Jerry, bring Dez back!


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I never got the love for Dez he was a lazy idiot who had a few good years based on raw talent. Once that raw talent started to fade he fell off big time. If he had worked half as hard as a guy like Irvin then he'd probably still be playing and producing. Don't need the drama for what would be a WR 4 who can't play special teams. As I said before if Dez is serious go play in the XFL prove you got it and knock the rust off stop begging Jerry for a job.


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Some of y'alls mommas want to see Dez back. :cool:

C'mon now.
Dude mentioned putting down the crack pipe.
That should include Dez's crackhead mother.

I'm pretty sure my mother couldn't pick him out in a lineup.
She's 74.

A football message board in March should be more light-hearted.

America's Cowboy

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C'mon now.
Dude mentioned putting down the crack pipe.
That should include Dez's crackhead mother.

I'm pretty sure my mother couldn't pick him out in a lineup.
She's 74.

A football message board in March should be more light-hearted.
Exactly. Bringing up anyone's momma should be off limits.


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Dez looks ready! Jerry, bring Dez back on a 1 year "prove it" veteran minimum deal.

Here's how I view it. I hope Dez makes it back into the NFL. I'm rooting for the guy... but there are If Dak is the QB for the Cowboys future (and I believe he is) then it should depend all on Dak. If Dak wants him back, sign him on a prove it deal. If Dak doesn't want him back, I hope he gets a chance somewhere else.

A QB needs receivers that he feels he can trust. If the trust isn't there, there's no it all depends on Dak unless the Cowboys decide to move on from him.


Taco Engineer
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And I respect all opinions on the subject.

But I think Dallas is on the wrong side of this trying to make the problem Dez.

The FO decided to pay Dez $14 mil/yr on his new deal in 2015 only 2 years into his new deal he was cut. Crazy.

The rest of the team had to take notice. Not pretty.

Lee and Witten are now feeling the FO pressure like Dez did.

Guys that once carried the team are being phased out.

Although they can still play..they can't be very pleased.

Can McCarthy be pleased? Not when TE, WR and LBer are as much a concern right now. That's alot of veteran winning talent to ditch right now.

Maybe Dez and they can go practice together at the Star so the FO can be reminded of their error.

Error? The error was extending him. His production dropped off. He threatened to not play and refused to play under a tag. He melted down during games and became a liability. How is Dallas trying to make Dez the problem?


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So funny... Dez used to be the MOST hated at CZ the last couple years we had him. Slow.. poor route runner, poor attitude, ruining Dak, one trick pony, etc. etc.. Now there's a surge of Dez positivity and we now HATE Dak and Zeke. Crazy world we live in.


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All those dudes are old and can’t play.

Dez is ready.


Let the hate go.

Let's go get Terrell Owens! I'm sure he's ready to play too.
Hell, Randy White could solve our DT issues.
Since everyone hates Jeff Heath, let's sign
51 year old Merton Hanks to play Safety.
We can bring back your idol, Kris Richard, to coach them all
since he's not busy at the moment... lol/jk


Taco Engineer
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With your logic, perhaps we should sign Jerry Rice instead.
Hell, Jim Brown's still alive. He scored a lot of tds. Let's go get him too... lol/smh
Or Witten, he's got 72 ;)


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Exactly. Bringing up anyone's momma should be off limits.

If anyone's mother was a 14 year old crack head who's little
crack baby grew up to be an NFL star. It's okay to mention
it on a message board.

Especially when the woman shows up wanting a cut of that rookie check
so she can get her fix on.

America's Cowboy

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If anyone's mother was a 14 year old crack head who's little
crack baby grew up to be an NFL star. It's okay to mention
it on a message board.

Especially when the woman shows up wanting a cut of that rookie check
so she can get her fix on.
You're wrong. No momma should be ridiculed, chastised and excoriated no matter what her past history.

Redball Express

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73 TDS worth.

I hate how some fans take players like Romo, Witten, Dez,Lee and numerous other players who have left it on the field for this team get tarred and feathered going out the door.

It's disgusting.

It's like having a burning at the stake or a public hanging because their play declined.

Crazy behavior.


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Saying it over and over big dog doesn’t make it so. What makes you think he can’t play? And even better, what makes you think that he can’t be a role player on this team?
Not saying it at all has no effect either on Dez's inability to play. When we last saw him on this team he could not play, his last 2 seasons he was one of the league's leaders in dropped passes. Since then he's gotten older, suffered an Achilles tendon injury and he can't play special teams. As you readily admit, speed has never been his strong suit, so now he is increasingly slower, too slow to play professional football. The only role he can play is waterboy.

America's Cowboy

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Not saying it at all has no effect either on Dez's inability to play. When we last saw him on this team he could not play, his last 2 seasons he was one of the league's leaders in dropped passes. Since then he's gotten older, suffered an Achilles tendon injury and he can't play special teams. As you readily admit, speed has never been his strong suit, so now he is increasingly slower, too slow to play professional football. The only role he can play is waterboy.
How do you know he is too slow? As shown in recent videos, Dez looks quicker and faster. Do you have any verifiable information to support your accusations on Dez being too slow or unable to play in the NFL?


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How do you know he is too slow? As shown in recent videos, Dez looks quicker and faster. Do you have any verifiable information to support your accusations on Dez being too slow or unable to play in the NFL?
As seen in recent videos he looks like an old man making a fool of himself. He is drastically slower, even sluggish. We both saw the same video but we saw two different things and yet you want your observation to stand on its own while mine must be accompanied by verifiable information?

Your cognitive dissonance shows just how illogical your argument is for Dez. What's good for my argument is equally good for your argument yet you offer no verifiable information to support your claims. The video does not verify anything.

If he is as you claim then where are the other teams knocking on Dez's door to acquire his services? Surely some other team would want him. But no, he is as I claim. He can't play anymore, 32 NFL team's scouting departments agree with me or he would have NFL suitors. How's that for information supporting my accusations?

America's Cowboy

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As seen in recent videos he looks like an old man making a fool of himself. He is drastically slower, even sluggish. We both saw the same video but we saw two different things and yet you want your observation to stand on its own while mine must be accompanied by verifiable information?

Your cognitive dissonance shows just how illogical your argument is for Dez. What's good for my argument is equally good for your argument yet you offer no verifiable information to support your claims. The video does not verify anything.

If he is as you claim then where are the other teams knocking on Dez's door to acquire his services? Surely some other team would want him. But no, he is as I claim. He can't play anymore, 32 NFL team's scouting departments agree with me or he would have NFL suitors. How's that for information supporting my accusations?
You will see. Aside from the Cowboys, someone will come calling him.