Jerry goes off on the hosts of 105.3

To play devils advocate here,,, let's agree the media is largely comprised of sensationalistic, simplistic, gas lighters who don't sit in on the meetings, don't have all the information, and don't consider all of the business and cap angles that the front office does. I think Jerry is insulted to be questioned and derided by the likes of them. It's like being hauled in front of congress and grilled for hours by a group that collectively represents all that is corrupt and wrong with the world. I can't imagine how hard that would be.
Really? Because I would have powerbombed him on his head years ago. Today did it for you?
Two very different things.

Before today ,I didn't dislike him as a person. I separate business from the he's a complete a-hole
Really? Because I would have powerbombed him on his head years ago. Today did it for you?
To play devils advocate here,,, let's agree the media is largely comprised of sensationalistic, simplistic, gas lighters who don't sit in on the meetings, don't have all the information, and don't consider all of the business and cap angles that the front office does. I think Jerry is insulted to be questioned and derided by the likes of them. It's like being hauled in front of congress and grilled for hours by a group that collectively represents all that is corrupt and wrong with the world. I can't imagine how hard that would be.
the media can be. they can be a lot of things. they can also be right.

pretty much a history of jones behavior up until the latest *** he decided to do.

sorry, mr jones. you do not get to tell the reporters / show hosts what to ask. AND - if you truly believe you should be able to take people to task for their performance, then mr jones, you're the first to go.
If Jerry is this testy now, just wait 2 weeks when the Cowboys get a 49er style beat down.
They certainly have our number, but they haven’t been very good so far this season. After the mega embarrassment we suffered against Detroit I could see the team showing up with some fire in their belly and giving San Francisco a game. If we don’t and it turns into another beat down, then we may not win 6-7 games.
They certainly have our number, but they haven’t been very good so far this season. After the mega embarrassment we suffered against Detroit I could see the team showing up with some fire in their belly and giving San Francisco a game. If we don’t and it turns into another beat down, then we may not win 6-7 games.
I'll be shocked if the game isn't over by halftime.

Then again, I was shocked at Pittsburgh.
I'll be shocked if the game isn't over by halftime.

Then again, I was shocked at Pittsburgh.
If it’s over by halftime, then we might not win 2 or 3 more games the rest of the season. Appears McCafferty will still be out so that gives us some chance.
Problem is radio is dying more and more each day....without the Cowboys the station is going to lose a ton of revenue and a lot of people are going to lose their jobs.
maybe. the problem is - technology shifts. radio has been dying for a long long time. its still there for smaller and local reaches. dallas radio is about as horrible as it can be for music.

im not quite sure what the "without the cowboys" should mean. do you imply jones can say and do what he wants to the staff because he keeps them employed???
Jerry has properly messed up even if he doesn’t realise it yet. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Jerry needs the media and the media will close ranks now he’s threatened one of their own. You can see it happening in some of the more immediate reactions already. If he doesn’t come up with an apology fast I think this really is going to be different territory this time.
Its not just local. Jerry got fried on most of the national shows as well. People are seeing through the BS.

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