Jerry Jones and NFLPA working to change NFL Marijuana policy

Fact is you have to fail multiple time to even get a 4 game suspension from the league. The level in which the league test is fairly high

"The updated policy, announced last month, increased the permitted threshold from 15 nanograms of carboxy THC per milliliter of urine to 35 nanograms.

That's not science-speak for one free joint a week."

Top it off the players know when testing will be taking place so failing it despite knowing ahead of time is beyond stupid. In Gregory case he failes before the combines? They all know they will be tested heading to the combines yet he still can't control himself? Come on
Should I thank you for the correct spelling now? I asked if they found anything he said they're evaluating and assessing that's not yes and that's not no. As I said it's been stated before they believe he had anxiety disorder or something as a kid or somewhere around there. I didn't ask for a breakdown of his condition it was did they find anything. If he is working on the case he can't speak on it if not a simple yes or no isn't violating any HEPA, HIPPA, HIPPAPOTAMUS, or any other laws. So no the question was referenced and eluded to not answered. Glad you two have such a great relationship you have to speak for him.

Well there's a big difference between HEPA and HIPAA and a HIPPAPOTAMUS.

I'm sorry that you can't figure out what people are alluding to. But it was clear as day, and you're making it more difficult than it should be.

Marijuana is the illicit drug most frequently found in the blood of drivers who have been involved in vehicle crashes, including fatal ones.10 Two large European studies found that drivers with THC in their blood were roughly twice as likely to be culpable for a fatal crash than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol.11,12 However, the role played by marijuana in crashes is often unclear because it can be detected in body fluids for days or even weeks after intoxication and because people frequently combine it with alcohol. Those involved in vehicle crashes with THC in their blood, particularly higher levels, are three to seven times more likely to be responsible for the incident than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol. The risk associated with marijuana in combination with alcohol appears to be greater than that for either drug by itself.8

Several meta-analyses of multiple studies found that the risk of being involved in a crash significantly increased after marijuana use13—in a few cases, the risk doubled or more than doubled.14–16 However, a large case-control study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found no significant increased crash risk attributable to cannabis after controlling for drivers’ age, gender, race, and presence of alcohol.

Endogenous cannabinoids
such as anandamide (see figure) function as neurotransmitters because they send chemical messages between nerve cells (neurons) throughout the nervous system. They affect brain areas that influence pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, movement, coordination, and sensory and time perception. Because of this similarity, THC is able to attach to molecules called cannabinoid receptors on neurons in these brain areas and activate them, disrupting various mental and physical functions and causing the effects described earlier. The neural communication network that uses these cannabinoid neurotransmitters, known as the endocannabinoid system, plays a critical role in the nervous system’s normal functioning, so interfering with it can have profound effects.

For example, THC is able to alter the functioning of the hippocampus (see "Marijuana, Memory, and the Hippocampus") and orbitofrontal cortex, brain areas that enable a person to form new memories and shift his or her attentional focus. As a result, using marijuana causes impaired thinking and interferes with a person’s ability to learn and perform complicated tasks. THC also disrupts functioning of the cerebellum and basal ganglia, brain areas that regulate balance, posture, coordination, and reaction time. This is the reason people who have used marijuana may not be able to drive safely (see "Does marijuana use affect driving?") and may have problems playing sports or engaging in other physical activities.

This whole thing is stupid.
There was lots of scientific evidence that showed marijuana is no worse than alcohol (if not less bad).
One of my parents was a scientist in one of several groups that worked on this in the 80's.
These research groups all had results that proved this.
They presented it to the government, but the research was suppressed.
So these several research groups were pissed and some of them left this area of research.

If the players want this, they just have to give up something in the financial negotiation.
The owners are going to hold on to this card, but I hope conspiring with the union will work for Jerry.
Jerry can try all he wants, but the other owners know POT is what stands between the Cowboys and a dynasty.
Seems to me most players in the league do not have a problem passing drug test, it is a group of repeat violators that continue to get popped and I do not feel sorry for them. NFL drug policy is not that difficult as mentioned players know when testing will be done unless you are already on notice for substance abuse.
This whole thing is stupid.
There was lots of scientific evidence that showed marijuana is no worse than alcohol (if not less bad).
One of my parents was a scientist in one of several groups that worked on this in the 80's.
These research groups all had results that proved this.
They presented it to the government, but the research was suppressed.
So these several research groups were pissed and some of them left this area of research.

If the players want this, they just have to give up something in the financial negotiation.
The owners are going to hold on to this card, but I hope conspiring with the union will work for Jerry.
Jerry can try all he wants, but the other owners know POT is what stands between the Cowboys and a dynasty.

So are you saying that Marijuana does not do the things to your brain that the study says it does.

Or you just disagree with the harmful effects of drug use and thus "it is stupid'?

Well when you're in the program, you're not allowed to drink. He must have drank a lot the night before the test. That's an instantaneous right now kind of test. Unlike testing for marijuana.
Sage, EtG can detect alcohol consumption as far back as ~50 hours (for heavy users). The companies that use EtG claim ~100 hrs of detection, but that claim by the drug testing companies has been proven wrong in controlled studies.

BAC testing, in blood/pee, only goes back ~12 hrs.

Still, it's crazy they were testing Gordon for booze. Unless he was playing drunk. I assume they were/are using EtG tests to test him, Sage.
So are you saying that Marijuana does not do the things to your brain that the study says it does.

Or you just disagree with the harmful effects of drug use and thus "it is stupid'?

of course pot does things to your brain.
so does sugar, salt, alcohol.
i did not do the research and i did not care about the research since i am a good little boy unlike bad boys like @Trouty.
i remember actually salt and alcohol are really bad.
cocaine is pretty bad, but pot is almost harmless in the overall scheme of things.

playing football is bad for your brain.
i bet those violent collisions are a lot worse than pot or alcohol.
i just think it is hypocritical to care about pot or alcohol, and yet there are things much worse.
just like putting a cell phone next to your head subjects your brain to microwave frequencies that cook water.
anyone of us going to stop using the phone, or how many bother to use a bluetooth headset that reduce the microwave level by at least 10x probably 100x.?

it is all about the $.
the owners want to hold on to their leverage.
the players will have to give up something to get it.
the cost has gone down since pot has become a lot more socially acceptable in the last 5 years.
if health is the focus, they need to play touch football.
if that is the case, football should be coed.
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Fact is you have to fail multiple time to even get a 4 game suspension from the league. The level in which the league test is fairly high

"The updated policy, announced last month, increased the permitted threshold from 15 nanograms of carboxy THC per milliliter of urine to 35 nanograms.

That's not science-speak for one free joint a week."

Top it off the players know when testing will be taking place so failing it despite knowing ahead of time is beyond stupid. In Gregory case he failes before the combines? They all know they will be tested heading to the combines yet he still can't control himself? Come on
Wow, I didn't know that,,, so they've more than DOUBLED the allowable amount to be present in tests?,,, I'd say considering everything, the leagues not that inflexible after all.

(O.k. ,,,now that I've actually read the article it's still pretty lame/weak considering what the benchmark is when testing Olympic athletes.)
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Wow, I didn't know that,,, so they've more than DOUBLED the allowable amount to be present in tests?,,, I'd say considering everything, the leagues not that inflexible after all.

Yep and unless you are under the abuse program these guys are not tested during the season and they know when testing takes place in the off season. Only guys getting suspended are multipule offenders by and large most guys are not having problems with the NFL policy yet people want to make excuses for the repeat offenders. Go figure

Hell I wish we had a drug testing policy where I work like they have in the NFL. Ours is truly random through out the year, we don't get 3 failed test, one will get you fired.
The NFL is idiotic to not remove it from testing.
Yes they can still punish it for arrests related to marijuana but no need to spend money testing it.
The failures create negative headlines, promote the league as thuggish and reduce availability of the owners most prime resources, NFL talent.

Weed is not a gateway drug. That's long since been disproven.
Yes people who do 50 drugs also smoke weed but the majority of weed users do nothing else.
Caffeine is far more widely used and accepted.

I hate life without caffeine but I'm not trying any meth just because i'm out of monster energy drinks.

If Jerry Jones has started this ball rolling it will pass in the next year or so.
If Goodell fights him he will just end up out of work.

The NFL was very smart and didn't test for Roids and HGH aggressively for a long time.
They allowed Baseball to collect the black eye.

But the NFL is taking a black eye around weed where the NBA and others leagues do not.
The NFL clearly will correct course, it's just a matter of when.
Again, you've misread the post.

Evaluation is in the past tense in that last sentence.

Why would anyone think that professionals have mishandled this valuable asset?
Should doubt be cast about everything this team does?

Even if the guys are thought to be meat on the hoof, they certainly represents a huge investment.

Policies and procedures were initiated years ago even before Calvin Hill came in and refined the HR system regarding at-risk players.
Every player gets a psychological evaluation, which becomes a more comprehensive and in-depth management strategy where appropriate.
Missteps lead to further analysis and may warrant psychotherapy and/or medication. This is not done from the "mind control" control perspective that some rant about, but from an identification of current issues that the patient recognizes and wants to be improved for the sake of their future.
Diagnoses of various anxiety disorders and types of depression are some of the most commonly encountered dysfunctions we see, many of which are mild and transient, but some are severe and disabling. Other more complex diagnoses will also be elicited and addressed.

If a player is suspended, his rehab is psychological; this is treated with as much importance as physical rehab from an ACL.

JJ has a strong paternal affinity to the team, sometimes to a fault. But he does not fail to provide his players with any and all the help they need.
Thank you for the response, I've read several posts on here thinking he would be just cut loose to fend for hisself if failing another test. It was becoming increasingly alarming to me that it seemed he kept failing without someone asking if maybe his issue isn't stupidity or addiction but deeper emotional issues and why they weren't addressing that. So thanks for the first and thanks for the second response in clarification. Definitely addresses my concern.
So are you saying that Marijuana does not do the things to your brain that the study says it does.

Or you just disagree with the harmful effects of drug use and thus "it is stupid'?
what things are you alluding to. Weed gets you stoned so does alcohol
Sage, EtG can detect alcohol consumption as far back as ~50 hours (for heavy users). The companies that use EtG claim ~100 hrs of detection, but that claim by the drug testing companies has been proven wrong in controlled studies.

BAC testing, in blood/pee, only goes back ~12 hrs.

Still, it's crazy they were testing Gordon for booze. Unless he was playing drunk. I assume they were/are using EtG tests to test him, Sage.

Interesting. I've had to do alcohol tests for a job before but it was a breathalyzer. My experience there is limited lol.
The NFL is idiotic to not remove it from testing.
Yes they can still punish it for arrests related to marijuana but no need to spend money testing it.
The failures create negative headlines, promote the league as thuggish and reduce availability of the owners most prime resources, NFL talent.

Weed is not a gateway drug. That's long since been disproven.
Yes people who do 50 drugs also smoke weed but the majority of weed users do nothing else.
Caffeine is far more widely used and accepted.

I hate life without caffeine but I'm not trying any meth just because i'm out of monster energy drinks.

If Jerry Jones has started this ball rolling it will pass in the next year or so.
If Goodell fights him he will just end up out of work.

The NFL was very smart and didn't test for Roids and HGH aggressively for a long time.
They allowed Baseball to collect the black eye.

But the NFL is taking a black eye around weed where the NBA and others leagues do not.
The NFL clearly will correct course, it's just a matter of when.

the biggest issue with allowing pot is their market.
i can see nba market being much more tolerant with pot than nfl.
question is what does mlb do?

the other problem is that changing a policy would attract attention.
they dont want to rile up portions of the fanbase that would disapprove, but i suspect they would not lose fans because of it.
Well there's a big difference between HEPA and HIPAA and a HIPPAPOTAMUS.

I'm sorry that you can't figure out what people are alluding to. But it was clear as day, and you're making it more difficult than it should be.
Maybe your right, I just saw the response of Doc50, CowboyStar88 and Doc50 aren't spelled the same either and yet you responded for him. True it is a forum but he addressed something I alluded to and I responded to him creating a small back and forth dialog. So I apologize oh Master puppeteer, your arms must be longer than wilt chamberlain to stretch from your home to his to help him speak. I wasn't making it more difficult IMO but it's a free country right now and we're both entitled to feel as we want. Thank you and adieu.
Interesting. I've had to do alcohol tests for a job before but it was a breathalyzer. My experience there is limited lol.
Oh yeah, brudda, breathalyzer is on the lower ends of detecting booze. :) "Detecting" is the key word, not whether one is drunk or not.

Gordon being detected (i.e. testing positive, not necessarily being drunk) for alcohol would flag him.
Maybe your right, I just saw the response of Doc50, CowboyStar88 and Doc50 aren't spelled the same either and yet you responded for him. True it is a forum but he addressed something I alluded to and I responded to him creating a small back and forth dialog. So I apologize oh Master puppeteer, your arms must be longer than wilt chamberlain to stretch from your home to his to help him speak. I wasn't making it more difficult IMO but it's a free country right now and we're both entitled to feel as we want. Thank you and adieu.

I like the ring of that "Master Puppeteer" :thumbup:

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