When are some fans going to stop blaming the player for what he makes and put that blame where it belongs, on management?
Every agent and player is in it to get as much as they can and it's not their job to manage the cap.
This team has an owner known for blinking with stars and compounds that by openly selling the stars to the fans. The Joneses played right into the agent's hands, pleasing their own egos, with praise for the players and drove the price up themselves.
What a clown act. Walk onto any car dealer's showroom and start gushing over the vehicle, like you built it, and then try and haggle with him over price.
It is short sighted to blame any Cowboy for what they make with these two at the helm of the team.
Remember what that idiot said when he was negotiating with Romo's agent? "Romo is the only QB that can play behind this line". The negotiation stalled and not only did Romo get paid but that got OL in the 1st round. Think the agent didn't demand that? If he didn't Romo's wife did.
Then what does the idiot double down on when asked about the size of Romo's contract? "He will play better because he's getting paid better". What a fool.
Does the donkey walk faster after he gets the carrot?
You don't like Prescott fine but don't make it about his contract because he's not to blame for that than any other player. And stop using Brady as an example. Use Cousins, Watson, Rodgers, Wilson and Jackson instead.