It's Time for Cowboys Fans to Step Up and Show Some Pride

Denial of what? That fans have anything to do with the actual performance of the team on the field? Yes I deny that.

Why does being a fan mean you have to accept the front office doing a bad job for 30 years?

Nothing we fans do on this message board impacts the team on the field. Nothing. We could both die tomorrow and it won’t affect a single point the team scores or gives up this upcoming season.

So, that being said. Why not be honest and direct and point out the FO’s obvious flaws and failures, of which there are many?
If only ...would just fan better the Cowboy win the superbowl!

What a ridiculous statement, eh?
When Jerry Jones said he was "all in" this year then did the opposite I knew I had to change my attitude towards this team. Irrational optimism translates to regular season stress and I have had enough of that. I see where this team is going this year. Jerry's actions speak louder than his incoherent, mumbled, confused, and voluminous words. He did nothing. I expect nothing. This year my expectation is 6-11. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed again.
Those trolls (undercover rival fans) consistently post bogus statements, lies and other bs that doesn't line up with what really happened on the field.
So you think these ref conspiracy posters are off their rockers too, eh? Described them to a T. Lol.
I keep see references to "what it means to be a Cowboys fan" but I haven't seen anyone define that yet. What does it mean to be a real Cowboys fan?

My take on this, as a fan since Staubach was a rookie, and as one who has been labeled a hater by a few super fans, and as one who has come to this forum daily for the last 18 years, is that if you find yourself having such a significant emotional reaction to the thoughts and words of other fans you probably should check yourself. When it escalates to labeling people, as haters, or weak, or cowards you really should question yourself as to why you have such a significant emotional reaction to something that you have absolutely no control over and in truth has no impact on your life beyond sticking your chest out and saying, "that's my team!!!" if they win.

We fall in love with our team at a very young age. We are emotionally imprinted to live and die with the fortunes of our team. If you're still holding on to the same attitude towards fandom as a mature adult that you did as a child and are projecting that on to others because they don't feel the same way you do have you really matured?

So, what does it mean to be a real Cowboys fan?
well this thread has the potential to be locked. I can only speak for myself there are so many things that are more important in life than the Dallas cowboys. Each year there is a new opportunity and new optimism for this fan. the internet has made our culture so much more susceptible to the whiny , to the combative nature you see now in many aspect of life. Its always been here its just more pronounced with sites like this.

This place is a double edge sword you get some comradery but you also get contempt from opposing views. I literally cant stand this place sometimes and without naming names its about 5 to 10% of the posters that make me sick.That being said i have a choice whether or not i choose to engage with them. Some days I feel like debating others i just shake my head and move on.

I myself simply don't see the sense in following a team you cant stand how the GM runs things or the QB throws the ball or the defense tackles. Its apparent that Jerry isn't leaving anytime soon and he probably got enough johnny walker in him to outlive the bulk of us.

the fact that so many are still salty about the GB game amazes me.even if they win that game they aren't beating San fran it was apparent the flaws we had going into the playoffs. I guarantee you half of these whiny buts will be glued to the TV on Sunday

Dallas will be in the playoff again most likely and most likely fail again because I dont see much improvement from team in the way of defense or running game or even QB but you can bet Ill root until the final second clicks on their season the rest of you can can continue your dallas sucks crusade if you want
well this thread has the potential to be locked. I can only speak for myself there are so many things that are more important in life than the Dallas cowboys. Each year there is a new opportunity and new optimism for this fan. the internet has made our culture so much more susceptible to the whiny , to the combative nature you see now in many aspect of life. Its always been here its just more pronounced with sites like this.

This place is a double edge sword you get some comradery but you also get contempt from opposing views. I literally cant stand this place sometimes and without naming names its about 5 to 10% of the posters that make me sick.That being said i have a choice whether or not i choose to engage with them. Some days I feel like debating others i just shake my head and move on.

I myself simply don't see the sense in following a team you cant stand how the GM runs things or the QB throws the ball or the defense tackles. Its apparent that Jerry isn't leaving anytime soon and he probably got enough johnny walker in him to outlive the bulk of us.

the fact that so many are still salty about the GB game amazes me.even if they win that game they aren't beating San fran it was apparent the flaws we had going into the playoffs. I guarantee you half of these whiny buts will be glued to the TV on Sunday

Dallas will be in the playoff again most likely and most likely fail again because I dont see much improvement from team in the way of defense or running game or even QB but you can bet Ill root until the final second clicks on their season the rest of you can can continue your dallas sucks crusade if you want
It's taken me quite a while to adjust...but I think I'm finally on the right track taking your advice.

A recent tirade of mine :laugh: .finally broke me....and set me free. Watching the terrible bickering and personal insults has been better for me than being part of it.

Here's to me staying on track! (That a soda by the way! :thumbup:
What is your motivates you to stay a fan? Why not just move on? Just trying to understand the thinking. Will complaining and disparaging the team ultimately make them better in your eyes? Help me get it
One doesn’t have to be a lackey to be a fan. Real fans are the first to disparage their favorite team and don’t stop until the team’s fortunes change.
It's taken me quite a while to adjust...but I think I'm finally on the right track taking your advice.

A recent tirade of mine :laugh: .finally broke me....and set me free. Watching the terrible bickering and personal insults has been better for me than being part of it.

Here's to me staying on track! (That a soda by the way! :thumbup:
did debby miss you Steve? I know alot of florida got popped
did debby miss you Steve? I know alot of florida got popped
We got what we call a "coastal scrape"....which dumps a lot of rain as it churns up the coast.

Had a bit of yard flooding...otherwise all good! Hope your vacation went well.
Denial of what? That fans have anything to do with the actual performance of the team on the field? Yes I deny that.

Why does being a fan mean you have to accept the front office doing a bad job for 30 years?

Nothing we fans do on this message board impacts the team on the field. Nothing. We could both die tomorrow and it won’t affect a single point the team scores or gives up this upcoming season.

So, that being said. Why not be honest and direct and point out the FO’s obvious flaws and failures, of which there are many?
Nothing at all wrong with that. I do it too. Doing it in every post, every day is where the problem is.
We got what we call a "coastal scrape"....which dumps a lot of rain as it churns up the coast.

Had a bit of yard flooding...otherwise all good! Hope your vacation went well.
dude it was great I visited my birthplace in Newport RI and Niagara and had a wonderful time. I was less impressed with cape cod than i thought i would be and my marthas vineyard tour got cancelled because of the ferry having issues but all in all time away from work and cooler temps were great
A lot of fans are done with this owner and son circus show, including me. I found something better to do instead of watching the team Sunday. I have not been this disconnected from this team in 50 years, yes, 50 years!! Having the Rangers, Mavs, and Stars show again how to compete and win a championship was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Cowboys are not a priority for this household any longer. I don't think I'm alone either. Looks like attendance at Oxnard is way down also. Take that Jerry and Stephen!!
First of all, anyone saying they're done with the Cowboys but sign up and take time out to post in here our total hypocrites we see you Jerry owns free rent in your head.. Second of all I knew you were gonna say that somebody in here was gonna say that but I thought it was odd because that may be true because this was California in the middle of the week when a lot of people work and didn't take the time out as much as they used to to come to this facility however the irony is there sure were a lot of cheering going on at a paid fake game in preseason in California there was a lot of Dallas cowboy fans there so really you're done with it you're throwing in the towel you think that that's over because of a lack of participation in practice that's as bad as people anticipating Prescott was gonna have a bad season by counting all of his misses and his interceptions last year in training camp...

That's right the irony is thick all these people on Facebook that you have to actually click on Dallas cowboy content are telling us while they're clicking on the content and taking time out of their day they're no longer interested and the Cowboys are losing what was the word interest they're not relative anymore and yet the hypocrisy and the irony is so thick because people are actually still talking about the Cowboys while they're screaming how much they don't follow the Cowboys anywhere and here you are you're one of them you're part of that big group that are just flat out liars...

Real fans thank you for taking the time out of your day to let us know how you don't follow the Cowboys anymore the part of Dallas Cowboys named website..huh
Last edited:
dude it was great I visited my birthplace in Newport RI and Niagara and had a wonderful time. I was less impressed with cape cod than i thought i would be and my marthas vineyard tour got cancelled because of the ferry having issues but all in all time away from work and cooler temps were great
Oh wow great! Wifey has wanted to visit MV for some time now. I think I have her convinced a general southern Maine trip would be better.

Ahhh...cooler temps...yes please!
First of all, anyone saying they're done with the Cowboys but sign up and take time out to post in here our total hypocrites we see you Jerry owns free rent in your head.. Second of all I knew you were gonna say that somebody in here was gonna say that but I thought it was odd because that may be true because this was California in the middle of the week when a lot of people work and didn't take the time out as much as they used to to come to this facility however the irony is there sure were a lot of cheering going on at a paid fake game in preseason in California there was a lot of Dallas cowboy fans there so really you're done with it you're throwing in the towel you think that that's over because of a lack of participation in practice that's as bad as people anticipating Prescott was gonna have a bad season by counting all of his misses and his interceptions last year in training camp...

That's right the irony is thick all these people on Facebook that you have to actually click on Dallas cowboy content are telling us while they're clicking on the content and taking time out of their day they're no longer interested and the Cowboys are losing what was the word interest they're not relative anymore and yet the hypocrisy and the irony is so thick because people are actually still talking about the Cowboys while they're screaming how much they don't follow the Cowboys anywhere and here you are you're one of them you're part of that big group that are just flat out liars...

Real fans thank you for taking the time out of your day to let us know how you don't follow the Cowboys anymore the part of Dallas Cowboys named website..huh
It's just a little general frustration...don't be to judgmental on them.

They get a bit mad but in the end can't quit. That's not necessarily a bad fan.
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A lot of fans are done with this owner and son circus show, including me. I found something better to do instead of watching the team Sunday. I have not been this disconnected from this team in 50 years, yes, 50 years!! Having the Rangers, Mavs, and Stars show again how to compete and win a championship was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Cowboys are not a priority for this household any longer. I don't think I'm alone either. Looks like attendance at Oxnard is way down also. Take that Jerry and Stephen!!
Copy and Paste that from every post you post here??

I think you did you didn't realize that the Rangers took from 1970 up until last year have one championship, how long is that drought 52 years? do you remember how long that one was you know that all three teams that you just mentioned which I support as well I don't put demands on my support not as much as I have with the Cowboys, they have 3 total championships among them three actual championships for three teams and Jerry since 1989 has three of his very own.

It's all you're using a double standard for Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys who gave us 3 championships since 1989 and only two other teams besides that in the entire NFL have three or more championships in the same period,​
. That would be the chiefs and the patriots....​
Oh and to add to that,​
you do realize that the chiefs took 52 years between their championships you do realize this really ridiculous double standard you're putting on the Cowboys as if they're not winning at least they're relative in the regular season the end of the playoffs five of the last eight years this is not a laughing stock this is not an embarrassment they're actually one of the teams that are on prime time all the time which has to mean something the NFL thinks they're relative because they are they're still drawing full crowds at the games and they're talked about on every single sports program or content creators on social media and you're here proves this little tantrum you're throwing that you no longer supporting the Cowboys because you have the other three doing so well well then why did you pop in here did you just look for that I mean do you have some kind of algorithm that says if someone says something positive about the Cowboys you just automatically have a copy and paste just pops right up..?? lmao​
you know the Cleveland Browns haven't even won a division title since 1989 ? Yet this laughing stock of a Cowboys team have 36 wins two division titles and been in the playoffs three straight years just recently... Sure we fell short in the playoffs a lot but it's nice getting to the playoffs actually being one of the top six teams in the NFL the last decade I mean yes it's a regular season win percentage but that's sure better than being all the ones that are below us..​
Copy and Paste that from every post you post here??

I think you did you didn't realize that the Rangers took from 1970 up until last year have one championship, how long is that drought 52 years? do you remember how long that one was you know that all three teams that you just mentioned which I support as well I don't put demands on my support not as much as I have with the Cowboys, they have 3 total championships among them three actual championships for three teams and Jerry since 1989 has three of his very own.

It's all you're using a double standard for Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys who gave us 3 championships since 1989 and only two other teams besides that in the entire NFL have three or more championships in the same period,​
. That would be the chiefs and the patriots....​
Oh and to add to that,​
you do realize that the chiefs took 52 years between their championships you do realize this really ridiculous double standard you're putting on the Cowboys as if they're not winning at least they're relative in the regular season the end of the playoffs five of the last eight years this is not a laughing stock this is not an embarrassment they're actually one of the teams that are on prime time all the time which has to mean something the NFL thinks they're relative because they are they're still drawing full crowds at the games and they're talked about on every single sports program or content creators on social media and you're here proves this little tantrum you're throwing that you no longer supporting the Cowboys because you have the other three doing so well well then why did you pop in here did you just look for that I mean do you have some kind of algorithm that says if someone says something positive about the Cowboys you just automatically have a copy and paste just pops right up..?? lmao​
you know the Cleveland Browns haven't even won a division title since 1989 ? Yet this laughing stock of a Cowboys team have 36 wins two division titles and been in the playoffs three straight years just recently... Sure we fell short in the playoffs a lot but it's nice getting to the playoffs actually being one of the top six teams in the NFL the last decade I mean yes it's a regular season win percentage but that's sure better than being all the ones that are below us..​
So now we need the Browns to rationalize our failures. Could be a new low in Cowboys Nation.

When do the bags come out? :laugh:

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