Here's some more fodder - a Q&A with Peter King who was at Commanders Camp today:
Okay. Finally: tell us something you saw at camp today that’s not going to make it into your Postcard From Camp, but that Commanders fans would want to know.
I’ll tell you something that IS going to make it into my postcard: I thought Jason Campbell had one of the best camp practices I’ve ever seen a quarterback have.
I mean, if he had four balls hit the ground in two hours, I’ll be surprised. I mean, the touch on this passes, his accuracy downfield, I was highly, highly impressed.
Now, I’ve seen him a few times over the years, and I’ve thought he’s okay, but I never saw him like I saw him today.
Do you think it’s Coach Zorn? What do you think it is?
I think it’s maturation, I think it’s fourth year in the NFL, I think it’s a lot of things. Now, you know what I like about him? He could have sat there with his eight different offensive systems in the last nine years of his football life and he could’ve said, “Woe is me, I am so sick of this crap, I’m going to go buy my own team so I can run the offense that I would want to run.”
But all he did was – evidently he MUST have – put his nose to the grindstone and learned another offense.
Now, you always, always hesitate [to judge] when there’s nobody rushing. I mean, one of the best camp practices I saw last year was Rex Grossman and I have become convinced now that Grossman is great when he knows he’s not going to get hit. And he still MIGHT be great. But I saw him two practices last year, he was fantastic, and then he was Rex Grossman when the lights came on. So we’ll see about Jason Campbell.
But, if I’m a Commanders fan watching this practice today, I go home and I’m really excited.
woot woot