I don't see this as a big issue as many are making it out to be. I'll give an example from my experience with semi the same issue.
Almost a year ago, Oct 9th it will be a year ,my son and I was in a real bad accident. We were hit by a drunk driver. My son came out fine but I shattered my leg and almost lost it. I'm still not walking. Shatters my hip, wrist and tore 2 ligaments in my neck, one away from being paralyzed or dead. Oh and I lost 8 pints of blood(75% of the blood we have). For a year ive been trying to get disability. I've been denied twice and have my 3rd appeal in now. When i was denied the 2nd time I had 60 days to appeal. I waited until the 57th day to appeal. Why? Because I didn't want another no. I didnt want bad news. Then when i did appeal they said 2.5-3 months. When that date came and I didn't have a answer I didn't call. Why? Because i didn't want bad news again. My parents and friends kept telling me to call. It made no sense to them but it did me. I finally called and was told the 29th of Sept. That's today. I haven't called lol. Why? Again, i don't want a no. Is the right thing to do or the mature thing? No, but it's hard to explain unless you are in those shoes.
In the big picture this doesn't affect wins and losses. If he was out getting drunk, getting high and just said f that i don't need it then I could see some freaking out. But not this.
I also don't understand the people mad at Jg for his pc's. Who cares what info he gives to them or what info he doesn't. That also doesn't affect wins and losses. I actually think it's funny he doesn't give them the info they want and lies to them. Unless you're a professional gambler and need injury reports to make money, I don't see the issue. If you need better pc's from him for that reason you might need a new profession. Lol