News: Jerry: "I'm looking for reasons to keep Garrett"


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Honestly, I'm not sure how to take this or what it

Jerry Jones is “looking for reasons” to keep Jason Garrett
Posted by Charean Williams on October 21, 2019, 3:06 PM EDT

The Cowboys front office repeatedly expressed public support for Jason Garrett last week in the midst of a three-game losing streak. Both Jerry Jones and Stephen Jones said Garrett’s job was not on the line in Sunday’s game against the Eagles.

They weren’t lying.

The Cowboys owner, in fact, said he wants to keep Garrett beyond this season after Garrett’s contract expires.

“I am looking for reasons. I’m looking for reasons to keep him,” Jones said. “It’s merited here. It’s hard to get an effective coach and get it locked in with all you have to do retool and redo



Cowboy Fan
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Unless we win a Superbowl this year ...... Jason Garrett will be moved up to the front office and given some title involving football organizational control ....... And he will be just another yes man to interfere with the new coach on behalf of the Jones.


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Not exactly. What's Jerry's downside for waiting? Jason's going to maybe go to another team, or he might end up in a bidding war? Pretty low likelihood of that happening, given the team they have and the fact that the Cowboys job is one of the most prestigious positions in the league.

What's Jerry's upside in waiting? He keeps a fire lit under the coach for the season, for one. He gets the whole league talking about his franchise the entire offseason leading up to an extension, which is free PR. And he keeps his options open if a clearly better coach shakes loose. That's unlikely to happen now that Payton re-signed, but you never know.

There's negligible downside in waiting. There's value in waiting. It makes sense to wait.

So he’s not giving Garrett a contract because he wants him to coach with fire? What happens when Garrett has a new contract? Does he coach with less fire? I mean if a coach needs to be in the last year of a contract to coach better than that says quite a bit about the coach.

And of course there is value in waiting. If the Cowboys don’t make the playoffs, Jerry can walk away without any long term financial commitment.

That’s why he’s waiting. Which is what I basically said at the beginning of this thread.

America's Cowboy

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That is why you fail....:facepalm:
Winning the NFC East Division and making it to the playoffs divisional round 2 out of the last 3 seasons is considered failing? Having 3 winning seasons in a row, plus currently having a winning record is considered failing?

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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If you have to "look" for reasons to keep him then why keep him?

Jerry said:
“I am looking for reasons. I’m looking for reasons to keep him,” Jones said. “It’s merited here. It’s hard to get an effective coach and get it locked in with all you have to do retool and redo. I’m comfortable. We have established some security apart from the won-loss. He represents the organization well on and off the field.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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When you're old, tired, and have already accomplished everything you set out to do in life, this is what's important to you.

"I’m comfortable. We have established some security apart from the won-loss. He represents the organization well on and off the field.”


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I'm curious, how does the Dallas media treat Jerry overall? - cause I know if he was here in NY, the guy would be getting killed.

They have always ripped him. except for those years from 90 to 95... besides then.. he's enemy #1


Well-Known Member
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Honestly, I'm not sure how to take this or what it

Jerry Jones is “looking for reasons” to keep Jason Garrett
Posted by Charean Williams on October 21, 2019, 3:06 PM EDT

The Cowboys front office repeatedly expressed public support for Jason Garrett last week in the midst of a three-game losing streak. Both Jerry Jones and Stephen Jones said Garrett’s job was not on the line in Sunday’s game against the Eagles.

They weren’t lying.

The Cowboys owner, in fact, said he wants to keep Garrett beyond this season after Garrett’s contract expires.

“I am looking for reasons. I’m looking for reasons to keep him,” Jones said. “It’s merited here. It’s hard to get an effective coach and get it locked in with all you have to do retool and redo

I will say it again jerry jones is a big A-HOLE and we are stuck with him. after ten years still trying to find reasons to keep garrett.


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Always funny seeing CZ freak out over benign Jerry comments.

The deep-rooted jealousy some of you have for this self-made billionaire....


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"Im looking for reasons" This tells me up to this point there hasn't been enough to warrant a contract extension right now.


Well-Known Member
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Always funny seeing CZ freak out over benign Jerry comments.

The deep-rooted jealousy some of you have for this self-made billionaire....
I do not have any jealousy towards the man. there is no reason why jones does not want a strong headcoach to coach the riches franchise in the nfl. but no he would rather put the franchise in the hands of a coach that no other team would even consider being there headcoach.

Chuck 54

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Jerry is a genius business man, and he learned a lot of psychological crap from Jimmy.

One thing Jerry has seen, and all of us paying attention have seen, is that the players love Garrett and play hard for him. We’ve seen players leave disgruntled, but you don’t hear them badmouthing Garrett.

Jerry is using any hint of Garrett being on the hot seat and referencing it in subtle ways at every turn instead of just keeping his mouth shut, and I think it’s obvious motivation and glue for the team. Jerry is not a stupid man...he’s not trying to create turmoil or a lame duck situation, which is how these comments would be taken in Washington, Miami, Cincinnati, and other teams that stink. He’s putting the team in the palm of Garrett’s hand and giving it a little extra goose in the rear. Maybe he’s not a great coach, but these players don’t want to feel they cost him his job.
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