only clarifying what the courts have already decided is the law (whether I agree or not).

:lmao: So you think that private citizens can charge someone of a crime.
I think I'm going to put a website together that recruits any women with bruises on their arm to 1) take a photo of the bruise and 2) make a claim of DV against any NFL player making more than $1 million / year randomly selected and filed with the league office unless unless they (NFL player) pay a 8% (of salary) 'settlement fee' with no admission of guilt...with the website taking a 25% cut of that for 'facilitating justice'.
That's a "CAPITAL" idea you've conceived, Toto!
Absolutely Capital idea,,, unfortunately , you really should have held your fire with the early release of this concept ,,, somebody's prolly working on it's implementation right now.
For what it's worth, I worked with Pater Harvey at my old law firm, and can attest that he is a thoughtful, reasonable, decent guy whose judgment and skill in my opinion are beyond reproach.

I thought it was very interesting that the NFL made him available for an extensive call with the media today in which he thoroughly and methodically described the process. Most critical, in my opinion, is the fact that he made it clear that the league had substantial, highly-relevant evidence that was not available to the prosecutors in Ohio -- namely, the metadata associated with the multitude of text and email communications that Zeke and the accuser (among others) engaged in on or around the dates of the alleged incidents. These metadata reportedly confirmed the accuser's timeline, and did not coincide with Zeke's.

For me, personally, this indicates that Zeke is dead to rights here, and plainly engaged in some kind of physical abuse. It also means to me that his appeal will not materially affect the length of the suspension, if it does at all.

Sad to say it, but whatever you think about the process, justice was almost certainly served here.
Yeah, like you have any idea what you are talking about. It's a fishing expedition with limited transparency that won't hold up in court. The sad efforts of a Giants troll paralegal.
No. Never done any work for the league, never worked at firm that represented them.

Think about it -- if I were on the inside, or was close to someone who were, do you think I'd be blabbing on a message board about the league's legal position?

Read the question and try again. I asked if your former employer currently does.
And if it does not fit in with existing rules then it is an exception. You suck at deductions lawyer or not.

Still waiting for you to justify that the issue of fairness was subsumed by Goodell's authority.

And frankly you are not arguing in legal terms pretty much at all. You like to make assertions without basis though. If I were to argue with a plumber about marrying PVC and metal then he would be able to tell me about the materials and what they do. Same with a banker if I were to argue about borrowing practices and the like specifically.

You don't do that. You try to big time, make assertions, and regurgitate headlines.

Dude, an "exceptional case" is a legal term of art, and does not have the same meaning as it does in everyday life.

So it is not a question of "deduction". It is a question of knowledge.

Same with "fairness" in this context. The Court is NOT allowed to assess the fairness of the factual conclusions or the penalty imposed. They are ONLY allowed to assess the fairness of the PROCESS. That is what they mean here.

Didn't you see the court say that its role is not to decide whether Brady deserved a suspension or, if so, for how long? That's why.

Seriously, you don't play in this sandbox, so you can't possible know what those who do mean.
The two are not equitable. A jurisdictions prosecutor has that authority. Not the rest of us.
The woman accused Zeke of domestic violence. It was enough to get the NFL to investigate the accustion (or charge) against him.

More of a verb than a noun.

Like me charging my son spent the $50 I gave him on partying instead of buying a textbook. Not a legal charge. An accusation.
I think this may have to do with the fact Jerry thinks Goodell gets paid too much money and wants all the owners to be involved in determining how much Goodell receives in salary and benefits.
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