Jerry Jones and NFLPA working to change NFL Marijuana policy

What's funny is not a lot of guys get High and beat their girlfriend but Budweiser is a sponsor so here we are.

Honestly when I'm drunk I care so much about the Cowboys and football but when I'm
High I think football is kinda silly and it doesn't matter who wins. This is a cultural issue rather than a scientific or moral issue

You're not a true Cowboy fan.

Drunk - High - Cowboys forever.
Should I thank you for the correct spelling now? I asked if they found anything he said they're evaluating and assessing that's not yes and that's not no. As I said it's been stated before they believe he had anxiety disorder or something as a kid or somewhere around there. I didn't ask for a breakdown of his condition it was did they find anything. If he is working on the case he can't speak on it if not a simple yes or no isn't violating any HEPA, HIPPA, HIPPAPOTAMUS, or any other laws. So no the question was referenced and eluded to not answered. Glad you two have such a great relationship you have to speak for him.

Again, you've misread the post.

Evaluation is in the past tense in that last sentence.

Why would anyone think that professionals have mishandled this valuable asset?
Should doubt be cast about everything this team does?

Even if the guys are thought to be meat on the hoof, they certainly represents a huge investment.

Policies and procedures were initiated years ago even before Calvin Hill came in and refined the HR system regarding at-risk players.
Every player gets a psychological evaluation, which becomes a more comprehensive and in-depth management strategy where appropriate.
Missteps lead to further analysis and may warrant psychotherapy and/or medication. This is not done from the "mind control" control perspective that some rant about, but from an identification of current issues that the patient recognizes and wants to be improved for the sake of their future.
Diagnoses of various anxiety disorders and types of depression are some of the most commonly encountered dysfunctions we see, many of which are mild and transient, but some are severe and disabling. Other more complex diagnoses will also be elicited and addressed.

If a player is suspended, his rehab is psychological; this is treated with as much importance as physical rehab from an ACL.

JJ has a strong paternal affinity to the team, sometimes to a fault. But he does not fail to provide his players with any and all the help they need.
My biggest problem with the NFL's marijuana policy is that the league allows players to use opioids with a prescription. Talk about addictive. Talk about gateway drugs.

As for dangerous, smoking isn't any more dangerous than running around at 4.5 speed and smashing into other human beings, often head first. Even with a helmet and pads on.
My biggest problem with the NFL's marijuana policy is that the league allows players to use opioids with a prescription. Talk about addictive. Talk about gateway drugs.

As for dangerous, smoking isn't any more dangerous than running around at 4.5 speed and smashing into other human beings, often head first. Even with a helmet and pads on.

Problem with that argument is after surgery I want a real pain killer like Vicodin not weed. Weed is not a true pain killer not when dealing with more serious injury or post surgery. Lets not act as if weed has the same effect as most pain killers
My biggest problem with the NFL's marijuana policy is that the league allows players to use opioids with a prescription. Talk about addictive. Talk about gateway drugs.

As for dangerous, smoking isn't any more dangerous than running around at 4.5 speed and smashing into other human beings, often head first. Even with a helmet and pads on.

But what about running around with 4.5 speed with impaired judgement?
My biggest problem with the NFL's marijuana policy is that the league allows players to use opioids with a prescription. Talk about addictive. Talk about gateway drugs.

As for dangerous, smoking isn't any more dangerous than running around at 4.5 speed and smashing into other human beings, often head first. Even with a helmet and pads on.

And I have no problem with medical marijuana just like any other opioid. I see no difference whatsoever between the use of the 2 for proven medical uses.
why for gosh sakes thats just mean spirited

It's mean-spirited to have rules governing conduct that is illegal and detrimental?

I'm going to stop now because it's clear that those who are OK with the illegal use of marijuana are not going to change their mind on a message board and I'm here to discuss football not whether or not drugs should be OK.
Problem with that argument is after surgery I want a real pain killer like Vicodin not weed. Weed is not a true pain killer not when dealing with more serious injury or post surgery. Lets not act as if weed has the same effect as most pain killers
I'm not advocating for outlawing opioids under prescription. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the gateway and addictive arguments.
But what about running around with 4.5 speed with impaired judgement?
How impaired are we talking? You don't think being loaded up with toradol isn't dangerous for the person who is numb? Even if you were playing while stoned (not what I'm advocating) it's not going to make you more dangerous of a player.
I'm not advocating for outlawing opioids under prescription. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the gateway and addictive arguments.

I would point out that most use weed as recreational not medically, that is like saying they use whisky for medical reasons. People who advocate for legalizing weed always start off by wanting it made legal using medical reason only to then demand it be made legal for recreational use. In the end I don't care if it is made legal or not I just don't care for the ruse arguments. I would also point out again that even in states like Colorado where it is legal courts still sided with business on them drug testing employees for marijuana use

Marijuana is the illicit drug most frequently found in the blood of drivers who have been involved in vehicle crashes, including fatal ones.10 Two large European studies found that drivers with THC in their blood were roughly twice as likely to be culpable for a fatal crash than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol.11,12 However, the role played by marijuana in crashes is often unclear because it can be detected in body fluids for days or even weeks after intoxication and because people frequently combine it with alcohol. Those involved in vehicle crashes with THC in their blood, particularly higher levels, are three to seven times more likely to be responsible for the incident than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol. The risk associated with marijuana in combination with alcohol appears to be greater than that for either drug by itself.8

Several meta-analyses of multiple studies found that the risk of being involved in a crash significantly increased after marijuana use13—in a few cases, the risk doubled or more than doubled.14–16 However, a large case-control study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found no significant increased crash risk attributable to cannabis after controlling for drivers’ age, gender, race, and presence of alcohol.

Endogenous cannabinoids
such as anandamide (see figure) function as neurotransmitters because they send chemical messages between nerve cells (neurons) throughout the nervous system. They affect brain areas that influence pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, movement, coordination, and sensory and time perception. Because of this similarity, THC is able to attach to molecules called cannabinoid receptors on neurons in these brain areas and activate them, disrupting various mental and physical functions and causing the effects described earlier. The neural communication network that uses these cannabinoid neurotransmitters, known as the endocannabinoid system, plays a critical role in the nervous system’s normal functioning, so interfering with it can have profound effects.

For example, THC is able to alter the functioning of the hippocampus (see "Marijuana, Memory, and the Hippocampus") and orbitofrontal cortex, brain areas that enable a person to form new memories and shift his or her attentional focus. As a result, using marijuana causes impaired thinking and interferes with a person’s ability to learn and perform complicated tasks. THC also disrupts functioning of the cerebellum and basal ganglia, brain areas that regulate balance, posture, coordination, and reaction time. This is the reason people who have used marijuana may not be able to drive safely (see "Does marijuana use affect driving?") and may have problems playing sports or engaging in other physical activities.

I've read that study. They leave out that those who tested positive for weed, were also drunk at the time. So was it the weed or the alcohol?

Then there was this at the end of your link:

However, a large case-control study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found no significant increased crash risk attributable to cannabis after controlling for drivers’ age, gender, race, and presence of alcohol.

Now, the problem with the study in the first place, is they just tested for the in the blood stream, which can be there for a month or more after having last smoked it. They aren't field testing like they do for alcohol, mainly because they can't. There are very very few police departments that have the ability, and that ability is just in the testing phase.

The war on drugs started by Nixon, is a racist and bigoted war. You can ask a Nixon advisor on the matter:

"You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."
I would point out that most use weed as recreational not medically, that is like saying they use whisky for medical reasons. People who advocate for legalizing weed always start off by wanting it made legal using medical reason only to then demand it be made legal for recreational use. In the end I don't care if it is made legal or not I just don't care for the ruse arguments. I would also point out again that even in states like Colorado where it is legal courts still sided with business on them drug testing employees for marijuana use
I'm not saying it should be illegal for the NFL to test them, I'm saying they should voluntarily get out of the testing business.

And the league doesn't outlaw alcohol consumption. You can't tell me a player playing drunk is more safe than a player who has smoked marijuana.
How impaired are we talking? You don't think being loaded up with toradol isn't dangerous for the person who is numb? Even if you were playing while stoned (not what I'm advocating) it's not going to make you more dangerous of a player.

What if it impairs you enough to do something like, for example, what OBJ did to Josh Norman going after his head. I mean, obviously OBJ is impaired a bit without any help from Marijuana, but what if someone was impaired enough to cause that lack of judgement he showed on his own and went after someone without care?
What if it impairs you enough to do something like, for example, what OBJ did to Josh Norman going after his head. I mean, obviously OBJ is impaired a bit without any help from Marijuana, but what if someone was impaired enough to cause that lack of judgement he showed on his own and went after someone without care?
What if someone gets drunk before a game and does that?
I've read that study. They leave out that those who tested positive for weed, were also drunk at the time. So was it the weed or the alcohol?

Then there was this at the end of your link:

However, a large case-control study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found no significant increased crash risk attributable to cannabis after controlling for drivers’ age, gender, race, and presence of alcohol.

Now, the problem with the study in the first place, is they just tested for the in the blood stream, which can be there for a month or more after having last smoked it. They aren't field testing like they do for alcohol, mainly because they can't. There are very very few police departments that have the ability, and that ability is just in the testing phase.

The war on drugs started by Nixon, is a racist and bigoted war. You can ask a Nixon advisor on the matter:

"You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

OK, we are getting into politics a little here so I will be careful, but couldn't the war on drugs have been for social concerns on what it was doing to people and their families rather than a racial motivation? Rather than, lets go after this certain race......
I'm not saying it should be illegal for the NFL to test them, I'm saying they should voluntarily get out of the testing business.

And the league doesn't outlaw alcohol consumption. You can't tell me a player playing drunk is more safe than a player who has smoked marijuana.

No but we see players suspended because of alcohol related issues. The fact that alcohol does not stay in the system that long makes it almost impossible to test unless the player is drunk when being tested. On the other hand marijuana stays in the system a long period of time because it is stored in the fatty tissue. Heck you be using cocaine over a weekend and pass a drug test the following week but I don't expect the NFL to say using cocaine is alright
No but we see players suspended because of alcohol related issues. The fact that alcohol does not stay in the system that long makes it almost impossible to test unless the player is drunk when being tested. On the other hand marijuana stays in the system a long period of time because it is stored in the fatty tissue. Heck you be using cocaine over a weekend and pass a drug test the following week but I don't expect the NFL to say using cocaine is alright
But they don't ban a player from accessing the team resources and facilities for weeks or even a year because of alcohol issues.
obviously the same concern and why employers should and can regulate what their employees do and are under the influence of at work!!!
They seem to handle the alcohol abuse issues ok without banning the player from interacting with the team.

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