Jaylon Smith's nerve not firing

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There is no visual evidence of Jaylon lifting his foot without a brace and the still shot of him jumping on the "trampoline" certainly doesn't indicate that.

The suggestion that Jaylon is now just trying to get his mind and muscle function in coordination is simply your interpolation of a blurb in an article that said nothing of the sort.

It was three stills. One with the foot down as he jumped up. One with his foot picked up at the apex. One with his foot down again as he descended. Range of motion showing him picking his foot up from a down position.

DMN article said:
The focus now for Smith is to improve his motor function, with his body needing to catch up to his nerve starting to fire so that it works in near unison. Right now, Smith's reaction is behind his nerve.


Nothing of the sort? You don't even know what a blurb is.

The above paragraph clearly indicates that motor function is improving. It clearly indicates that his body is catching up to a nerve that is firing. Let's hear your alternate "interpretation," I could use the amusement.

Now why don't you degrade the discussion to fixating on my vocabulary, telling me I'm not an expert or similar nonsense as you are wont to do when you have nothing of merit.
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Foot down on the way up


Flat foot at top of jump


Down again to land on balls of feet.


You can stop the video in the OP and advance if frame by frame to see Jaylon bend his ankle to push his foott down and the pick it back up through the range of motion.
If the dude tries to play with a drop foot brace on, he is going to get hurt bad.

Probably will blow his knee out by mid season since the brace stabalizes the foot by transferring the kinetic energy to the knee

Feel bad for the kid
I don't think he's lying, but a lot of religious (and some not so religious) people believe in speaking faith-into-action/name-it-and-claim-it or more secularly known as the power of positive thinking.

I don't if Jaylon's claims are based in fact or faith, but I'll take his words at face value until proven otherwise.

Great point and great observation. I thought of the "speaking in faith" angle too.

However, what makes me lean against that is that he said, when asked a direct question about whether the doctors say he's getting better or whether he's regaining feeling he responded ... "BOTH".

I know doctors who are devote Christians - even those in the name-it-and-claim-it movement - but when it comes to medical diagnoses, they speak what is not what they hope to be. I can't see a doctor applying the name-it-and-claim-it approach when diagnosing whether Jaylon's nerve is firing/regenerating, telling him he's getting better when he's not.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your perspective. It shows you're exposed to more perspectives on this issue than people who just focus on the nuts and bolts and "facts." :)
Because I read all the articles that have been written about Jaylon and he said the sensations he was feeling were associated with the nerve regenerating. If it was actually refiring and he could feel his foot, everyone would be in front of a microphone explaining how much smarter they are than everybody else.

Do you have an article that discusses the difference between nerve regeneration and nerve refiring?

100%. Had a colleague with a dropped foot. Not a pro contact player by any means, but a ranked squash player that endured intensive PT for years - tried to compete again (nerve didn't connect) and ended up with severe knee and hip ailments in the process.

Here's a note about whether anyone with a known drop foot condition played in the NFL from Albert Breer:

10. Cowboys linebacker Jaylon Smith has a tough road to hoe to play with drop foot. But he wouldn’t be the first. Ex-Eagles cornerback J.R. Reed played three NFL seasons with the condition after suffering nerve damage in 2005.

Calling on a legitimate, licensed, medical-practicing doctor to explain the difference (if there is any) between a nerve regenerating and a nerve firing as well explain what the "degrees" or "percentages" of "firing" mean.

Interesting tidbit from Peter King's MMQB column:

Cowboys linebacker Jaylon Smith has a tough road to hoe to play with drop foot. But he wouldn’t be the first. Ex-Eagles cornerback J.R. Reed played three NFL seasons with the condition after suffering nerve damage in 2005.
Interesting tidbit from Peter King's MMQB column:
His injury was a little different though.

In early 2005, Reed suffered an injury which ended his 2005 season. While jumping a fence near his home in Tampa, Reed cut the back of his knee and sustained damage to the peroneal nerve that affects movement in his lower leg and foot.

He had a pretty nondescript career, but he also was not nearly the athlete Smith is I would imagine.
It was three stills. One with the foot down as he jumped up. One with his foot picked up at the apex. One with his foot down again as he descended. Range of motion showing him picking his foot up from a down position.


Nothing of the sort? You don't even know what a blurb is.

The above paragraph clearly indicates that motor function is improving. It clearly indicates that his body is catching up to a nerve that is firing. Let's hear your alternate "interpretation," I could use the amusement.

Now why don't you degrade the discussion to fixating on my vocabulary, telling me I'm not an expert or similar nonsense as you are wont to do when you have nothing of merit.

Ah, cute. We already went over this. An AFO does not prevent flexion of the forefoot downward. You claiming the AFO is rigid is either based out of being stubborn intellectual dishonesty (sorta like you claiming he was wearing the same bulky AFO from August of last year) or plain ignorance.

There are static AFOs and dynamic AFOs. The latter allows plantar flexion of the forefoot and rigidness to help lift the foot up.
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Loved the pick but not suprised. Not getting excited until I see regular season action. My dad had a similar injury needless to say over 2 years later not good

Said it at the time and stand by it, it was an unnecessary risky pick early in the 2nd. We're going to need to change our philosophy and go for solid doubles/triples instead of swinging for the fences when a strikeout is more likely.
Calling on a legitimate, licensed, medical-practicing doctor to explain the difference (if there is any) between a nerve regenerating and a nerve firing as well explain what the "degrees" or "percentages" of "firing" mean.


I'll give my buddy a shout. He's a Dr. and did his clinicals with athletes.

He's said it was possible to play in a brace before, but it's impossible to tell in what degree. That's how Doctors usually approach it. If it's not their patient, they don't know anything about them and basically everything is dependent on each particular instance.

I'll fbook that mofo though. He usually sends me a bunch of stupid crap on his break.
This right here will get lost in this thread. Jaylon said he was getting feeling back, and you can see he is regaining motor function. I don't get all the doom and gloom based off of Raps tweet.
That's easy. In this day and age, people are quick to believe any source that reaffirms their stance. Regardless if the source is at worst a liar or at best often wrong.
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