Jeff Fisher said on Fox Radio that...


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Hostile;1338798 said:
I have always loved Dan Reeves. Walt Garrison praised him as the smartest person he had ever met.

You know he's smart if he wants to coach this team. The one thing that has eluded him is a Super Bowl title. He can get it here and he knows this.

I'm all for it. If Jerry isn't I can't blame him. Reeves has been out of coaching for 4 years. That just burned Jerry with Parcells. As you said "an old curmudgeon who came up short." It's possibly just too close to recent history.

My biggest reservation about Reeves is that he's a 60-something with a history of cardiac problems... but I still think he's a fine offensive mind, and of course I have a fondness for anybody with their roots in the Cowboys organization...


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Dave_in-NC;1338808 said:
Hiring a coach that knows he's a short term solution scares me. If a guy knows he's a fill in what effort is he going to put in.

A good coach, who's confident in his ability, would take the job with the mindset "if I come in here and win 12 games for a couple-three years, I'll make it impossible to replace me"...


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chinch;1339057 said:
familiarity. plus Saban is noone to write home about. who wouldn't want an "nfl" guy in college.

Another poorly run organization looking for an OC on the cheap.

QB coach

Jurruh wanted him in 2000 and like a petulant child finally can get him, even if it's the wrong time and circumstance

convicted fellon, drug trafficer/user.

the same guy who declared himself as the best coach for Atlanta/vick right.

how many concussions did Troy have again? too many.

didn't he endorse norv and dave w. for HC also back in the day, much to the chagrin of those who hired them. LOL.

the icing on the cake folks.

And I'd trust all of their opinions over yours, or any of the other assorted Jerry haters snarling these days...


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chinch;1339421 said:
see, here is where your arrogance shines.

most all the analysts, experts and guys with SKINS ON THE WALL have HAMMERED jerry for the past decade - until he caught a Tuna - and they started up again when he brought TO in... they're again calling him out for interfering and these coaching moves.

you too have zero skins but choose to listen to the few cherry picked skin-holders who agree with your opinion. whatever.

Except when those with the skins on the wall were rippin' on Jerry, Hos was generally in agreement with them...

When confronted with a dilemma, following the advice of those with "skins on the wall" isn't a bad way to go... certainly, it's preferable to taking your cue from a bunch of dilettantes who THINK they know the game...