Video: Jaylon Smith running, stopping & cutting video


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I don’t want to dislike Jaylon as much as I do. He works hard and he has passion, but damn does he struggle. Leg, maybe recognition, maybe both, I dunno. His output doesn’t match his preparation, IMO. I kinda feel bad for him and then I remember he’s a multi millionaire and stop feeling bad for him.


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Can someone please cue Jaclyn's clip against the Bengals....I'm busy watching my Dodgers.
Was that the game where he was blocking for their guy carrying the ball down the sideline? That’s my favoritest.


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I think he will play really well this season

To be honest he looks the same as last season. He is ok In a straight line but he doesn't have any brakes. Last year he would over run plays because he couldn't stop and cut quick enough. I hope he gets better because that will help the defense!


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I don’t want to dislike Jaylon as much as I do. He works hard and he has passion, but damn does he struggle. Leg, maybe recognition, maybe both, I dunno. His output doesn’t match his preparation, IMO. I kinda feel bad for him and then I remember he’s a multi millionaire and stop feeling bad for him.
It was a feel-good story there for a bit.

Then came the swiping idiocy, his completely premature contract extension and then finally his "watch the tape" arrogance.

I dislike him immensely. Almost to the point of wishing he fails hard, just so we can get rid of him.


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Maker's Mark is one of my faves but I can't do flavored bourbon. Also Woodford Reserve.

Regarding Jaylon...we do have some jokers who seem to "root against" a few guys. Sure. But I feel statements like this make it look like fair criticism is "rooting against". I happen to think even in this video he looks gimpy. There is something wrong with the gate.

I say this as a gimp. I know it when I see it.

There are some comments about coverage and decision making...and I say, again...that if you are favoring a body effects your decision making.

It wasn't flavored actually; the distillers just noted a hint of "toasted marshmallow" from some specific barrels. It tasted like a regular good bourbon to me. If I tried really hard, I could taste a burnt marshmallow flavor. It's not normally something I would get at $89 a bottle, but since I was at the distillery and they were only making a few hundred bottles, I thought why not?


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Still pulling for this kid to make a lot of CZ fans on here eat crow this upcoming season.

Jaylon will finish top 5 in tackles once again, will play every game for the Cowboys and will make the pro bowl this season.

Pretty much do all the things Sean Lee fragile *** couldn't do on a consistent basis for the Cowboys.
if we could have a poll for most feared linebackers from RBs or TEs Jaylon would be near the bottom, I promise you that.


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I still think he's not 100 percent from his injury. But failing to fill holes and attack the running back has nothing to do with injury.
I really hope he has a bounce-back year.
^THIS. Its all a mindset between his ears issue, not a physical thing.


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Are you seriously going to tell me..that at about 1:33...that is a NORMAL step? That you see NOTHING funky?

at 2:08 he is not pursuing just jogging.

at 3:16...the narrator says that is a coverage problem. I say Jaylon does not want to commit to planting that foot.

If these examples aren't good enough for you...I will see if I can find one of my earlier posts that had better views.

BTW...let's not get bogged down with this narrator's opinion. Just using his video. His gimp is effecting not only his physical movements but his mental ones too. I really don;t care if Jerry doesn't want to talk about it. I can see it.

And this person is from ESPN or BR or any other regular sports site? Or is a former NFL coach maybe? Former NFL player maybe? I said show me someone like that who supports your BS. And you have nothing.